NEVER EVER EVER EVER Negotiate with a 2 year old!!!!
NEVER EVER EVER EVER Bribe a 2 year old!!!!!! (you take stuff away from them that they like for a set period of time, and then they can have it back! Mommy can take back ANYthing that she gives, THIS is the punishment!)
Consistency is the key! If you do something 9 times in a row, and then something different on the 10th time, he will ONLY remember that 10th time!
You have to train him that you are in charge. He is challenging your authority and YOU have to establish that YOU are the adult, and that YOU are in charge. When he acts up, put him the naughty corner. LEAVE him there and walk away. When his time is up, MAKE him apologize by telling him, "Tell Mommy you are sorry." If he says "no" or anything else, tell him, "Well, you have just earned yourself 2 more minutes." Come back and repeat as necessary!
The key to all of this is that YOU have to be activily engaged in a routine set schedule with him. He has to understand that mommy will give him loads of positive attention, and that he will not have to act up to get mommy's negative attention. In fact, he has to KNOW that when he is bad, he gets NO attention at all.
Once your authority is established at this juncture, he will challenge again in a few years, and then again as a teen.
2006-08-19 05:25:14
answer #1
answered by Manny 6
dont punish him jus use the incentive way it will work with him because he still young and not be able to make defrenciate between right and wrong
Children are not born knowing how to be well behaved. They need help and guidance from parents and other careers - and as all parents know this isn't always an easy job
Talking to other parents with children of the same age it may work and help u
Children learn that they get attention by doing things parents don't like.
A better way to encourage good behavior is to remember to praise them as often. This doesn't mean never reprimanding them for doing something wrong. But it's important to criticize the child's behaviour rather than the child as a person. Instead of saying, "You are very naughty", say something like, "I don't like what you're doing", or, "We won't allow that behavior".
Set limits for your child
Let children know what behavior is allowed and what isn't. Setting limits makes them feel secure. Be consistent about what is and what isn't acceptable.
2006-08-19 05:27:39
answer #2
answered by micho 7
You have to be consistent. If he is laughing at you and listening to other people, that means he has no respect for you. You need to figure out what really gets to him and use it consistently. For example, my son doesn't mind the time out chair at all, but he hates being put in his room alone. So that is what I do. You have to talk to them after the punishment is over to make sure they understand that they were punished for a specific reason and that they will be punished again if they continue. Some days I have to put my son in his room 10 or 12 times and other days not at all. Don't loose your patience, he is only two and still learning and don't give up. Always be very calm and make sure they realize they made the decision that got them in trouble. You have to punish them to ensure they grow up right. You better get him under control now, or visit him in prison later.
2006-08-19 04:45:40
answer #3
answered by whatdoiknow 3
Start acting like his mother instead of letting him have control over you. Don't put him around other people who take on your role. Be consistent and firm. Redirect bad behavior. Don't reward good behavior with "things" simply be very verbal about how proud you are of him. Don't tell him you you love only when he's good. Address the behavior, not him as a person. He's not dog, he's a 2year old. Talk to your doctor about what you should be expecting from a 2 year.
2006-08-19 05:44:41
answer #4
answered by tjnstlouismo 7
What are you trying to get him to do? Are you shouting to him from across the room, and constantly calling his name out? I think you need to get down to his level, make eye contact with him, and talk directly to him in a firm but not angry voice.
He doesn't listen you probably because you are over using his name and has learned to tune your voice out. Obviously, I don't know the whole situation, but try to relax around him too. You sound very tense and annoyed, so you need to take a break from him for an afternoon- leave him with a trusted family member and have an afternoon to yourself.
Chill out and enjoy your son, don't let him turn everything into an argument because you are the mom.
Discipline where needed, but have fun, too.
2006-08-19 04:53:48
answer #5
answered by ♥Pamela♥ 7
I have a 2 year old daughter the same way. She still don't listen all the time but what kid does. Stay consistent with him. Don't give in to fits and take things away that they look forward to. Like my daughter loves to drink out of water bottles so if she is not listening I don't give it to her. I give juice to her in a sippy cup. I explain to her that when she can listen to me and act right I will give her the water bottle. Of course she pitches a fit and gets mad and cries but soon she realizes that if she will just act right and listen to me it will be to her advantage. It takes time but now everytime she doesn't listen I show her the water bottle and tell her that if she will listen she can have it.
2006-08-19 04:45:18
answer #6
answered by tab 1
Be consistant with his punishments at all times. Don't say things like "if you be good, you'll get a cookie!" because I've seen too many parents say that, the kid misbehaves and they STILL give their little brat the cookie.
If you say that you're going to punish him - DO IT!!!!
It sounds like he's ruling the roost not you. You are his PARENT!!! You're not supposed to be his "friend." That sort of "friendship" comes later in life, when the kid knows where you stand on disipline.
2006-08-19 04:40:31
answer #7
answered by Firefly 4
Make promises and threats that you can keep and are willing to keep.
Eye contact
Calm voice
Communicate your expectation in advance
Please remember that he is not doing this to you so keep your ego out of it. When a child is frustrated, his IQ drops by about 30 points. If you are sharing child care with others, they need to be consistent as well.
Good Luck
2006-08-21 05:17:44
answer #8
answered by anirbas 4
they purely LOVE approval and praise. attempt catching him at being good and then praise him and tell him how satisfied you're. even as he does something incorrect, teach him the right thanks to do it, and if he imitates you and does it precise, praise him back. get mutually: if he pulls an ornament off the Christmas tree, placed it back on and teach him a thanks to the contact it very gently or purely seem at it with out taking it off. If he does that, pat him on the back and say"good boy. i'm so satisfied you could be comfortable." that isn't artwork every time; even as it would not, attempt redirection and/or elimination as yet another answer said. If he finally ends up having a tantrum, placed him in a danger-free position (like his room) and say, "you could come out even as your tantrum is over." And certain, it is going to bypass. For a lengthy time period, besides. Then they hit childhood.....
2016-11-30 19:53:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
put some kind of punishment, like sitting him in a chair for about 5 minutes, until he listens to you... do that everytime he doesn't listen. but make him understand that he's there cuz he isn't obeying you. Speak firmly, and let him cry! He has to understand that it's a punishment and it will happen everytime that he doesn't list to you,
2006-08-19 04:38:19
answer #10
answered by IW 2