They have been given a lot of bad press, and unfortunately people are very swayed by the media. Pitbulls can be very gentle and lovable, if they are raised right. They are strong minded dogs, so you have to be prepared to train them....REALLY train them. YOU have to show them who's the master, and once you do that, they'll respect you. They are very loyal and will be your friend forever.
2006-08-18 19:06:01
answer #1
answered by hop0409 5
What is an American Pitbull Terrier? The American Pitbull Terrier is a fit and handsome medium-size dog with a muscular body, sleek coat, comical expressions and an affectionate nature. Consideres the strongest dog in the world for its most respected and beloved breeds in our nation. A Pit Bull was the most Decorated hero dog during world war 1. Thomas Edison owned one. So did Teddy Roosevelt. "Pete", The Pit Bull Star of the Little Rascals and Our Gang comedy Series, Proved the intelligence and adaptability of the breed by being the only animal actor to make the transition from silent movies to talkies. The Breed dose not enjoy public appreciation as it did in the past. Before discussing the use, misuse and mislabeling the noble breed has endured. As the years went by, pockets of underground dog fighting activity continued in the United States. By the late 1960s, some dog lovers were determined to put a stop to it, and in 1970 the American Dog Owner's Association (ADOA was established for the purpose of terminating dogfighting. The ADOA was instrumental in getting the Animal Welfare Act Revised, leading to the arrest of many dog fighters. Meanwhile, the media focused its cameras and commentary on the teeth and muscles of the bloodied, exhausted dogs picked up during police raids on dogfights, instead of on the people who placed those dogs in the pit and wagered on the outcome. A media monster was born and its name was Pit Bull.
2006-08-18 19:48:41
answer #2
answered by Fonqui 2
It's unfortunate for the dog breed that so many people prefer a tough dog to satisfy the owners hard guy image.
Pitbulls are genetically selected to win dog fights. Pitbulls are very dangerous around children. Pitbulls are especially dangerous when there is more than one. They can go into an attack mode with little provocation.
Be sure to have your dogs neutered. Females have been known to be more vicious than males. Never trust a dog around children alone.
Pitbulls may be the sweetest dogs until they reach the age of 8 or so, when they may switch personality and become vicious.
Pits are energeitc and need extensive sport throughout the day. They chew everything in sight and they like to romp around endlessly. A pitbull living with another breed of dog will naturally be on the attack.
Cesar Milan, the dog whisperer has successfully trained pits to behave as normal dogs, but I think pits need advanced handlers.
Pits don't act like normal dogs. They don't have the keen sight, earing, and smelling ability of most dogs. Pits are normally relaxed and lazy, but abnormally explosive when duty calls, their endurance and tolerance to pain is supercanine.
Pits are naturally territorial and will defend an area without regard to the owners control. The dog goes into attack mode with single mindness on the mission to take down a target. You have to shoot them to stop an attack.
I'm sure many people will disagree with my opinion. They think a pit is like any other dog, and their pit is a perfect example of their kind and lovable ways. Other breeds are also dangerous and will turn on their owner. A dog is a wild beast. The domestic dog has transformed genetically to adapt to the conditions and demands people put on them. These conditions are wide spread according to human needs and factors of aggressiveness during combat have not been discounted.
Did you know a wolf has thirty percent larger brain size than the domestic dog? Most of the brain power is used for social conformity and organization within a pack. All domestic dogs are decended from wolves and have lost much genetically compared to the wolf. I see all domestic dogs as retarded deformed wolves, misfits and genetically inferior breeds, which the pitbull is a prime example.
The only dog I've ever seen with any sense is a wolf or coyote and they wouldn't allow a human to control them. The domestic dog is a reflection of the human, good and bad.
2006-08-18 19:47:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
As with all breeds, the Pit Bull has positive and negative traits in their temperament. Their breed history has led to a dog unlike any other in the history of purebred dogs. What can you expect from an APBT? First and foremost, memorize the following: THE GOLDEN RULE OF PIT BULL OWNERSHIP - NEVER TRUST YOUR PIT BULL NOT TO FIGHT! This breed is descended from pit dogs one way or another, and, given the right circumstances, most Pit Bulls will fight and against any other breed, they will win (you really don't want to see that!). Scared yet? You should be. Remember, as the owner of a Pit Bull everything you or your dog do will affect all members of the breed and their families. Pit Bull owners have to be extra vigilant 24/7, period. You need to be receptive, have strong leadership, and be able to read canine body language to recognize signs of tension between housemates. You need to be prepared to separate the dogs if tensions develop. You need to know when your dog may become aggressive and you need to have control of your dog under any circumstances. Sound like a lot of work and hassle? It is. So, what's the payoff? The payoff is: A well-raised pit bull of proper temperament is the most loyal and loving dog in the world, bar none. This is a dog that truly LOVES people, especially children. Pits are notorious clowns, and will Always make you laugh, even in spite of yourself. They are intelligent, and will often "invent" games to keep themselves amused. They seem to subsist on love and attention, and will do almost anything for a little special "loves n hugs" time. They tolerate the rough play of children, loving every minute of it, and, although poor "guard dogs" for property, they will willingly give their lives to save the people they love. Thousands of responsible owners have dedicated themselves to this breed for it's positive traits and willingly deal with the negatives.
2006-08-18 20:39:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Today the Pit Bull has evolved into a marvelous working and companion dog, used for purposes as varied as those it originally performed. Pit Bulls are employed as police/armed services dogs, search and rescuers, therapy animals, and livestock workers. They compete in all manner of organized dog sports, from herding to agility to conformation to obedience and the bite sports like Schutzhund and French Ring. They make loving pets for children and seniors, and everyone in between. The are indeed one of the most versatile breeds on the planet. Much of this is owed to the activities it once performed. The harshness and physical demands of the activities molded a strong, healthy, stable animal, one anyone should be proud to own.
2006-08-18 19:58:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
pit bulls love kids look at these pics.
Pit bulls are getting a bad rap and being banned across the globe. This is due to faulty and misleading or false media coverage, the governments need for a band-aid solution, rather than going for the root of the problem, myths, misconceptions of the general public being drawn in by the hype. But mainly, this is happening due to irresponsible owners.
Go watch this video; bull
Due to these owners, our dogs (the dogs of responsible owners) are being threatened of being taken from us, murdered or sent to lab facilities to be use in experiments.
We must educate the public to show them, it is NOT the dogs, but the irresponsible owners that are ruining it for the innocent dogs that have committed no crime. We must stop the Breed Specific Legislation before wonderful breeds have been put on the extinction list. Punish the irresponsible owners, not the dogs.
2006-08-18 20:22:23
answer #6
answered by raven blackwing 6
Dispite what all these narrow minded morons are saying above and now below..
Pits are not inheartly bad. The reason their are more reported dog bites by them is they are a group of 3-5 breeds including the American pitbull terrier the staffenshire terrier, bull terrier, american bulldog and the dogo argentina sometimes more but being grouped like that the population is more than anyother breed known increasing the statistics.
Its would be comprable to grouping mexicans spanish dominican and other latin groups in to one.
We breed pits and they are great dogs they love our new baby and our other kids they have never shown any aggression. we have 7 and they are all in the house all the time and we have never had a problem!!!!!!!
The point people need to remember is that any dog is capibale of biting and mauling people its all in the training or lack their of and people who fight are crimals and should be in jail. We dont condone chaining or tieing them out in the yard with bullies or any other breed it increases aggression. Yes bullies need more training and more socialization than most breeds but that just makes them better family dogs.
People who belive that all bully breed dogs are inherartly mean and aggressive need to check out the following sites/movies, if it dosnt change your opinion then all breeds of dogs are doomed.
If they completely ban bull breeds including boxer then guess what YOUR DOG IS NEXT BELIVE IT!!!
So little dogs dont maul huh check this out!!!!!
If you these dont make you think twice then God help you!
2006-08-18 19:37:59
answer #7
answered by redlasvegas81 2
i know when you hear on the news about a vicious dog attack its never from a Pekenese. Its always a Pittbull. I worked at a law firm many years ago that was involved in a class action case regarding Pittbulls and saw the photographic evidence in the files. Little girls with their faces torn off and grown men with mangled arms. It was horrific. Anyone who would argue for keeping Pittbulls probably doesn't understand how decades of specifically breeding an animal to be vicious can't be overcome with 'love' or 'training.' I'm an animal lover but Pittbulls are not natural animals, they are genetically engineered killers and should be wiped out. Here in my hometown last month an elderly woman was killed by her neighbors Pittbull while tending her garden and a few months ago three people were severely mauled by two PIttbulls, one man lost his arm in the incident. Our citywide area is now adopting strict anti-Pittbull legislation and in my opinion thats a very good thing.
and to the guy below me, if you could see the photographs and video tapes ive seen in working on lawsuits regarding Pittbulls you would understand that their 'rap' is well deserved.
2006-08-18 19:27:35
answer #8
answered by mastermindme 2
I actually don't know much about pitbulls except for when I've seen information on t.v. --- in news reports about them mauling people or other animals. I have to admit to not hearing much "good" about them on the tv reports -- are the reports biased? Probably slanted a little to get viewer attention.
I did see this web site: where you can ask questions
and this one as well for information:
2006-08-18 19:10:10
answer #9
answered by helpme 2
I had one growing up.
As long as you don't train them to be mean, they probably won't be but they are very protective of their owners so if you have other dogs around you, be careful.
Make sure you keep an eye on it because there was one guy who lived next door who would beat his dog and the cops got a tip he was smoking pot and my ex neighbor tried to claim that the reason that his dog was cut was because of my dog.
The cops found out the truth but things like that do happen.
If a pitbull has a tail, when they wag their tail, it really does hurt. lol
2006-08-18 19:26:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous