The truth is there is no true way to know. In your heart you must believe. The mind is a place that has freewill. Some Christians might tell you that your confusion is Satan trying to confuse you, others might say that you need to pray harder and open your heart not your ears to hear God's answers. But that isn't what you need to hear. If the only reason why you want to believe in God is because you believe on the off chance that he might exist and you don't wnat to have eternal damnation, then that is not a good reason. You should only believe if you feel that it is the right choice for you. I believe in God because it feels right to me. In my moments of darkness my belief in a higher power helped me through. The way that I look at my belief in God is that i know that I am not alone, someone is there for me when no one else is. Religion is designed to help you make sense of your life, to give it some sense of purpose. No one can or should force you to believe, that choice is for you. I believe in miracles, and I also believe in the human power of intervention as well. But the human intervention I believe is allowed because of the gifts of God.
In the end you just need to decide for yourself do you believe that a god did the act or do you believe that it was man. There will always be arguments for each side, and some say that there is no true answer, but I believe that the true answer is the one that you feel is right for you.
2006-08-18 05:25:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, let me start by saying that I'm a Christian, and I'm very analytical about things too. When I read the Bible, I really have to dig deep into it and think everything out so that it all makes sense to me.
The 1st thing I'm going to say is, get an easy to read Bible, if you haven't already, and then really study it. You'll find that a lot of the things athiests say will not make sense when you read it. Now, remember, if you truly are seeking, you will find. But if you do it half-heartedly you might get the same result an atheist/ex-Christian got.
2nd, God answers prayers. It's just sometimes God doesn't answer them the way you want.
3rd, God does intervene in our lives. But if you want to recieve His Son as your Savior, you need to ask. He won't force you to do it.
I hope that helped.
God bless you.
2006-08-18 12:25:45
answer #2
answered by ac28 5
Who, you got a lot of questions in there! First I agree, it doesn't make sense to believe "just in case" or because "I've got nothing to loose." Neither of those attitudes help someone become the kind of person God wants us to be. And there are things to loose, I've lost boyfriends who didn't want to support me in my Christian dating standards, etc. I absolutely think everything I've ever lost has been more than worth it though.
About getting answers to your prayers; you really need to practice being quiet after to you pray, and paying attention to how your feeling. It's a misconception that an answer to your prayer is always getting what you want, sometimes, the answer is "no" or "not now," but there is always an answer, but you have to pay close attention and practice hearing with your feelings. The spirit speaks to your heart and mind, and you can know what the answer is by how good and clear you feel inside, or how confused and troubled you feel inside. As I said, it takes some practice, but it gets easier and easier the more you do it.
Best wishes!
2006-08-18 12:33:21
answer #3
answered by daisyk 6
It is not about analyzing. It is about having child like faith. First you need to be sure you are saved. Did you ask Jesus into your heart? Did you admit that you are a sinner? Do you believe that Jesus is God's only Son? Did you confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord? If you did then you are saved. If you didn't then you need to do these 3 steps. It is as easy as ABC (Admit, Believe, Confess). After you do these things then when you pray, you have to know that God has 3 different answers to prayer. Yes, No, and Wait. God answers every prayer.
2006-08-18 12:26:41
answer #4
answered by Happy 3
Well, you're right. God probably wouldn't want you to say something along the lines of, "I might as well believe, what do I have to lose?" But the fact is that you can't fake faith. You can profess faith while not having it, but you can't fake it with God. God searches the heart and "hears" things there. That is, God hears your heart, and cares more for what is said there than for the words out of your mouth.
If you want faith, ask God for faith. He is the giver of all things. I have asked God to increase my faith, and he did...and does. I went to God first hardly believing in him, and asked, "If you exist, will you show me who you are?" And he did.
With faith...logic, reason, and analysis all make sense. But you have to go to God with a desire to have faith...not with a desire to engage forever in the self-centered inspection of your own mind.
I use "self-centered" in a literal way, not a judgmental way. That is, I'm not attacking you. I am just saying that looking for divine answers in a human mind is putting the human mind before God.
Atheists can say things that make sense. Believers can say things that make sense. "Sense" isn't the point, though. The point is going to God in humility and asking him for his will for you.
How do you know if a prayer was answered? You will know when you know. I'm sorry that that sounds vague--but if you develop a relationship with God, you will have no doubt when a prayer has been answered.
How to explain a person who claims God intervened? Well, that is a case-by-case thing. The way in which God "intervened" in my life is by letting me do whatever it was I chose to do and letting me burn myself out. That is, in my exultation of reason, logic, self, and all that stuff, God allowed me to do that and allowed me to crash. When I crashed--and when I realized that all that stuff was insufficient in and of itself, with nothing in addition to it--I went to God. I don't think God intervened in some direct way. But I think God sat there, watched with love, waited, and then came into my life when I asked.
That is probably a very unsatisfying answer for you. I'll try with a different example. God intervenes by performing miracles for his own good purposes. It was a miracle that a divine being was born to a human woman. That was God's intervention. Sometimes God intervenes in human being's lives for his own purposes--but not because of anything they did or didn't do, probably.
This is all difficult to discuss. The bottom line is that if you want faith, ask for it, and then all of your questions--not some, but ALL--will be answered. God lays it all out if you are really seeking to know.
2006-08-18 12:46:00
answer #5
answered by Gestalt 6
Sometimes God intervenes when we do not ask as He sees we really need it just as you would intervene in your childs struggle if you see they really need it. You like to be asked first but sometimes you will get in without being asked. Just like God will do too. When you ask in prayer for something that God answers, you can know it was HIm as if you asked as you should, you have already asked and thanked HIm for answering it before it was even done. That is faith that it is answered because God said it would be. Sometimes it is no or sometimes wait a bit but it will come at the right time for you.
2006-08-18 12:20:24
answer #6
answered by ramall1to 5
It's a very personal thing. You DON'T know if a prayer was answered of if it's just a coincidence. I think you just have to look inside yourself and see what YOU believe. No once can decide this for you - not even the Bible or the Torah or the Bhagavad Gita.
Happy seeking!
2006-08-18 12:20:28
answer #7
answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6
When you are Born -Again there will be a difference in your whole life.
The spiritual truths in life you will have a deep desire to know them .
Just like a baby desires milk you will desire to love the Word of God
the Bible.When you read and study and pray for understanding God
will teach you the truth you need.God is now your heavenly Father and
He will NOT EVER FORSAKE YOU.Start reading in the Books of John
JOHN, 1John,2John,3John then read ROMANS and ask Jesus to teach
If you ever need my prayer just em me and I will be glad to pray.
In Christ in Love,
2006-08-18 13:34:09
answer #8
answered by TJ 57 4
Perhaps someone else asked, on your behalf.
Seek the Spirit for it is the Spirit that will enwisen you.
In other words, go to the source of all knowledge and creation to get your most reliable answers, uncorrupted. The Bible is the guide, but the Spirit of God is the source.
1 Corinthians 2:13
This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
Colossians 1:9
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
2006-08-18 12:18:16
answer #9
answered by Just David 5
"Believe nothing. No matter where you have read it or who has said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." --The Buddha
You can't do any more than believe what makes sense to you and be a good person, trying to contribute rather than detract. That is all I need. Maybe it can work for you.
2006-08-18 12:23:40
answer #10
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7