I have no problem with having someone have a different belief than mine. If you choose to be a pagan then that is your choice. People have the right to believe what they want, and I believe that you have the right to do what you feel right so long as your beliefs aren't to force pain on others or to force your beliefs on others. I believe one thing because it is right for me, but if you don't believe it and you believe something else because it is right for you then I am happy for you.
2006-08-18 05:10:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Simple explanation. For Pagans there are a multitude of sources of powers in the universe, some are good, some are neutral, and some are bad. For Christians, there are only two: Either God or the Devil, so a Christian assumes that if something isn't coming from God, then it must be that other source, even though to pagans it's in a completely different category.
Hope that explains it for you.
2006-08-18 05:10:27
answer #2
answered by daisyk 6
I've tried that one before.
Basically, they say it's Satanic anyway, whip out a whole bunch of Bible Quotes, and just rant and rave about how God's the only way.
They'll also tell you that you're misleaded or that our Gods are false/fake and not real, much like another group of people... ()¬.¬
But, you asked this question, so, prepare for some pretty stupid and bad answers.
In response to people saying that the Pagan Gods are demons...... Pagan Gods came about before Christianity. Christ didn't come about til about 10 BCE, and he died in 33 AD. Christianity and the Bible was written in 400 AD, CENTURIES after Christ died.
Also, Christmas and Easter are both Pagan holidays. I just wish that people will sometimes look at religions other than their own to see the similarities, and recognize which ones came first...
- 16 yo Pagan
2006-08-18 05:06:31
answer #3
answered by Lady Myrkr 6
What I find so amusing about all this religious controversy is that in the end - almost every single religion points back to the same higher being or "God".
Yet, everyone wants to fight over "their God" or "my God".
Yes... Christianity stole most of the beliefs from the Pagans and Paganism is believed to be the most natural way of life before religion was even a word, before any religions were created, etc.
I dare any of you to compare the "rules" of Paganism against the "rules" of Christianity. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!
The biggest difference and where all the controversy seems to stem from is the fact that Pagans break God down into different areas. One name (another "god") when praying for health, call it another name (another "god") when praying for courage, etc.
People new to Paganism make matters worse on themselves because they have yet to realize all these "gods" are part of one God (or Goddess if you're from the Wiccan or other female based branch), one higher being - whatever you want to call him/her/it.
Anyone who's studied Paganism or lived the life long enough knows better. Same thing goes for Christians. Most go to church once a week and never truly study further into what "their belief" is really all about.
So there's all these barely informed Christians and Pagans alike, that go around without the whole story making accusations on one another and looking down on one another or trying to convert the other. (Mind you, I am speaking in general here - there's always exceptions and each individual feels differently about their religion)
I can go on and on and on about this for months - there's just not enough space on yahoo to lay out both religions, LOL. If you're truly interested, you can do plenty of research on your own, though.
Oh, and ironically enough - there are many, many groups out there (perhaps, another "religion" if it were accepted as one) that consider themselves "Pagan Christians" or "Christian Pagans" in which they study and live the good moral lives that both religions preach and teach about.
2006-08-18 05:38:53
answer #4
answered by JustMoi 2
Fear. It's based in fear. Christians don't understand what paganism is, first of all, and that fear of the unknown leads to anxiety and anger. There is a strong tendency to call anything non-biblical "devil worship" whether it is or not, because by default, by definition in the Bible, anything not of God is of the devil. As to why Christians seem to pick on one or two issues as the big kahunas and turn it into their personal saving mission, ya got me. I'm still studying that.
2006-08-18 05:10:08
answer #5
answered by LisaT 5
Christians are against paganism becuase that is directly against what we believe in. That doesnt mean we have any right to judge or discriminate against anyone but we are uncomfertable around the unknown. Most christians don't take time to understand and learn a little aobut other beliefs or non-beliefs in this case. Which is why they are so against it.
2006-08-18 05:18:53
answer #6
answered by Jenny P 1
Paganism is not devil worship. I consider myself a christian, but actually have beliefs that come from various religions/doctrines. Everything can not be explained with one set of rules or doctrines......helps fill in the gaps for me. Maybe I do this to cover my ***, but it works for me.
2006-08-18 05:09:43
answer #7
answered by But Inside I'm Screaming 7
As an expagan (norse) I can answer this pretty easily. First the Bible says to have no other Gods except him. Second He created everything including the beings that masquerade as the minor gods of paganism, These created beings desire to take your eyes off him because that is all they need to do to trap you. They can keep you a "good citizen" and you will never get to know about the TRUE fellowship of being with your creator and I think that is just plain mean. They do it for spite they are incapable of love and are just out to decieve you.
2006-08-18 05:09:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because as a christian, anything not of God is against him. There is no gray area. Either black or white. For God or against God. Paganism IS Devil worship...weather you know it or not. It dosen't matter if a person say "I don't believe in God"...They might as well say "I don't believe in the wind"...It's still there, and so is He!
2006-08-18 05:11:48
answer #9
answered by Randy 1
I'm not (anymore) but I can still tell you why.
Evangelizing religions like Christianity and Islam are against ALL other religions. Their ultimate goal, and reason for existence is to convert every person in the world to their religion, so the tolerance of other religions is just not something that is advocated by their "holy" books.
2006-08-18 05:08:16
answer #10
answered by Eldritch 5