,My dentist is nhs, I used to go every 6 months but last time she said the recommended time is now every 12 months. I cant remember how much I paid on my last visit.
I have 3 fillings in total and a gold crown that i never asked for! My last dentist did a root filling and gave me a gold crown with out telling me, I cried for about 3 days because I though I looked like a gypsy! I quite like it now though, its at the back you only see it if I laugh.
2006-08-17 22:14:43
answer #1
answered by lollipop 2
I go every six months for a check up and pay £15.00 on the NHS for about five minutes of the dentist's time. Fillings etc. are all extra cost of course, but much cheaper than going private. I have no problems getting appointments as the dental practise has just taken on five extra dentists, mainly foreign trained.
2006-08-17 22:11:21
answer #2
answered by blondie 6
You should go every 6 months, but if you look after your teeth REALLY well your dentist might suggest you go once a year. That's Private and NHS. A check up and cleaning is £15.50 on the NHS and approx £50.00 private.
2006-08-18 00:19:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I go to a private dentist every 6 months and it costs about $150 each time. I don't usually have cavities that need to be filled. We don't have NHS doctors in America.
2006-08-17 22:06:06
answer #4
answered by maigen_obx 7
Every 6 months is un-necessary. Current NICE guidelines state most folk will be fine with check ups every 9 to 12 months.
Under NHS Scotland fee system check ups are now free for everybody.
2006-08-17 23:05:40
answer #5
answered by bobbi b 3
Ive never had a cavity ( a feat when you consider im 19), but I go every 6 months private insurance costing about $150. a visit with flouride. About the same in pounds I would guess.
2006-08-17 22:09:08
answer #6
answered by amofber 2
About once a year unless you have a problem. In South Africa we have private medical scheme but they only pay a portion. My kids are 20 and 18 and have never had a filling in their lives. All my back teeth are filled!!
2006-08-17 22:08:35
answer #7
answered by jaygirl 4
i go to my private dentist once a year for polish and check up. i pay 200 Turkish Liras means £80.
2006-08-17 22:08:28
answer #8
answered by HOTTürk 4
Every 6 months - about AU$10 in Vietnam
2006-08-17 22:35:28
answer #9
answered by K.A kem 1
I dont go, I havent been for about 4 years. I hate dentists!
2006-08-17 22:03:38
answer #10
answered by OriginalBubble 6