Do it the healthier way. There is a fasting program called Nature's Secret Ultimate fasting Cleanse and all you take are their fiber and vitamin supplements for 5 days straight. It cleanses your liver, intestines, gets rid of bloating. It also has an appetite suppressant to help you along with hunger pangs. You will go to the bathroom and empty out all the backlog stuck in your gut. You will lose between 5 to 10 lbs.
I do this every 3 months when the season changes just to clear my carnivorous and junk food loving system.
2006-08-17 20:14:08
answer #1
answered by lipvixen 5
You should try The New Cabbage Soup Diet. You can find different variations on the web, but I got a book at Barnes N Noble. It's The New Cabbage Soup Diet by Margaret Danbrot. They say you can lose 5-15 pounds in a week. I am on day 3 and have lost 4.2 pounds. Good Luck!
2006-08-18 03:19:40
answer #2
answered by moms23kids 2
No way. Your body is use to the amount of calorie it is getting every day, and so is your stomach, it is used to getting the same amount of food it is getting every time you eat. The only solution to your problem is gradual diet and exercise. Instead of eating a lot of food, drink a glass or 2 of water first before eating; that way way, you'll feel full minus the extra calories because you no longer have to eat too much food. Don't eat if you are not hungry; lots of people eat even if not hungry because they love to chew. During dinner, stop eating the moment you feel full for the first time. Other people just burp and continue eating even if they are already full. Maybe you'll think it's such a waste to leave food unconsumed on the table, but this is better for your health.
2006-08-18 03:20:02
answer #3
answered by malko 3
what is your hurry? If you are in your twenty's it should be easy enough to lose 5 lbs by increasing your exercise and decreasing your food intake just a little. You are probably just perfect right now take a picture and look at it 30 years from now and you will agree with me I bet. Maybe it is good that we are unaware of our beauty when it is at it's peak,,,,how different the world would be if women knew the power of their presence in it. What if you made a list of goals that did not focus on your outward appearance you know how attractive a woman with an education and a career that she loves is? It is a woman that a man would love to give birth to his daughter... a strong and beautiful woman. be this , strong and beautiful.
2006-08-18 03:17:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Live on vegitarian green cold food.
Go for brisk walk or jogging at lease 2 hours a day in the early morning or after sun set.
Just check your hypertension before you enter in any weight reducing venture.
Best of Luck!!
2006-08-18 03:10:53
answer #5
answered by SESHADRI K 6
i wouldnt recommend loosing weight through any of the methods you mentioned as its not the healthier route to loosing weight. You will loose weight through these methods but its easier to put back on as (obviosly) you cant use these methods forever so as soon as you start eating "normal" again the weight will go back on alot quicker than if you ate a balanced diet and did it slower.
2006-08-18 03:30:09
answer #6
answered by life sucks at times 2
All that crap you mentioned is NOT HEALTHY you idiot. Yes, you will get sick. Stop being stupid and looking for the fast way out. It took longer than a few days to gain that weight so its going to take you longer than a few days to lose it.
2006-08-18 03:38:43
answer #7
answered by shakia27 4
hmm sry i cant help
2006-08-18 03:10:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous