I agree with you.
Anyone who is smart enough to know they don't want kids shouldn't have them!
It might be STRANGE to some people, but it is a HEAVY COMMITTEMENT.
If YOU want to keep having fun in life, you shouldn't have them!
You are a smart person. Maybe one day you will change your mind, if so, great. But right now you at least do not make UNWANTED babies.
That is smart.
Don't let them get to you.
In a way, you actually love the babies you don't have, because you know what's best for them and you.
I'm not being facicious nor cutting you down. I genuinely think you have it together. And all these arbitary baby makers are simply bring kids into a world in which they are not wanted, tolerated, loved, liked or appreciated.
They are the wrong ones. They beat their kids, they yell at them because they are "in the way."
The one who want them and love them are the right ones. The ones who know they are not ready for motherhood or don't want it, like you, are also right!
I wish more women would be this way when they don't want babies.
Those who do, fine for them.
It's a matter of knowing what is the right thing to do. Stand your guns!
2006-08-17 14:34:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think most people feel it is built into people to want to pro-create. They feel it is a natural "instict" built into us just like animals in the wild in order to keep humans from becoming extinct. If there was a wild animal who didn't want to have babies we would think that is odd and that there is something wrong with that. We would think that perhaps the animal experienced trauma or something as a young animal.
I think that may be how some humans feel about other humans who do not want to have children, especially those who do feel that natural urge to become a parent. I personally feel that I would not be complete without having a family and children of my own. However I respect other people's opinions. You feel differently than I do and I respect that. Not all people are respectful and that is the problem. Perhaps they feel that you must have been "traumatized" or something. Maybe it is our culture that is traumatizing us into not wanting to have kids!
I feel that you are perfectly within your right to not have children, and that is it also your right for people to respect that. Especially in today's age where all the things you listed above are so prevalant!
I do think that children are beautiful. I actually work as a nanny and have taken care of many infants. But it is terrible when children are born to parents who can not care for them, or won't. There have also been many days that I come home swearing I will never have children! However in the end it is the decision of each individual to make their own decisions. And wouldn't it be wonderful if all people acted responsibly and decided not to have children when they can't (or won't) take care of them!!!
2006-08-17 21:44:58
answer #2
answered by Ann 4
Its much smarter to know yourself and know that you do not want children as part of your life, than to have them and find out later. I work in Early Childhood and know sooo many parents that shouldn't be. I firmly believe there should be free birth control provided to anyone who wants it, the morning after pill should be readily available, and there should be some mandatory parenting classes before a mom/dad/couple whatever takes their kid home from the hospital or even gets pregnant. Like in High School - not just those plastic babies, and not just for kids who sign up. Mandatory, like math and then teach them how much it costs, how it affects your career, how they will be representing you for life, how you will have to learn to accept them, how to treat them right, and that there IS a wrong way to parent.
Sorry I am ranting.
But seriously, it is not a job that is cut out for everyone, it is not a requirement of adulthood, and I think if more people took the time to realize that it is a choice, we might all be in a little better shape. Good for you.
2006-08-17 21:53:00
answer #3
answered by Kaitelia 5
Peach, I think that is a brave decision and one not easily made. I have children and thank God every day for their health and happiness. I do understand you not wanting them, though. I think it is a brave decision on your part, knowing that for whatever the reasons you do not want children. Also, I do not think you need to explain that answer to anyone. Do you go and ask people why they had their kids? I bet, not. I hate that people think that just because society says women should grow up, get married and have children that it makes people think someone is strange if they want a career or a life of their own and do not want children.
2006-08-18 09:51:30
answer #4
answered by Kristi M 1
You are so very right. Some of the worlds biggest problems are because people are having kids for the wrong reasons, like "it's the in thing to do"
Thank You for noticing this and not having them.
2006-08-18 04:12:16
answer #5
answered by olschoolmom 7
I depends how you get your opinion across. If you come across as a ***** who hates kids and thinks they are useless and a waste of space, people are going to have a bad view of you, and will most likely tell you what they think. I think it is ok to not want kids, but try to tell people that you don't want them in a way they will understand and not think is harsh or mean.
Oh, and please dont let these bible thumpers make you think differently. Just because kids are a gift from God and whatever, doesn't mean you have to have them and you won't go to hell if you dont.
2006-08-17 21:27:49
answer #6
answered by blondie_879 3
You are definitely entitled to this opinion. It is certainly interesting that sometimes more pressure is put on people for NOT having kids vs put on young people who lack any financial resources or support networks for having kids.
I think some people are jealous, because by not having children you will avoid all sorts of stress they have to deal with. You will have much more control over many aspects of your life than those people who have children.
2006-08-17 21:26:38
answer #7
answered by Ladida 4
If you don't want kids good for you for admitting it. I am also sick of seeing these people out there who have kids then decide oh wow they are expensive. Duhh.
I have two of my own and love them to death. I work hard along with my husband to give them the kind of life we want for them. I would be a pathetic women without children. They are my life.
My sister however is 2 years older then me. She and her husband also have choose to not have children. It is a good thing for people like you and her to be able to admitt that rather than make one wrong move and regret it for the rest of your life.
Good Luck. Make sure you do have someone to take care of you when you are old. I am hoping my two kids will take care of me and my husband. I am sure they will also help out their favorite Aunt. She spoils them rotten.
2006-08-17 21:47:09
answer #8
answered by Bears#1 2
I had one myself and that was enough. How do I give him what I want to give him when I can't afford more than one? People used to give me a hard time about not wanting anymore, so I used to ask them if they would like me to forward all the doctor bils, grocery bills, etc. to their house. That shut them up real quick. That Is a very private decision which is no one else's business.
2006-08-17 21:33:56
answer #9
answered by hey_baby138 3
If that is what you want, then it is COOL. Why Listen and be bothered by loud mouths.
I have kids and I love them, I may not be able to give them everything they need, but I try my best. Some fools have kids and wish they don’t. What you want is your business, does not concern the loud mouths.. You are not there to satisfy them and be like them. You are you, That is your choice. Your choice to have kid or not, does not hurt anyone.
2006-08-17 22:10:06
answer #10
answered by timer 3