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I just received a letter to go to New Zealand, to travel to Australia and New Zealand to visit and study for 20 days, and to live with some people while there. By doing so I can earn high school credit and college credit, and it seems like a wonderful opportunity, but the thing is I'm only 14 years old, and From Texas to New Zealand is quite a distance. This is a one in a lifetime type of deal, but I'm kind of scared to leave my family and travel across the world to live with some people I don't even know.

Should I stay or should I go?

2006-08-17 12:13:53 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

46 answers

I can understand the kind of fear you're going through. I was 18 when i moved to Singapore from Malaysia for a 6 years sponsorship study and work programme. I was scared to death and i was much old than you're. But hey! Look on the brighter side, you get to be independent and learn to fend for yourself. Plus, this is a one in a lifetime opportunity. So, ok, what i am trying to say, this kind of opportunity doesn't come knocking on your door daily. It's only 20days! I think there are more benefits than the disadvantages.

What i suggest is you list the pros and cons. Go through it with your parents. Tell them your fears so that they can talk to you about it. Ultimately it's your decision. But, if i were you, i'll go. Once you're able to conquer your own fear, you'll become a better person!

I've sinced completed my 6 years stint and i have moved on to Australia to make my dreams and goals a reality.

I know you can. Just take the courage that's in you and go!

All the best and Good luck!

2006-08-17 12:26:42 · answer #1 · answered by denizen251 2 · 0 0

You should go.. when you leave make sure your family gives you a calling card.. and adds minutes on it whenever you need it.. Because if this is once in a life time for you to travel and get college and high school credits, then go for it.. I don't think you want to miss the opportunity of a life time, and neither would your family!! Communication is the best way to handle things like family missing you!! If you can communicate with them you wont miss them as badly!! You will probably still miss them but you will feel much better to hear from them every other day then not at all.. So at least you will have fun in a different place then in Texas all the time.. Your young and you should have fun.. Your famiy would understand!! But good luck on whatever you decide!!

2006-08-17 12:32:14 · answer #2 · answered by Gales Baby Boo 2 · 0 0

Talk it over with your folks, but my advise is to go. Travel enriches and broadens the mind. Don't pass up something and then spent the rest of your life thinking about what you could have done. With e-mail you will not be out of touch. Distance is only in the mind now and besides, it's only 20 days, Spring Break is longer than that.
Think of the story's you can tell your Friends, most of whom I am betting are pretty green with envy right now.

2006-08-17 12:27:56 · answer #3 · answered by Aurthor D 4 · 0 0

My advice would be not to go. You are only 14 and have a life time of opportunities ahead of you. It is a dangerous world out there to be traveling half way around the world without anyone looking out for you. good luck, Julie

2006-08-17 12:27:51 · answer #4 · answered by julie 1 · 0 0

this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you must be a very special person to have received such a great offer everything happens fora reason don't pass up any great opportunities you get in life doors don't always open when you want them to take advantage of the ones that do opportunity is knocking sweetheart!

2006-08-17 12:21:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is the opportunity of a life time!
You should take it. My sister went to France this summer and was home sick for a few days, but as soon as she realized how cool it was to be in another country and experience things we could only dream about she took real advantage of it!
As long as you have your family's support then go for it. You can always call them and e-mail them.

2006-08-17 12:33:35 · answer #6 · answered by Farmgirl 3 · 0 0

You should go - what's 20 days for the opportunity of a lifetime?

2006-08-17 12:19:39 · answer #7 · answered by skippy 3 · 1 0

Go, go, go! You'll have a great time & meet great people! The good thing about staying with a family is that you already have an "in" for meeting other people. Don't miss this opportunity and regret it later on!

2006-08-17 12:18:40 · answer #8 · answered by April M 3 · 0 0

You're scared? DO IT ANYWAY!

Don't pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity because of a little fear......we all fear what we are not certain of.
Just assume that people the go with you love you and think highly of you. Chances are, they are just as scared of being rejected or harshly judged. Inspire them to feel good about themselves by being extroverted. Notice their good qualities and point them out to them. You will make friends for sure. You will form bonds with the people that you share this experience with just by default, so make it good bonds.....
If you back down, you will always regret it. You will lose respect for yourself and always kick yourself.
But if you gather your courgage and go, you will learn so much more about yourself, you will make yourself more interesting, experienced, and well-rounded, and you will make new friends that share this with you. It will build you up....

2006-08-17 12:25:39 · answer #9 · answered by pandora the cat 5 · 0 0

Don't go. I wouldn't feel safe sending my child across the world. I'm sure you can receive a lot of credits at your school. And nowadays, with everything you hear on the news. How can you really trust anyone anymore, especially strangers and to live with them for almost 3 weeks? I didn't let my daughter go.

Oh, and you WON'T regret it for the rest of your life. LOL

2006-08-17 12:21:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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