Umm, lol, I had a young lady ask if she could use a "pizza cutter" on me once (in the heat of passion). I still to this day have no idea what she was going to do with it... I left pretty abruptly.
2006-08-17 10:04:27
answer #1
answered by chicagodan1974 4
I think you've got a perfectly valid point. Don't exchange interests for something like that! And, the toys/comics/etc category really isn't that bad so long as the guy isn't obsessive. I think most girls/women have come to terms that no matter how great of a man we have, there will always be a little bit of 'boy' left inside of him. Not to say that we're not guilty of the same thing. Keep up what you're doing, just make sure it's a healthy interest and not an unhealthy obsession.
2006-08-17 10:03:58
answer #2
answered by Olivia B 6
WHAT??? Are you from this solar system? I don't even know what you just said. I'll tell you one thing.....if you are more interested in comics , and a shibby....what is that? Your TOYS? Are you a 10 year old? I'm serious. If you are, it is WAY too early for you to be concerned with not playing with your toys. If you are a teenager,(which I suspect) ....your ENTIRE statement is very weird. Have a nice trip back to your own planet.
2006-08-17 10:03:24
answer #3
answered by I am Sunshine 6
I would find toys / comics a bit creepy. It makes you sound immature and pathetic. Plus you might get some money out of it if you sell it all.
I would not advise buying a rampant rabbit, that is even more creepy. But you could try buying some nice sheets and some massge oil or even a book on sex tips / possitions.
2006-08-17 10:04:53
answer #4
answered by Yasmin H 3
Okay, I am assuming you are saying " sell toys and buy sex toys"? If this is the case then NO WAY. You do not want to bust out with any sex toy on your woman. She does not want to use something that may be "used". Now, if you want to go shopping together now that is all good! I am all about making a place " women friendly" but having toys is a bit to far. I myself have a somewhat feminine bedroom...b/c why?...who do you think I want in there??? Not my football buddies! You have to have a place that is cozy and inviting so they feel comfortable and also compliment you on it. Hell, if you are not sure how to do this then get a platonic girlfriend to help. She'll love that, mine do.
2006-08-17 10:07:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ok so I have to agree with most of what everybody else is telling you. Be yourself. If you like the toys and comics don't trade them in. If a woman really likes you she will accept you as you are and not care about the toys. Also "toys" everyone is right that's not something you just bust out with. You both have to agree and go shopping together.
2006-08-17 10:14:02
answer #6
answered by kristakitty03 1
Well, for one thing, that would freak me out because I wouldn't know who else he's used it on and whether or not it was clean. I would run as fast as my little legs could carry me.
And secondly, I chose my guy because he has comics/toys/etc. You'll miss out on the sweet geeky girls if you get rid of those! Find a girl who'll appreciate you for those things, and buy a toy together, especially for her.
2006-08-17 10:04:43
answer #7
answered by mikah_smiles 7
I wouldnt use a toy that a guy I was dating had unless we bought it together or it was new in the package. Those are things you just do NOT share. Being a freak is ok but you have to ease into that stuff and learn boundaries.
2006-08-17 10:04:08
answer #8
answered by taz4x4512 4
you the part you dont know is that women are wilder in bed the us guys ever thought about being. you get a girl wound up, she wouldn probaly never say anything at all about it. depends alot on age to. a 18 year old would freak out where a 25 year old would just smile
2006-08-17 10:04:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ain't nothin too creepy, if you have the attitude that makes it OK. As for the toys,...keep 'em in the box, until you know her better. Then, when you break 'em out, she'll know you're ready to take it to the next level.
2006-08-17 10:05:31
answer #10
answered by longhair140 4