A puppy mill is a term used to describe what may be considered the irresponsible and inhumane practices of some dog breeders when breeding on a large scale. Small-scale puppy farming is usually called backyard breeding.
Yes they do hurt animals, it is very sad. They starve the animals, dogs etc. They don't feed them or give them water. Locked up in small cages or tied up.
Go to
www.stoppuppymills.org for more information or
If you know where a puppy mill is please contact your local animal shelter or ASPCA and report animal cruelty at this website
2006-08-17 10:12:05
answer #1
answered by Nate K 2
barns and wooden fences of Amish country, pedigree puppies being bred by the tens of thousands,
many living in a hellish world of filthy, crowded cages.
cages stacked so that the puppies on the bottom are defecated and urinated on, by all the puppies
above them.
They are "puppy mill" puppies
when the puppies survive without major health defects, the puppy-mill system is a cruel one, treating
dogs like farm livestock.
Don't buy a puppy from a pet shop!!! Buying from pet shops supports puppy mills by increasing the
demand. When you are ready to buy a puppy, find a responsible breeder
Puppy Mill?
With in reason, the number of dogs kept can not alone determine if
someone is a puppy mill. Some people can love and take excellent care
of ten dogs while someone else can not properly care for one.
Some people insinuate if a person is not showing their dog they are a puppy mill.
This is not true. Some people have never shown their dogs
or have shown in the past, produced champions and top producers and just
quit showing. They breed for the pure joy and challenge of producing
beautiful puppies, striving for each generation to be better than the
last. They have that picture of the 'perfect dog' in their head too and
want to produce it.
Many breeders have formed cliques, circles of friends. They pass
their own judgement of other breeders, often when they know little or
nothing about them. They can be very quick to criticize the non-show person,
judging and denouncing them as a puppy mill. When in fact, they may have
better quality puppies and take better care of them.
Do not listen to ill winded people. Be intelligent. Be alert. You
know when an enviroment is clean; when puppies and adults are clean,
groomed and well mannered. It doesn't take a person active in the showring
to study pedigrees and health issues, to be honest and caring.
Spend a little time talking to a breeder and don't be so quick to
criticize till you know the facts. Who knows, you may make a good
long-lasting friendship and come to appreciate each other. An open mind
is always more likely to find the truth than a closed one
2006-08-17 20:47:39
answer #2
answered by badgirl41 6
a puppy mill simply means a greedy breeder. They raise too many animals that they can't care for properly: vaccinations, food & such. They over breed them so that they can sell the puppies and make money. Most of they puppies are sick. The dogs are kept under extremely poor conditions, are not socialized and are mistreated. These are the places that most pet store dogs come from so beware and don't buy from a pet store unless you want to have your heart broken and get a sick dog that will possibly die.
2006-08-17 22:04:19
answer #3
answered by two4fun05346 2
Puppy mills are places where people breed dogs just for the money not cause they love dogs. The dogs do normally end up being hurt. It is NOT a good place.
2006-08-17 17:26:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Puppy mills are often dirty and keep far too many dogs together, spreading disease and sickness among them. The puppies can become mean and aggressive or have fatal health problems - and of course, they do not tell you this when you go buy your puppy from the shop. The dogs they use to produce the puppies may have problems too, or might not be given time to heal after their litters.
More often than not the puppies once sold are either sick or unsocialized, and if they don't die on their own are often put down.
2006-08-17 17:11:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
a puppy mill is a place, usually somebdy's house, where they have many many dogs breeding way too many puppies. They sell these puppies to make money, a lot of puppies found in pet stores come from puppy mills. These dogs are NEVER taken good care of. They usually live in filth and in cages. The owners of these dogs only view them as like machines to make puppies for money, they are not viewed as loving pets.
Check this out:
2006-08-17 17:06:39
answer #6
answered by dogluver8906 4
The term "puppy mill" usually refers to a breeding facility where dogs are kept for the purpose of giving birth to puppies so that they can be sold as pets. They don't necessary have to be, but many of them are believed to be crowded and unsanitary.
Many animal rights activists tends to label anything that raise puppies as "puppy mills" to generate negative publicity. Perhaps you should look into it on case-by-case basis and make your own determinations.
2006-08-17 17:05:17
answer #7
answered by tkquestion 7
A puppy mill is where dogs are used strictly for breeding, and then they sell the puppies. Usually the female dogs get pregnant again as soon as their last litter of puppies is gone. They're kept in cages, and don't have any human contact. It's really sad if you are a dog lover like myself. You can read about them here:
2006-08-17 17:10:13
answer #8
answered by SLR 3
a puppy mill is a dog breeder that breeds dogs for the sole purpose of getting money. They will breed as many dogs as possible and sell them as quickly as possible with out trying to better the breed of dog that they are breeding. Most of the time the dogs are not quality dogs. do NOT buy a dog from a puppy mill.
2006-08-17 17:08:23
answer #9
answered by Corey B 2
Apuppy mill is a place wher e people keep a bunch of puppies that they have had their dogs breed to have or that they have bought. They might not hurt the animals there ...but all the ones I have seen have very horrific conditions...and even dead puppies...they kept them in tiny cages and they lived in theri own fesces. So alot of them were very unhealthy and malnurished. So I guess that is a way of being hurt. And very deglected. But not all are like this. Have you ever wached animal cops?
2006-08-17 17:06:42
answer #10
answered by Love not hate 5