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All my bf wants to think about is sex.

2006-08-17 09:41:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

8 answers

1. Sit down with him alone.
2. Tell him that he is going to fast. That you love him but he is to fast for you. If he really loves you he will go slower.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-17 09:50:05 · answer #1 · answered by Jane*One look is all it takes... 3 · 0 0

Just tell him straight up you want to take it slow. Tell him your not ready for sex just yet. If he doesn't want to accept it. Than it will be better for him to move on. You don't have to rush for anybody. You decide when your ready. If the guys can't respect you for that. Then they were no good to begin with. Remember there is plenty fo guys in the sea and I know there is one special one for you! Good luck!

2006-08-17 16:53:46 · answer #2 · answered by Humming Bird 4 · 0 0

Tell him how you feel. My bf did the same thing. I told him that if he wanted a relationship then he would need to stop. Stand up for yourself. No one can do it for you.

2006-08-17 16:49:35 · answer #3 · answered by ~College Lovin~ 3 · 0 0

Tell him straight out. You`re going too fast. If he respects you, he`ll understand and take it slower. You don`t have to rush. If he pressures you than he`s proving to you that he`s not worth it. If he cares about you, he`ll wait until you`re ready also.

2006-08-17 16:52:21 · answer #4 · answered by Dragonfly 2 · 0 0

Weren't you saying you were a lesbian in your last question? Why don't you just tell him that you aren't into sex with guys?

2006-08-17 21:17:19 · answer #5 · answered by Nicole 4 · 0 0

then tell him that hes going to fast, and dont let him rush you.

2006-08-17 16:50:00 · answer #6 · answered by its all about me 3 · 0 0

Give it to him!!! Hes hungry!!

2006-08-17 16:47:05 · answer #7 · answered by cwsucks6 2 · 0 0

Just tell his ***.

2006-08-17 16:48:19 · answer #8 · answered by Kenya 3 · 0 0

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