Go to www.fafsa.gov and fill out their application. It is time consuming and you will need lots of info. This site is all government grants, loans, etc. It can tell you as soon as your done what types of assistance you qualify for.
WARNING----if a site that appears to be fafsa wants any type of payment for the application you're at the wrong site. The above is no charge. Be sure you do .gov---not .com or anything else.
2006-08-17 09:04:35
answer #1
answered by Special Ethel 3
I usually fill out the FASFA, which is the one form to fill in for eligibility for state grants and national aide. It comes out at the beginning of the year and the sooner you fill it in, the better because its based on need and availability. It all depends on your income level too.
I think the website is http://www.fasfa.gov and I've filled one out every year since I've been in school. Its not 100% school paid for but it does help where scholarships and loans can't meet.
2006-08-17 09:03:17
answer #2
answered by zigspc2002 2
There are several books from an author named Matthew Lesko that list all kinds of grants for anything you can think of. He is the guy in the infomercials with the question marks on his jacket.
They have lots of the books here at Amazon.com
2006-08-17 09:02:42
answer #3
answered by Mike M. 2
The bible for educational funding is a book called Don't Miss Out. Always get the latest edition. It has helped me through six undergrad and four grad tuitions. Don't forget you are eligible for a tax credit of up to $2,000 for education when you file your taxes.
2006-08-17 09:41:18
answer #4
answered by Joe College 1
college internet web site is the staggering source to seem for the scholarship and supplies you. talk with economic help counselor in school, they have the staggering source for you. be conscious with the business helper on-line or e mail. a number of them are pretend, they only choose your recommendations. college is the staggering position to ask for help. once you've an effective grade and solid with essay. you could qualify for finished classes in school. one in each and every of my pal were on condition that. So happy with her! playstation : she instructed me seem for some unpopular scholarship, you may have more beneficial probability to get it in. My pal chosen the single purely have 3 people stick with. Lot of her college scholar did not like it, didnt stick with for it, yet she were given it!
2016-11-05 01:00:36
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Hi. When I was a single mom w/ 2 kids, I went to books-a-million and bought a book called the complete scholarship book. it has more than 30,000 sholarships listed.
Good luck and God bless!!
2006-08-17 09:05:38
answer #6
answered by Wildflower 3
^ one of the best ever babygirl =)
2006-08-17 09:04:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous