your cat is using his instincts he is "killing socks" and giving them to you to show you his apprieciation and gratitude for being his mommy...praise the cat and play with him
2006-08-16 15:02:04
answer #1
answered by 2
My cat has done something similar. Gross but similar. She would kill like a spider and bring it to me. Also one time I had a mouse in the house that had babies and my cat would kill them and bring them to me but sometimes she would play with them and before they would be dead she would come and give them to me. She brought one to me on my bed while I was asleep and when I felt it drop on the bed and looked and saw that it was alive I threw the sheets up throwing the mouse across the room. Another time she put one in my dish water while I answered the door and when I came back I grabbed a dead mouse instead of the wash cloth. She has dropped them at my feet while I am on the couch and on the toilet. I think that they do this because it is their way to get approval. Kinda like "LOOK WHAT I DID".
2006-08-16 22:01:27
answer #2
answered by lvb524 3
We don't have a basement and I don't leave dirty socks around, but what your cat does is sweet! No, all my fat indoor cat does is to flop on the edge of my bed at night, on the sheets, leaving her fur all over and making me sneeze.
2006-08-16 22:01:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's just in the nature of cats to brings stuff back to it's mother (owner). Don't put socks where the cat can access.
2006-08-16 22:17:35
answer #4
answered by AudC 1
Your cat wants your attention, so when the cat does this, give a treat for a job well done.Your cat is trying to bring you, a surprise, like when they go out & hunt, to show they love you.
2006-08-16 22:07:22
answer #5
answered by sqishieears 4
I used to have a cat who brought me oak leaves, just oak leaves. Not maple or birch or willow leaves...personally I've always thought that she was never taught to hunt by her mother, but still had the instinct. She just didn't know what to do with it. Your cat may or may not know how to hunt, since he's an inside cat without prey opportunities, he hunts what looks, or in this case, probably, smells promising to him...LOL Anyway, he's having fun so what the heck, right?
2006-08-16 23:33:37
answer #6
answered by Molly 2
Your cat isn't that weird. Why do you have a basement full of dirty socks?
2006-08-16 21:59:11
answer #7
answered by Tuna-San 5
My cat loves wet wash cloths that are hanging to dry and she loves flip flop shoes. Cats are curious...hint the phrase "curiousity killed the cat" Cats find interest in the stranges things. I would consider that normal behavior. If it really bothers you, I would recommend cat toys to keep her/him preoccupied
2006-08-17 03:43:36
answer #8
answered by denisemc21 1
Your cat presents you with a gift of "prey". You should reward your cat with a treat, and praise. This is entirely normal behavior since cats are truly predators.
2006-08-16 23:51:10
answer #9
answered by marque_de_sade666 3
I call it the love offering. Cats seem to kill things and leave it at the door steps to earn their keep. I can't say why they do it, but it seems to be a good jesture.
2006-08-16 22:01:05
answer #10
answered by Josh S 7