2006-08-16 11:29:54
answer #1
answered by The Big Shot 6
My family has had 1 or more cats since I was like 7-8. I just grew to love them and now I'm almost thirty and have a 1 yr old kitty of my own.
2006-08-16 12:29:41
answer #2
answered by Haleigh's Mommy 2
I have always been a dog person and never considered owning a cat. However, when my neighbors moved, they couldn't take their cat with them and we adopted him. Ever since I have become an official cat lover! My cat is so sweet and loving and has such a unique personality!
2006-08-16 15:52:13
answer #3
answered by belissima7 1
I started liking cats when my grandmother's cat had her first litter of kittens. From that litter is where I got my kitty. The moment I layed eyes on him I thought "awww, im gonna have that one". But yup thats when I started liking them. Otherwise before that, I didnt like cats very much at all. Now I LOVE them!
2006-08-16 11:46:39
answer #4
answered by hott_n_furious 3
I loved them when I was a kid, and then we didn't have any when I got married because my husband always said he didn't like them. Then we came across a litter of kitties at my sister's house about 8 years ago that were very friendly, and we adopted one of them. Ever since, my husband has liked cats, too. They are so easy to care for, and people are wrong when they say they're not affectionate. They just aren't all "in your face" about it like dogs are.
2006-08-16 11:31:58
answer #5
answered by mia2kl2002 7
I was 62. My grown son took a kitten from a friend who had found the kitten abandoned in a park.
I took one look at that kitten and said, "That's the homeliest kitten I have ever seen." Madison was a long-haired orange tabby and of course I just fell in love with him and felt I had to help my son take care of him. We had never had any pets when he was growing up and I never had any as a child.
I was so enamored of Madison that two years later I got a couple of kittens of my very own. Then I got another and then I got another ..........
2006-08-16 11:38:07
answer #6
answered by old cat lady 7
When I was 3 years old and my family was adopted by a stray cat.
2006-08-16 11:29:43
answer #7
answered by Tara662 7
since i was a little girl except i did not my first cat till i was 18
2006-08-16 11:30:15
answer #8
answered by Brenda 5
since my 4 year old cut my long haired cat to look like a lion, bald except for a mane and bushy tail.
2006-08-16 11:31:08
answer #9
answered by woofywaffles 3
I've loved them since I met my first cat. I unimaginatively named her Tiger, and she taught me how felines think and talk, and how to talk back to them.
So... let's see. 8 years to 23 years... that's for 15 years now that I've liked cats.
2006-08-16 11:45:12
answer #10
answered by lisa450 4
my husband who was my boyfriend back in the day. hated cats till he found out tying a toy to a fishing pole and casting it out in the living room till the cat pounced was great fun, did he enjoy felines.
2006-08-16 11:32:24
answer #11
answered by eve 4