KMR will work for most kittens. Your vet can point you to a source of KMR; it's pretty easy to obtain. You can feed it via a bottle or a syringe (no needle, of course). For that matter, a vet visit is probably a good idea--he can make sure your kitten is healthy and administer her first shots. (Rabies shots, for example, are required by law.)
Don't feed cow's milk--many cats are lactose-intolerant, and it will cause indigestion.
You can also try meat baby food. Make sure it has no onions in it; onions are poisonous to cats.
Once you are ready to introduce solid food, mush up some wet food with some KMR and let your kitten try it. She will most likely make a mess, but she'll get the hang of it eventually.
Don't feed adult cat food to your kitten; she is best off with a kitten food, which is high-calorie (because she's still growing) and softer than adult food.
2006-08-16 11:32:20
answer #1
answered by lisa450 4
For your 6 week old kitten try moistening kitten food in warm water, just enough so the kitten can chew it. If that does not work try mixing some can food with dry kitten food and that usually will get them to investigate and take a tast of it.
2006-08-16 18:33:36
answer #2
answered by Upnorthgal40 4
Mix kitten formula with canned kitten food. After it has been eating that for a while, try mixing wetted down kitten food (dry) with the canned kitten food. After it is obvious the kitten can eat the dry kitten food, just put out dry food for it. That's what we do at the shelter I volunteer at.
2006-08-16 18:38:25
answer #3
answered by Amber 3
We got my cat when she was about this age. Someone had thrown her off of a high bridge into a river. She was tiny and tramatized, but oh so cute.
Try wet kitten food, preferably something that smells very fishy (it may stink to you, but it will smell great to her). By this time, her mother would have weaned her, so milk is out. The wet food will help make sure she has enough water too, if she hasn't learned to drink on her own.
2006-08-16 18:03:13
answer #4
answered by PenguinMoose 3
Chicken baby food, but at this age the kitten should be eating on its own. Start with the baby food then go to wet cat food and moisten down dry food to start getting it used to eating dry solid food. Good luck
2006-08-16 17:59:11
answer #5
answered by haybeaver 2
Get kitten formula at the pet store.
Never give a kitten cow's milk. It makes them sick.
2006-08-16 18:31:59
answer #6
answered by Tara662 7
i had one younger and bottle fed him. they have a special formula at pet stores that is like a mothers milk that you can buy until they are old enough to eat kitty food... also, if you want to try it, mush up soft kitten food and mix it in with some water
2006-08-16 17:59:17
answer #7
answered by sarah k 3
You can find Kitten milk powder mix that you mix with water and it has alot of vitimans and minerals that your kitty usually gets from the mama cat. They sell it in every pet store. Hope this helps! Let me know if you need the name of the stuff I bought.
2006-08-16 18:02:21
answer #8
answered by sunflowergirl_28 1
I would suggest giving a mix of wet food and dry. I think that a moist packet might be good to. I think that you should also go to a vet if the problem persists due to the fact that it might be a stomach issue or something about that.
2006-08-16 18:37:49
answer #9
answered by maes_quest 3
put water in the kitten food
2006-08-16 18:45:12
answer #10
answered by Brenda 5