I say yes, only because I have given a second chance to a cheater. And it was worth it in the way that he never cheated on me again.......... but seriously it depends on the person and their history of relationships and cheating..... good luck, and blessed be.
2006-08-16 10:35:20
answer #1
answered by shy&gental 4
Do murderers???? HELL NO! If he's been dishonest once, he'll be that way again. Do yourself a favor and move all the way on with the rest of your life...because I can already see where THIS is heading. You'll probably ignore everyones advice and keep seeing him because you think you love him....but that s'hit aint love no matter what pretty face you try to paint on it.
Please don't become a statistic and take control of your life. Realize that a person who cheats is too weak to admit they don't want you any more....not saying you aren't worth it, but that's just some peoples nature and that's how things are in the world.
2006-08-16 10:36:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Once a cheater, always a cheater...but, everyone deserves a second chance....
2006-08-16 10:35:12
answer #3
answered by MARIANNE G 4
I think that everyone deserve a second chance. But it also depends on your relationship and both of your commitments to each other. If you can trust that this is a one time occurrence and you can put it behind you and forgive and forget than fine. But if you know in your heart that you can't let it go. Then let him go Girl!!
2006-08-16 10:38:56
answer #4
answered by brownalaskasugar 2
if you think they deserve a second chance then yes. but most people believe that cheaters don't deserve a second chance.
it's all up to the person really.
2006-08-16 10:36:56
answer #5
answered by PixiFairy 3
Everyone deservs a second chance. Un less someone has already given him one in the past. that person needs to prove them self as trust worthy.
2006-08-16 10:45:36
answer #6
answered by Err 3
Absoloutly NOT!! once a cheater always a cheater. Why would you want to be in a relationship thinking that he may be cheating on you?
2006-08-16 10:34:45
answer #7
answered by bella 2
for me, personally, no! I think that if I someone cares and loves you, they should stick to you, no matter what. If they go and screw around behind your back, they obviously dont want me, respect me or care for me, so I would break it off.
I think if you give someone a second chance after they cheated on you once, they will think thats what will happen the next time, and they can walk all over you. Im NOT havin that.
2006-08-16 10:37:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
yes. everyone makes mistakes and i think everyone deserves a second chance.
if after the second chance(or time) doesn't work out, leave him.
my boyfriend gave me a second chance and i've been faithful ever since...i was real honored that he had given me a second chance.
2006-08-16 10:48:54
answer #9
answered by Alexis Samira 5
I would say no but the question is if you gave them a second chance, would YOU trust them? The relationship would never be the same.
2006-08-16 10:34:09
answer #10
answered by La La 2