my neighbor has like 30 cats and they were always in my yard leaving their fleas and getting on my dog and in the house. I did some research and found that diatomaceous earth was natural and would not hurt my dog or me. What is actually diatoms from the ocean, and apparently a small amount is good for animal and humans. Supposed to clean out their system of toxins, but I am not brave enough to try it. What it does is it gets into the fleas and dries them and their eggs out kind acts like lil razor blades to them. I put it in a spray bottle with water and spray the whole yard twice a year and have not had a flea yet and I have been doing this now for 3 years. For the house I put about a tablesppon full in a squirt bottle full of water and spray the carpet for added protection it does not take much and it works great.
You can get it at any feed store and I payed $12 dollars for a 10lbs bag, I have not used half of it yet and I have had it for over 3 years! Now that is a cheap remedy for a problem that was literally eating me alive!
2006-08-16 09:44:47
answer #1
answered by Generation268 3
You need to do this all on the same day.
1. Give your cats advantage or frontline (If due) Advantage the kittens also, I have noticed if all animals are not treated it does little or no help. so they all need it. (Remove the flea collars)
2. Wash all pet bedding
3. Flea bomb your house (1 flea bomb in each room) Make sure there are no clothes piled on the floor.
4. Get insect killer for the yard and sprinkle that all over the front and back yard.
2006-08-16 09:46:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Talk to your vet for referral of products for the carpet.The bombs don't work because the eggs hatch. If you own your home treat your yard for fleas, you can buy stuff at walmart. As far as your carpet goes, you need to put some type of insecticide powder on the carpet--or I have heard baking soda works, but look that one up--and you need to vacuum daily for a week or two so that you can get the larva up. And shampoo your carpet.
Get this taken care of soon. My Mom had a cat that died from flea bites. they are way more than a nuisance
2006-08-16 09:47:26
answer #3
answered by kathy r 3
Don't mix flea baths with advantage. You can kill your cat. Flea collars are worthless.
Get advantage on all the cats. Put it on them on them once a month. Hire a professional exterminator to get rid of the fleas in the carpet. You might have to have the exterminator for 3-4 months, because the pesticides they use don't kill the eggs, only the live fleas.
2006-08-16 09:40:46
answer #4
answered by Bors 4
Sprinkle salt down all inside of your house wait 24 hours Vac. Flea cats at same time, Put seven dust all around the house out side. And if ya want put foggers under house near bathrooms & kicthen ..even fleas need water . I had them in a house I rented out...Fleas from renters....The fleas were so bad my white socks would be black with fleas....THE SALT DID THE TRICK...Thanks
2006-08-16 09:56:22
answer #5
answered by pitterpatter47 5
I had a flea problem a couple of years ago, and after reading numerous internet sites about ridding my house of fleas....i found the best method was cedar chips.
Fleas hate cedar. I bought several bags of cedar chips at the pet store and spread the cedar chips all over my house....under the furniture, in the cushions of the furniture, behind doors, etc....
Leave the cedar laying on the carpet, in the furniture, pretty much everywhere for several months. You wont have any more fleas, (or moths)...
2006-08-16 09:41:49
answer #6
answered by AJ 3
we use frontline plus on our animals,treat the yard,bathe them,bedding and wash everything. flea collars dont work the fleas just stay away from the neck. since you have a flea problem i would also get your animals tested for worms.
2006-08-16 09:41:56
answer #7
answered by ladyhawk3k 4
Get a serious flea powder?
2006-08-16 09:40:53
answer #8
answered by Weasel 2
my gf and i sprayed the entire house. if the cats get on your couch, take the cushions off and spray them as well as the inside of the couch. (where the cushions were). we sprayed the hell out of every area the cat spends alot of time. it worked too. if you have a screen door, keep it closed. windows too if you don't have a screen. spray outside around windows too. hope this helps.
2006-08-16 09:42:11
answer #9
answered by robyn 3
Try taking a shower with a good medicated soap..
2006-08-16 09:40:09
answer #10
answered by EMAILSKIP 6