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I picked a bull terrier off the road a few hours ago - emaciated, overgrown nails, wounds all over, eyes so sunken that at first I thought they were gone, but he seems able to see. He appears to have been trained at some point, understood the leash I put on him, knew about getting into a car (but had to be lifted in), and knew immediately what a dog basket was. He drank nearly a gallon of water and has eaten some canned food, now is sleeping safely in the basket on the rear terrace while my other dogs glare at him through the glass door.

Do they commonly have trouble eating and drinking, make snuffling noises and get it all over?

Anybody want a very nice dog? (We're in Greece.)

2006-08-16 09:19:10 · 2 answers · asked by dognhorsemom 7 in Pets Dogs

He's not flat-faced; he's the kind with the egg-shaped head. He seems to be sticking about half of that head into the water and food bowls, hence - I suppose - the noises.

2006-08-16 13:25:48 · update #1

2 answers

they do make snuffling noises, grunting its normal for bull breeds, can be a little picky with food but if eaten to fast or drink can cause them to grunt it can sound frightening to someone who is not use to the breed.
hope you find them a new home , but just let him rest for now bless him.
well done you :)

2006-08-16 09:30:52 · answer #1 · answered by ♥fluffykins_69♥ 5 · 1 0

If they are the flat faced type yes they make a mess of food and water.
And they snuffle and snort and SNORE.
They are great dogs for the right home.
Hoepfully you can find a new home for him or get him into a rescue program. I am not sure how much dog rescue is done in Greece hopefully enough to find him a great home.

2006-08-16 16:28:05 · answer #2 · answered by tlctreecare 7 · 1 0

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