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You may recall that we asked all you brilliant people for a name to use for my cousin's fast-food chain specializing in possum deluxe, complete with candlelit dinning room, strolling violinists, valet-parking and up-scale recipes. One of you earned 10 points by suggesting Possum Chateau--an excellent name!!

Now we need a slogan!! What should it be--and, again, "EAT MO' POSSUM" is out as being too low-brow.

Please remember that my cousin has $50 million in venture captial to back his project, more than 2,500 breeding pairs of championship possums on his possum ranches to insure the steady production of top-quality "Table Possums" for his patrons' dining pleasure and (new) is working hard on recipes for tasty side-dishes (which we may need names for as well very soon.)

This is a call for slogans, please.

An exquiste evening for two at a private table during opening night at the first Possum Chateau and 10 points goes to the winner!!!

2006-08-16 04:37:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

My cousin just decided to open the final selection of a slogan for Possum Chateau to the public. Voting is now in operation and the competition is open for a full seven days!!

Suggestions, please!! And VOTES, please!!

2006-08-16 04:48:26 · update #1


Sorry to have stirred you up!! Wow, what a load of insults and all I did was drop a note to everyone who participated in the chain's naming contest. You--or someone using your computer apparently without your knowledge---offered a name suggestion and even a rather cute slogan. All of the names and avatars are different now but I simply flased my note to those who were receiving email that time (about two weeks ago). Please be assured that I will do my best in the future to avoid contacting you so as to avoid irritating you anymore than I have already.

2006-08-16 11:20:08 · update #2

11 answers

This whole thing is really amusing. Elaborate and well thought out.

I'll bite, how about "Tradition and taste!" or "It doesn't taste like chicken".

2006-08-17 05:09:00 · answer #1 · answered by emperor_chino 2 · 2 0

With that kind of money, you all should be able to hire people for this type of help, I mean getting all your answers here for free is kind of petty and cheap, and then what is the main course here "Possum" I know of people who actually eat this stuff but, most of them actually trap, skin them, and cook them, themselves, right along with rabbit, deer and all the other wild game, believe me I am not a hater, but this is the first time I saw this question or anything like it, so I figure this has to be a joke right?
I will try to come up with a slogan here how about:

Come share in our candle lite, soft music,under the moonlight, delights, Try our Possum & Gravy.....

2006-08-16 04:51:03 · answer #2 · answered by Lil Angel 68 5 · 1 1

Bag a meal a place to sell brown bag lunches to people going to artwork. No tables call forward and order your brown bag lunch for artwork and %. it up. close contained in the direction of the day. Do a metamorphosis over. And sell a bagged supper to those going domicile. area would be considerable here.

2016-11-04 22:44:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Possum Food Chain

2016-06-25 06:58:38 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Home of the other white meat. You'll be de-lighted cause we don't play possum.

2006-08-18 06:32:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Home of( Possumable) good eats and fun!

2006-08-16 05:41:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I wonder, why pale skinned avatars are so inclined to direct answer towards race. It make it so very obvious how oblivious they are to the fact that their jealousy is ever so apparent to everyone reading.


2006-08-16 12:48:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Possum Chateau..............The BEST in roadside dining.

2006-08-16 04:43:43 · answer #8 · answered by tallerfella 7 · 2 1

Give me a break! Can you ask REAL questions, instead of boring us with your nonsensical drivel?

2006-08-16 14:00:29 · answer #9 · answered by pure_imagination_75 2 · 0 3

Road Kill, Mmmmm now that's good eat'en!!!

2006-08-16 04:43:11 · answer #10 · answered by Securegeek 3 · 1 1

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