You may recall that we asked all you brilliant people for a name to use for my cousin's fast-food chain specializing in possum deluxe, complete with candlelit dinning room, strolling violinists, valet-parking and up-scale recipes. One of you earned 10 points by suggesting Possum Chateau--an excellent name!!
Now we need a slogan!! What should it be--and, again, "EAT MO' POSSUM" is out as being too low-brow.
Please remember that my cousin has $50 million in venture captial to back his project, more than 2,500 breeding pairs of championship possums on his possum ranches to insure the steady production of top-quality "Table Possums" for his patrons' dining pleasure and (new) is working hard on recipes for tasty side-dishes (which we may need names for as well very soon.)
This is a call for slogans, please.
An exquiste evening for two at a private table during opening night at the first Possum Chateau and 10 points goes to the winner!!!
11 answers
asked by
Food & Drink
➔ Other - Food & Drink
My cousin just decided to open the final selection of a slogan for Possum Chateau to the public. Voting is now in operation and the competition is open for a full seven days!!
Suggestions, please!! And VOTES, please!!
04:48:26 ·
update #1
Sorry to have stirred you up!! Wow, what a load of insults and all I did was drop a note to everyone who participated in the chain's naming contest. You--or someone using your computer apparently without your knowledge---offered a name suggestion and even a rather cute slogan. All of the names and avatars are different now but I simply flased my note to those who were receiving email that time (about two weeks ago). Please be assured that I will do my best in the future to avoid contacting you so as to avoid irritating you anymore than I have already.
11:20:08 ·
update #2