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My husband is very allergic to cats. His eyes water, he sneezes, and he becomes very congested.

Last week, he had to visit a client for work. At the client's office, there was a new kitten that played in the office. The cat (and employees) treated the office as the cat's home. He got very ill from the visit with the above symptoms.

Today, he got dressed for work and called me saying that he was sneezing and congested and didn't know why. Then he realized he was wearing the same clothes he had on when he visited that client.

Are his clothes contaminated with the cat dander? I washed his shirt over the weekend so I know it was clean. What should he do?

2006-08-16 03:39:13 · 13 answers · asked by canyoufeelmenow_good 1 in Pets Cats

13 answers

Sounds like a strange office the client has there . . . anyway; wash the clothes that he wore to the clients sight. That should take care of it.

If he ever has to go to the clients site again, he can take allergy if the symptoms are real bad. After the clothes he wore are washed/dry cleaned, and he's not wearing them, the symptoms should clear up.

2006-08-16 03:47:42 · answer #1 · answered by HokiePaul 6 · 0 0

If he works with people who have cats, their cats dander is on their clothes and therefore making him allergic also. You said you washed his clothes, but where did he put the clothes when he got home? If he took them to the bedroom chances are the dander got on a tie or his shoes or socks. If he is still wearing the same pants and you didnt wash those, that's it. Ask him specifically where did he place the clothes he was wearing when he came back from the client's house.

2006-08-16 04:02:27 · answer #2 · answered by vihlee 4 · 0 0

It is not cat dander that people are allergic to..
It is a chemical in the cats saliva...
Cat licks itself and its hair, dander etc. become coated with this
You can bathe a cat twice a week for a couple of months and
it will eventually stop producing this allergin in its saliva and become hypoallergenic...
After a couple of months, twice monthly baths may be enough
to keep the allergin from reappearing in the saliva...
As far as your husband being allergic to the cat after having
washed his clothes, this makes little sense unless you did a really poor job in washing his clothes..
And I am sure you did a fine job...

2006-08-16 03:49:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Is it just cat hair that your husband is allergic to or is he also allergic to dog hair and dust and "ragweed". If your husband is allergic to all these things that talk to your doctor about getting your husband shots, the shots will take time to get his system to where he won't get sick from being close to cats or dogs and only be sick when the pollen count is really high. I used to get the shots, but stopped since they didn't make stuff stronger then what I was already getting for the shots and now I only get really stuffed up when the pollen count is really high in August or September.

2016-03-27 04:22:40 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Has he always been allergic to cats or is this something that he has recently discovered?

I don't know if you have any cats at your home or not but there are medications that your husband can take for the allergic reactions. If he's not consistently around cats he may not have to take anything but just be aware of it and let people know that he's allergic to cats (when he has to be around cats).

He may be allergic to some cats and not allergic to others. I hope this helps.

2006-08-16 03:52:06 · answer #5 · answered by fieldworking 6 · 0 0

Ensure all his clothes were washed, not just the shirt.
It could have been a coincidence that he was wearing the same clothes which may not have contributed to his current symptoms. He may have some allergy to other sources today. To relieve his symptoms, he can take a medication such as zyrtec or allegra.

2006-08-16 03:48:51 · answer #6 · answered by drfrancisle 1 · 0 0

Clothes Car Cat all need to be washed in the washing machine but not at the same time

2006-08-16 03:44:52 · answer #7 · answered by jercha 4 · 0 1

what about the trousers and suit jacket? this will hold the scent/hair from the cat until it is also washed.

Have him try an allergy medicine like a hayfever one, this should reduce symptoms..

2006-08-16 03:45:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe he is allergic to something else besides cats. Perhaps the laundry detergent you used.

2006-08-16 03:49:21 · answer #9 · answered by Backwoods Barbie 7 · 0 0

See an ENT or allergist and possibly begin allergy injections.
If he's not already, give him an antihistamine such as benadryl.
Note; it will probably cause drowsiness so he doesn't need to drive.

2006-08-16 03:44:58 · answer #10 · answered by mansfield2687 2 · 0 0

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