Fly's, chest press, You will need some kinda narrow bench. And a good tip is to keep your shoulder blades pinched together, as this will cut down on the work your shoulders are doing and focus on the chest.
Unfortunatley you will also have to burn calories as if you develop muscle in the region fat will just end up covering it making your boobs look bigger.
2006-08-15 22:07:01
answer #1
answered by Warrior Hamster 3
hahaha man boobs... that's funny... but seriously. My brother use to be really obese and had that problem... There is 2 simple things you can do to get rid of them. One go on a diet, cut out fast food and drink with your meals nothing but water, everything else is just empty calories and sugar. Since I don't know how much you weigh I can not tell you exaclty how many calories you need to intake since you are a male I will suggest 1100 (because you are on a diet).
To build muscle and get a great body eat lots of meats and proteins. Look online for good protein suppliments or good meats and foods to eat. With good protein and water your body will begin to release your stored fats.
Now the excercise part. You want to do chest excercises such as push ups, backward arm lunges (put your arms behind you on a ledge and lower yourself downward as if sitting down), I would throw in some sit-up and crunches as well as the ever important CARDIO!!! Cardio burns calories from all over which is what you want. If you just get rid of your "man boobs" and are heavy every where else then it serves no point. You want an overall effect. As for those dumbells include them in your cardio and you'll double the work which will double the result.
SUM it all up:
reduce to 1100 calories, eat protein, drink nothing but water, excercise with cardio, pushups and upper body excercises.
I hope this helps you!!!
2006-08-15 22:34:21
answer #2
answered by americasyankee 3
Do weight exercises that target the pectorals (bench press, pushups, flyes, etc). An online search should find exercises to do.
And since you are looking to lose mass and to firm, you want to lift an amount of weight that allows you to do multiple sets (3 to 4) of about 15 repetitions each.
I just started lifting weights again and am trying to tone up myself. Good luck!
2006-08-15 22:13:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Do exercises focusing on chest and abs. Try lifting in various angles and lose weight. The muscles will return to the normal size once you've replaced the fatty tissue with muscles.
2006-08-15 22:07:34
answer #4
answered by Equinox 6
upper body work out with weights and cardio
flat dumbbell press, incline dumbbell flye
2006-08-16 00:34:00
answer #5
answered by Cat 4
squeeze them together! one at a time till they're red n blue!! then run around naked and tell people you're the chief of the "Manboob Fatty Dumbazz Tribe"! just start running fool!
2006-08-15 22:06:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
get yourself admitted in a good gym with a personal trainer..tell him the prob..he will give u proper exercises to follow which can get rid of them..dont ask on the net..people might give wrong answers which on following, might aggravate your probs..
2006-08-15 22:06:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
exercise and bit of watching the diet should do.
try doing press-ups,once a bit of weight is lost all falls into place.
2006-08-15 22:12:03
answer #8
answered by sash 1
loose the body weight.. loose the water your retaining. work out and that should do it.
2006-08-15 22:05:52
answer #9
answered by andy3191 7
run with them 1.5 miles a morning, or put them down and run 1.5 miles a day.
2006-08-15 22:05:45
answer #10
answered by Rob 4