nope! dont change memory instead add more! dont dump the old memory you can put them together. a lot of installed application on the system slows your PC, and application that consume a lot of memory like 3d games and other graphical application. also virus and anti virus can slow it down.
processor is also a factor.
my advice try to uninstall unwanted and large application and use clean up to dump all unwanted files. scan your PC for viruses
2006-08-15 16:04:37
answer #1
answered by kryptonboy22 3
ok... such an rather good type of solutions, right that's mine too! properly in case your pc has been misbehaving lately then verify up right here:- a million. save in options setting up any new classes lately ? If definite Uninstall those classes 2. once you're operating on abode windows XP, try making use of the gadget fix application to fix your computing device to three extent you imagine you probably did not discover any complications. click on start up>classes>upload-ons> gadget equipment>gadget fix 2. Did you visit any web pages that had pop-united statesasking you to click 'definite' many times and ultimately you probably did the 'definite' area? (occurs even as ur attempting to acquire something from someplace you're literally not meant to be) 3. Get a replica of Anti-secret agent ware application, i take advantage of Lavasoft Adaware personal SE, Its loose and intensely valuable 4. Get an anti-virus application to envision in case your gadget might want to were contaminated with virus 5. Get a registry cleansing application from the information superhighway. (pay attention even as making use of such application, some are malware's themselves, so double verify the comments of the making use of you purchased) 6. If each thing fails then the perfect selection might want to be to format and re-deploy abode windows 7. in case you;re no longer constructive about the thanks to do any of the above call a pc provider guy, its time for him to earn some funds!!! :)) If each thing else fails bypass in for a format and re-deploy
2016-11-25 20:11:21
answer #2
answered by mengesha 4
even thow you changed the memory and harddrive you may need to update the mghz processer to a gighz processer for it to work properly otherwise you will still be slow. if that dont work your computer is to old and your better off buying a newer one that allready is fastand tailerd to the way you want it .....
Sighned the Computer Geek!
2006-08-15 16:10:17
answer #3
answered by shadow 2
Anything is possible, but computers usually slow down when you have caught a virus or spyware.
2006-08-15 15:57:44
answer #4
answered by Computer Guy 7
ur ram memory low,
so increace the virtual memory.,
but rambus speed is too low so support high speed depends upon the rambus speed,and
also HDD speed,any problem in HDD to acess data due bad sector,ur system will slow.
2006-08-15 16:19:59
answer #5
answered by javakar j 1
ram memory should be the same as you have if you upgrade. more likely, you have spyware/scumware using your ram power or too many programs starting.
2006-08-15 16:03:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
speed comes from your processor and it probably wouldn't hurt to add more rams. if you have dial up connection to connect to the internet, it could be that as well.
2006-08-15 15:59:08
answer #7
answered by Trish 2
maybe you have a virus, check your virus detection progrmas or DL some free adware programs to check.
2006-08-15 15:57:45
answer #8
answered by ? 2
one possibility that hasn't been mentioned is your temp internet files. try deleting the cookies and emptying your temp internet files. tools-internet options-general- delete cookies and delete files.
2006-08-15 16:10:53
answer #9
answered by handyman5218 3
it is possible.......but is more possible one of your memory does not work case you use 2 memories
2006-08-15 15:59:22
answer #10
answered by Eftim 1