Did you try social services which you can find out from your local government. Try this, they offer care daily and can take your child into school and give him learning and activities. Try this.
2006-08-15 15:33:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Does he qualify for SSI or Childhood Disability Benefits? Check with Social Security. If he qualifies for SSI, he will get Medicaid automatically. Check with your local Social Services-he may qualify for Medicaid anyway. Also check to see if there is an EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment) in your Health Department-they give tons of good referrals. Another help is the DBTAC. Website www.adata.org-they'll send tons of free stuff to you and information that is very valuable.
2006-08-15 15:33:06
answer #2
answered by curiositycat 6
First I would start with help from a foundation dealing with his handicapp. Almost all physical and mental problems have some set up that helps family members and with health care. for example the cancer soiciety provides free bras,money, and wigs to breast cancer patients. so contact which ever one is related and there is a wealth of help. your student loan can be put on forbearance. which just stops your payments for a little amount of time. call loan company and see what they have to offer. they may even do reduced payment plans. contact your local social services. medicaid or other medical plans exist. some you pay a small yearly fee and all is covered. they may also know of some places to help with child care, free food and clothing. there is help out there. good luck in finding it.
2006-08-15 15:36:28
answer #3
answered by sweetandinnocent99 2
Check with social services in your area as well as your publicschool. If the child is a pre-schooler he is entitled to home intervention before he starts school. Your school psychologist and social worker can also direct you to much needed services.
2006-08-15 15:33:28
answer #4
answered by miatalise12560 6
Check with your local chapters of the Red Cross,United Way.
2006-08-15 15:55:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Let your son drown in the bathtub, you'll save yourself and him years of emotional and finanical suffering.
2006-08-16 01:52:15
answer #6
answered by wrf3k 5
depending on his disability, he may qualify for SSI. They will automatically put him on Medicaid, and depending on your income, will send you money each month to help with costs. good luck.
2006-08-15 15:36:14
answer #7
answered by hethbabe 2
there is all kinds of help out there just look up disabilities.
2006-08-15 15:46:12
answer #8
answered by sweet sexy san 4
have you looked into the possibility of medicaid?
2006-08-15 15:33:40
answer #9
answered by Wayne A 5
what is the disability?
2006-08-15 15:32:14
answer #10
answered by unicorn 4