Yes, hermaphrodites have both, but usually only one organ workds and the other not as good.
2006-08-16 09:01:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes hermaphrodites: One out of every two thousand children in America is born intersexual (125,000 living in the United States today--enough to fill a good sized city). There is a point in fetal development when the sex of the child could go either way. The only reason you are not the opposite sex had to do with something called testosterone. The fetus that becomes a male is bathed with it, whereas, it is absent in the development of a female. In one case, the sexual organ extends itself into a penis. Conversely, a fetus becomes female when there is no release of testosterone and the sexual organ extends inwardly. The natural development from that moment on determines which sex we are to become.
However, sometimes biology malfunctions and children are born with mixed sexual characteristics in what is called an intersexual birth.
2006-08-15 13:57:43
answer #2
answered by Clarke Dummit 1
When babies are developing in the womb, they all begin with sex organs that look female. If the baby is male, he begins to produce testosterone, and if the hormone reaches the tissues correctly, the external genitals become a scrotum and penis. Chromosomal or sex hormone abnormalities can produce an infant in an intersex state. It can also be caused by a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which is a disease the blocks the baby's metabolism. It is not as uncommon as we might think; about 1 in every 2,000 newborns is born in an intersex state.
It is easier to make the newborns sex, female, hopefully with the right balance of hormones, the child will adjust smoothly into the role of a female
2006-08-15 14:10:55
answer #3
answered by 5
The lines of sexual distinction can be blurred. A few persons who have physical characteristics of both sexes are called "intersexed" or "hermaphrodites". Their bodies are neither fully male nor fully female. Many degrees of physical ambiguity exist. To conform to society's demands, such persons are assigned to one gender or the other, usually according to where lies the greatest chance for surgical success.
Yes there are.
2006-08-15 14:00:48
answer #4
answered by bradlitazole 2
Yes. Hermaphrodites. Fish have that. They have sex externally. Seabasses in other words, are hermhaphrodites and after the female leaves the egg, the male comes over and fertilizes them.
2006-08-15 13:57:06
answer #5
answered by Romaneasca 3
In zoology, a hermaphrodite is an organism of a species whose members possess both male and female sexual organs during their lives. In many species, hermaphroditism is a normal part of the life-cycle. Generally, hermaphroditism occurs in the invertebrates, although it occurs in a fair number of fish, and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates.
See below for use of the term in plants.
Note: The term "hermaphrodite" has historically been used to describe people with ambiguous genitalia or biological sex. The broader term intersexual is often used and is preferred by many such individuals and medical professionals.
In animals
Sequential hermaphrodite: The organism is born as one sex and later changes into the other sex.
Protandry: When the organism starts as a male, and changes sex to a female later in life. Example: The seabasses (Family Serranidae). These are a highly sought food fish complex made up of primarily groupers. Since even a small male can produce more than enough sperm to fertilize a huge number of eggs, while a female's egg output increases greatly with an increase in size, this strategy makes sense for an organism (fishes in general) where over 90% of the eggs laid will not result in a fish that reaches sexual maturity. It has been shown that fishing pressure actually is causing a change in when the switch from male to female occurs, since fishermen naturally prefer to catch the larger fishes. The populations are generally changing sex at a smaller size, due to artificial selection.
Protogyny: When the organism starts as a female, and changes sex to a male later in life. Example: Wrasses (Family Labridae) are reef fishes that tend to have three distinct sexual types. Small females, immature males and supermales. The small females and the immature males have identical colorations. The supermale is usually brightly colored, and there is only one in a given area of the reef. This supermale dominates the other wrasses of the species, having the choice of females to mate with. When the supermale dies, the largest wrasse in the area, male or female, becomes the new supermale.
Simultaneous hermaphrodite: The organism has both male and female sexual organs at the same time as an adult. Usually, self-fertilization does not occur. Also called synchronous hermaphrodites. Examples: Earthworms. Hamlets (Family Haemulidae) are a type of fish that are curious for many reasons, including that they seem to be evolving into different species quite rapidly. Unlike other fishes, hamlets seem quite at ease mating in front of divers, allowing observations in the wild to occur readily. They do not practice self fertilization, but when they find a mate, the pair takes turns between which one acts as the male, and which acts as the female, through multiple matings, usually over several nights.
Gonadal dysgenesis, a type of intersexuality formerly known as "True Hermaphroditism", occurs in about one percent of mammals (including humans), but it is extremely rare for both sets of sexual organs to be functional, usually neither set is functional. In many cases, these manifestations are altered, sometimes only cosmetically, to resemble standard male or female anatomy shortly after birth.
In plants
Hermaphrodite is used in botany to describe a flower that has both staminate (male, pollen-producing) and carpelate (female, seed-producing) parts. Other terms for this condition are bisexual and perfect. Hermaphrodism in plants is more complex than in animals because plants can have hermaphroditic flowers as described, or unisexual flowers with both male and female types developing on the same individual—a closer analogy to animal hermaphrodism. However, this latter condition constitutes monoecy in plants, and is especially common to the conifers, while occurring in only about 7% of angiosperm species (Molnar, 2004).
The term "hermaphrodite" derives from Hermaphroditus, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite in Greek mythology, who was fused with a nymph, resulting in one being possessing physical traits of both sexes. Thus Hermaphroditus was, by the modern terminology, a simultaneous hermaphrodite. The mythological figure of Tiresias, who figures in the Oedipus cycle as well as the Odyssey, was a sequential hermaphrodite, having been changed from a man to a woman and back by the gods.
Molnar, Sebastian. 2004. Plant Reproductive Systems, internet version posted February 17, 2004.
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2006-08-15 13:57:16
answer #6
answered by englands.glory 4
Yes, some babie are born with both sets or partial sets of genitalia. I believe that they are called hemaphrodites. To determine the dominant gender a chromosome test is done.
2006-08-15 13:56:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes it does happen sadly. I had a little cousin that was born that way. They didn't know what gender it was and was about to have it corrected but she died of cancer. How sad was that. her mothe rcouldn'ttake the stress and became an alcoholic. she has conquered that problem but how sad to have a baby born like that. I think it is rude to call them freaks. It was an unfortunate bith defect.
2006-08-15 14:02:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Check on internet the term: "hermaphrodite". We can see this phenomena in human beings plants and animals.
2006-08-15 14:09:39
answer #9
answered by don_desch 1
Yeah, but I think they only have the internal organs of either a man or woman....
So they might have a penis on the outside, but would have a uterus etc on the inside.
I THINK... Im not 100%.
2006-08-15 13:54:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous