Get a whole chicken salt and pepper and put in a large baking dish. Pour Italian dressing over it and bake in oven on 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes (approx 15 mins per pound).
Cut up potatoes, carrots, onions, green pepper zucchini and spray vegetable oil then salt and pepper and bake on flat sheet pan under the chicken for 20-30 minutes. Turn over after 12 minutes of cooking.
Left over chicken can be added to vegetables along with a chicken broth thickened with corn starch and frozen peas and pearl onions added. Either serve over rice or in a pastry dough for chicken pot pie.
That ought to take care of at least two meals.
2006-08-15 12:53:03
answer #1
answered by Kamikazeâ?ºKid 5
How many brain cells are left? Have you starved yourself too long? O.k. the logical answer - which I am assuming is the one you are looking for here - is EAT!!! My preference would be to get some protein then find some carbs put them together in whatever way looks your mouth, use those white things inside to sever a piece of the food that rests between them and open and close your mouth repeatedly so as to cause those white things to break down said food until such a time as it is small enough to swallow...then repeat over, and over, and over again until your brain begins to function normally...assuming it ever did to begin with!
2006-08-15 12:53:01
answer #2
answered by mommaliss 2
Go to one of the recipe sites, find a recipe that sounds good, that fits your special diet, procur the ingredients from the store or the pantry, and cook! It will feed you, and give you something to do.
I love, it has simple, down to earth recipes as well as more complicated recipes. I made my cheesecake recipe that I got from there on Saturday, yum, good!
2006-08-15 13:06:50
answer #3
answered by riversconfluence 7
hey u just made me hungry. I suggest u should eat food. That usually helps w/ hunger
2006-08-15 12:47:38
answer #4
answered by WIDE OUTxx0017 3
Eat somethin that u can take to the computer so ypu can ea and be on yahoo answeres.
2006-08-15 12:48:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Order something online and it should arrive within 30 minutes (provided you live in NY).
2006-08-15 12:47:42
answer #6
answered by Lindsey 2
Make a BLT. You probably have all the ingredients and it is yummy. If not go for a peanut butter and jelly sammich. yummerz.
2006-08-15 13:09:37
answer #7
answered by ? 6
uhhh i would suggest go and get something to eat. sence i looked at this question im hungry too!!! but i dont have anyfood around!
2006-08-15 12:46:04
answer #8
answered by shelly 1
I am assuming you are trying to keep you mind of of eating for some reason.....drink a glass of water..
2006-08-15 12:48:27
answer #9
answered by van 2
2006-08-15 12:45:25
answer #10
answered by Melissa420 2