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i make it in gallons but the powder is so fine it flies all over the place. lately, it's fruit punch so there's a pink film around my sink when i'm done making it. i mix it in a tupperware type container that has a lid that screws on. i'm just looking for tips on how to keep the powdered drink dust from flying.

2006-08-15 09:22:47 · 15 answers · asked by Poet 4 in Food & Drink Non-Alcoholic Drinks

i already add a little water first to mix it in, put the lid on to let the dust clear, shake in bottle, sit for longer then add the rest of the water. so far, at least while it's summer, i may try pouring it outside. i will definitely try water first. keep em coming, i really go through a ridiculous amount of this and will be able to try different options shortly.

2006-08-15 09:35:48 · update #1

oh and for you sweetener phobes, i'm diabetic, have been so for a long time. drink a good amount of water, try to avoid caffeine so it leaves me drinking cl or water. i do about half and half. with the handful of doctors that i have to see because of diabetes and ms, none of them has ever told me to lay off the crystal light. i'm going to follow their advice and should they ever change their minds, i'll cut back.

2006-08-15 09:39:41 · update #2

15 answers

add some water,then your mix....stir gently..and then the rest of your water...

2006-08-15 09:28:52 · answer #1 · answered by AQHA34 5 · 1 0

Are you near a fan or something. If you are turn it off. You could tip the fruit punch powder so that the opening is inside the Container your using and than open the pouch the fruit punch is in and pour. I would always put the water is first and than the pouch it seemed to help. The store even has Crystal light already mixed up in Gallon Jugs in your Juice aisle.

2006-08-15 09:30:35 · answer #2 · answered by girl176a1 3 · 0 0

Poet, is this the least of your problems,if it is then you have a good life going for you. Why don't you just try pouring it into the container a little slower and have the water in the container prior to the pour. I use Crystal Light all the time and do not have a powder problem, slow down and see the light.

2006-08-15 09:28:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't have any advice on that, but I *do* want to humbly advise you to not drink so much stuff sweetened with NutraSweet (aspartame). It's not nearly as "harmless" as it's made out to be! :( Personally I get a very uspet stomach and gassyintestines anytime I consume foods or drinks sweetened with it.

And there are lots of other folks with worse side effects, ranging from migraine headaches to rashes to mood changes. And these are NOT people whose illnesses are "all in their heads." They are people who have eliminated all other causes of the illnesses and could attribute the problems ONLY to the aspartame!

It's fine to drink Crystal Light sometimes. :) I admit, it tastes good (the little bit I tried once or twice). However, as the saying goes: "Everything in moderation." If you're truly an ADDICT, then you are definitely drinking too much of it! I hope you'll try to drink it a little bit less, and drink other things a little bit more. At any rate, good luck!

2006-08-15 09:32:30 · answer #4 · answered by scary shari 5 · 1 0

Get a lid with a pour spout opening. Tear open the package and insert it all the way into that small opening. That should keep the dust down. Also, try putting a little water in the pitcher first...it will also help minimize the dust.

2006-08-15 09:27:40 · answer #5 · answered by green is clean 4 · 1 0

I love it too, and I only make it a glass at a time. I put a small amount of water in the glass then add the powder-guess and shake it out of the little container, then add more water and ice.
Is your tongue and the inside of your mouth RAW? That is what I blame it on. When I stop driinking it the rawness goes away.

2006-08-15 09:31:29 · answer #6 · answered by NANCY K 6 · 1 0

it rather is from the american being pregnant affiliation: Aspartame: (equivalent or NutraSweet) Aspartame isn't effectual in warmth nor for long classes in liquid type. it rather is in lots of cases got here across as an additive to mushy drinks, gelatin, cakes, pudding mixes, breakfast cereals, drinks, chewing gum, dairy products, and different ingredients and medicines. in accordance to the nutrition and Drug administration(FDA), Aspartame is secure for use for the duration of being pregnant and lactation. it rather is counseled to decrease intake to a average point. extremely some the study achieved that say aspertame is risky have been debunked. i think of the significant right this is to apply sparsely. I had the comparable project early in my being pregnant. it rather is plenty extra risky to be deydrated then drink crystal gentle! universal, sparkling sodas would help besides.

2016-12-14 06:19:20 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

pour water into the package to melt the powder before you pour. Do you know that aspartaime is a poison? too much can cause heart attack and stroke

2006-08-15 09:29:38 · answer #8 · answered by judy_r8 6 · 0 0

Pour it outside so the dust flies away

2006-08-15 09:26:15 · answer #9 · answered by kingMe 3 · 0 0

When you said you had a crystal light problem, I thought you had chronic diarrhea. There's a strange mixture of chemicals in that product.

2006-08-15 09:29:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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