It all depends on the breed of chicken!!
Most common breeds of chicken in the us are cross breads known as Leghorn chicken (although they are becoming increasingly popular in Europe too) They are particularly known for their good laying qualities. In Europe there are various other varieties that lay slightly darker eggs!!
At home I have a French breed called Poule de Marans they weigh between 8-12 pounds and lay eggs that are nearly choccolate brown!!
Interestingly we also have a very special breed called Aracona that actually lay blue eggs that are low in cholesterol!!!
2006-08-15 01:48:52
answer #1
answered by peter gunn 7
I've raised chickens before so I should know....certain breeds of chickens have variety of coloured eggs ...the Rhode island red chickens and Plymoth rock chickens are notorious at laying brown eggs and the great white chickens are known for laying white eggs... it has nothing to do with the feed or feathers ...some chickens will lay green eggs and spotted eggs usually bantams chickens lay those. The two country's farmers must have had more luck with the breed each one uses, but I know in the U.S. you can buy both but the brown ones are more expensive because they want pple to think they are healthier for you ... the thing is all the chickens are fed the same meal in the factories... you know its organic if the colour of the yolk is darker... if its the same colour as a store bought white egg then its not an organic fed chicken that layed that egg hope it answers your ??
2006-08-15 09:00:44
answer #2
answered by iceyblueripple 1
Eggs are not bleached! Different breeds of birds produce different coloured eggs, you get brown and white in both the UK and the USA.
2006-08-15 08:44:52
answer #3
answered by Queen Victoria of Port 3
There are brown eggs in the USA. Brown eggs are brown because they are natural or organic. White eggs are white because they have been bleached.
2006-08-15 08:43:10
answer #4
answered by songbird 6
Not so, you can get brown and white eggs here too. The breed of chicken often has a lot to do with it. Oh Songbird , you are singing way off key!
2006-08-15 08:43:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's got nothing to do with natinality, white hens lay white eggs, coloured hens lay brown eggs - it's that simple. There are white eggs in Britain as well.
2006-08-16 09:06:30
answer #6
answered by missshoppieshoppie 3
We can get brown eggs in the US.
The color of the egg is determined by the type of hen laying it.
For example, Rhode Island Red hens lay brown eggs.
2006-08-15 14:11:17
answer #7
answered by brevejunkie 7
It has nothing to do with the country which the eggs came from, but the type of hen which layed the eggs.
2006-08-15 08:44:56
answer #8
answered by kandekizzez 4
We have brown eggs too. Just depends on the breed of chicken.
There's no difference to them whatsoever besides color.
2006-08-15 08:45:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We have white and brown eggs in Britain - depends where you buy them.
2006-08-17 06:24:53
answer #10
answered by candyflosskid 2