First of all the ancient Macedonia has nothing to do with FYROM. FYROM is a nation of Slavs.Slavs came in the Balkans alot after ancient Macedonia's supremacy.So basically FYROM is just using the name apparently because it happens to be in a part of the same place where Ancient Macedonia used to be.
Alexander the Great belonged to an ancient greek tribe and had a vision of uniting all the people who lived in Ancient Greece so I guess he thought of all Greeks as members of the the same culture.You can see Colin Farrel in the recent film yell "Let's go and fight for the glory of Greece" Now you say "do not mess Macedonia with Greece"...First of all Macedonia is a geographical land which now belongs to Greece (58%), Bulgaria Serbia and FYROM. Macedonia, you already know, is a greek name. Makedon in ancient greek means tall man... Now who is the real descendant of the ancient Macedonians..I guess DNA tests could tell the truth... I could never say that people who live now in the Greek part of the ancient Macedonian territory are 100% sons of Alexander the great, but at least they are Greeks and he was Greek too so there are some chances...But how could someone from FYROM claim the same thing is a true wonder....
I guess everyone who feels Macedonian is Macedonian...Everyone who cherisses the great history of Ancient Macedonia can feel part of it no matter if he or she is a "real descendant"or not.
Now I know that this was not the answer to your question but your question was inacurrate. If you meant people who come from an area of former Yugoslavia, now officially called FYROM the you should have written "FYROMians" and not Macedonians...Thank you
2006-08-14 23:48:24
answer #2
answered by 24_m_gr 2
Macedonians were never slavs.
Macedonians, Athenians, Thebians, Lakons had the same language, they had the same Gods, they had the same culture and they all participated in Olympic Games together.
The "real" Macedonians, means they who have the culture and the background of Alexandros are.:
10 million in Greece and other 10 million abroad. We don't seperate the macedonians from Athenians or Spartans on these days.:
Find somewhere else your slimy propadaganda.
2006-08-14 23:29:41
answer #3
answered by UncleGeorge 4
The same question asked 3 times!!!
Why? Does the asker expect different answers?
As usual he will choose a propaganda answer!
The asker should read at the end of my answer the real facts about the fake genetic research he mentions!
Let’s give the real facts!
There is the province of real Macedonia which is in Greece! It is inhabited by real Macedonians who are of course Greeks. (
The real Macedonians of Greece are nearly 2.5 millions and of course their population is not separated from the rest of the Greeks! Therefore the real Macedonians just like the Athenians, the Spartans, etc, simple are in the population of Greeks which is nearly 20 millions worldwide!
There is also the Slavic-Macedonia (FYROM or Makedonija) which has a population of 2 million and it is inhabitant by Slavs, Albanians, Turks, Serbs and a few other ethnicities. The Slav-Macedonians are nearly 1 million and the Albanian-Macedonians are about 8hundred thousands.
There are about 150 thousands Slav-Macedonians around the world and probably 75thousands Albanian-Macedonians!
The ancient kingdom of Macedonia was of course a Greek kingdom and it had no relation with modern Slavic Macedonia.
Alexander the Great was Greek from Greek Macedonia and he spread the Greek civilization and not a Slavic one!!
"He sent to Athens three hundred Persian panoplies to be set up to Athena in the acropolis; he ordered this inscription to be attached: Alexander son of Philip and the Greeks, except the Lacedaemonians, set up these spoils from the barbarians dwelling in Asia",
(Arrian I, 16, 7) (Have you read that?)
There are though a few fanatics like the asker who completely ignore history, their country’s policy and they post so unhistorical and completely fanatic questions!!
Lets see what you government says about your propaganda!
These are official Slav-Macedonian statements:
“first President of FYROM (Slav Macedonia), Kiro Gligorov said: “We are Slavs who came to this area in the sixth century ... we are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians" (Foreign Information Service Daily Report, Eastern Europe, February 26, 1992, p. 35). Also, Mr Gligorov declared: "We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia… Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century" (Toronto Star, March 15, 1992).
On 22 January 1999, Ambassador of the FYROM to USA, Ljubica Achevska gave a speech on the present situation in the Balkans. In answering questions at the end of her speech Mrs. Acevshka said: "We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great … Greece is Macedonia’s second largest trading partner, and its number one investor. Instead of opting for war, we have chosen the mediation of the United Nations, with talks on the ambassadorial level under Mr. Vance and Mr. Nemitz." In reply to another question about the ethnic origin of the people of FYROM, Ambassador Achevska stated that "we are Slavs and we speak a Slav language”.
On 24 February 1999, in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov, FYROM'S Ambassador to Canada, admitted, "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian." He also commented, “There is some confusion about the identity of the people of my country".
And now let’s answer the fake genetic research the asker mention.
That research was so discredited that it was soon dropped as fake and conducted with no scientific value.
The research was of course about the modern Slav-Macedonians which we know that they are not related to Greeks. No Greek researchers participated to this research and the Slav-Macedonian researchers haven’t answered how the obtained Greek genetic material since no Greek university, provided to them!
The best answer to that fake reserchis from the following Universitys:
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of
Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA Alberto Piazza
Department of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry,
University of Torino, Via Santena 19, 10126 Torino, Italy L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of
Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA
Lets see what they say:”
Dropped genetics paper lacked scientific merit
Nature 415, 115 (10 January 2002) © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Sir
They used a single genetic marker, HLA DRB1, for their analysis to construct a genealogical tree and map of 28 populations from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Japan. Using results from the analysis of a single marker, particularly one likely to have undergone selection, for the purpose of reconstructing genealogies is unreliable and unacceptable practice in population genetics.
The limitations are made evident by the authors' extraordinary observations that Greeks are very similar to Ethiopians and east Africans but very distant from other south Europeans; and that the Japanese are nearly identical to west and south Africans. It is surprising that the authors were not puzzled by these anomalous results, which contradict history, geography, anthropology and all prior population-genetic studies of these groups. Surely the ordinary process of refereeing would have saved the field from this dispute. We believe that the paper should have been refused for publication on the simple grounds that it lacked scientific merit. Neil Risch
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of
Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA Alberto Piazza
Department of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry,
University of Torino, Via Santena 19, 10126 Torino, Italy L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of
Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA
HLA genes are not used as a valid measure to determine ancestry since HLA genes, which control immune responses and are subject to environmental selection. This means they're not reliable in determining ancestral affinity, as using them thus can find bonds of kinship between Greeks and Japanese, as well as between Nordics in Iceland and Negroids in the Congo”
Next time the asker should try to post something true!
2006-08-15 12:34:30
answer #4
answered by ragzeus 6
covece nemam pojma ima ih dosta !
zasto ti je to bitno ?
nikad ne mozes odrediti tacan broj pripadnika nekog naroda,pre svega sto ima mnogo njih koji se tako nece izjasniti.
ako covek ode u inostranstvo,dobije drzavljanstvo,ozeni se strancem i dobije decu,ta deca nisu makedonci.oni ce se izjasniti drugacije.
isto tako ako bracni par ode negde i dobije decu,ta deca opet nisu makedonci.nece se osecati tako,imace strano drzavljanstvo.....
shvatas sta hocu da kazem ?
dalje,kao sto kaze ovaj covek - former yugoslav republic of macedonia se zove tako upravo zbog toga sto je nepravedno nazvati je samo MAKEDONIJA . nekadasnja makedonija obuhvata deo grcke,FYROM,deo bugarske i srbije.
2006-08-14 23:55:28
answer #5
answered by @neverland 2