I am. But people aren't Christian because they don't have to and don't agree w/ the Christian doctrine. Thats like saying'"Why aren't you Hindu?" . Because you don't belive in what they do. You can't force yourself to believe in anything.
2006-08-14 15:01:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No. I am not a Christian. Why should I be? Is there anyone out there who thinks I should be? I mean, aside from other Christians...
First of all, I believe Jesus Christ existed. I do not believe his mother never had sex. If you don't believe me, there is a book called "where did I come from" You should check it out... It shows you how babies are made...
Second of all, I do not think that he DIED and then came back to life 3 days later or even ever after actually being DEAD.
Third, I do not believe he then physically floated into the air until he dissappeared. I think the 'eyewitnesses' to this were not being completely honest...
I wouldn't believe stories like that even if my BEST FRIEND told me he was there and saw the whole thing. Would you??
Why should we believe stories people tell about things that happened TWO THOUSAND years ago - that they weren't even there to witness.
I believe every religious person is religious because some other person or group of people TOLD THEM to believe something. Therefore, every religious person would BELIEVE something else if they were born somewhere else and TOLD TO BELIEVE SOMETHING ELSE...
That's my short answer. lol.
2006-08-14 22:16:38
answer #2
answered by Alexander D 2
I was reviewing the answers and I happened to notice that most people are looking at God as someone who is there to take the heat ( literally ) for your sins. It doesn't matter if it's Christ or someone else. What matters is how you're treating God. He's not your bodyguard. He CAN be one. But He's not just a fall guy. He's something much,much more than that.
Another thing.I'm not a Christian. I don't need to defend Christ or anyone else. But don't throw away the lessons to be learnt from the Bible just because you can't believe that "his mother didn't have sex." . Stop being cynical. Look up the word METAPHORICAL. Try to see the beauty in things. That's tougher. Anyone can pick flaws.
2006-08-14 23:02:27
answer #3
answered by Sachi 1
Because it's an illusion to control your thoughts, so you wont discover what might be true, think would Jesus just abandon all of us and leave all the meek to suffer the wrath of the evil people that rule over us with only hope that our masters will be kind. Think why would he have to die for us to believe him or in him, why would he have to protect himself by dieing, when he could have destroyed the courts and those that sought him harm, why because he could not because he was a man with only great vision. Yes his thoughts were above others and I believe his message to us was to think. Think why do our societies behave as they do, why must we be like them, why was our freedom replaced with thought, why should the meek put blame and guilt on himself for societies he does not control.
2006-08-14 22:13:40
answer #4
answered by man of ape 6
Yes, I am a Christian. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I believe that Christ is the Son of God who came to Earth to be an example to us and to die so we can be free form the bondage of sin if we believe in Him. It's not easy but I am happy because I know these things and I can feel God's love and Spirit every day.
2006-08-14 22:06:31
answer #5
answered by Dally J 3
I am a Christian. I am because I have been though a lot in my life, (most people have struggles of some kind) and for me my faith helped me let go of the past and look forward to the future. I feel a sense of hope and that no matter how bad things get, I am not alone.
Some atheists say this is stupid and mythology and other choice words, but I'm happy, I'm content, why not let me have that. I also have seen a lot of things that defy any explanation except God working in our lives. Works for me.
2006-08-14 21:58:47
answer #6
answered by chris 5
No I am not a christian.I am not a Christian for the same reasons I am not a Trekkie. It is fantasy, Sci-Fi, just a story and not a particularly well written one. I think it is child abuse when people delude their own children with such wild and fanciful beliefs.
2006-08-14 22:02:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No. Wasn't brought up that way and I don't believe it's wise to blindly follow any teaching even if it does have some useful allegorical values.
Openmindedness will benefit humans more than blind obediance to fable
2006-08-14 21:59:31
answer #8
answered by 4
no im not and Jesus doent exist his something that some person came up with one day cause he die alot time ago or so ive heard and once your dead you cant come back and help people out churchs just brain wash people into believing in him
2006-08-14 21:58:41
answer #9
answered by HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4
Yup im a christain because i belive that GOD died on the cross for all of us!!!! an jesus is youre answer! im a christan an i am sure proud of it!!
2006-08-14 21:57:07
answer #10
answered by babygrl_42006 1