First, congrats on making it to 6 months with twins -- nice job!
I nursed my older daughter (now 3) until she was 14.5 months old. At one, I partially weaned her to just two nursing sessions a day -- first thing in the morning and right before bed. I was pregnant with my 2nd, so I don't know how much milk I had left anyway. At 14.5 months, she bit me and then never latched on again. I hope to never have to repeat such a sudden weaning b/c it was emotionally hard on both of us. It worked out well in the long run, but was not worth it at the time. I could have continued 2 nursing sessions a day almost indefinitely.
My younger daughter is now 21 months old, and she still nurses 4-10 times a day (2-3 of those at night). I'd like to have her cut back a little bit, but I haven't worked on it yet. She's a very active, independent child, and I think she needs those nursing sessions to help herself relax during the day. She also took to solids late, so it's nice to know that she's getting so much nutrition from nursing.
The AAP recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of one year, and the WHO recommends 2 years (and thereafter as long as mom and baby are happy).
If you wean your children before a year, you'll have to get them on formula. If nothing else, breastfeeding was worth it to save money and time by not having to prepare and wash bottles.
Congratulations again on doing such a great thing for your children for this long!
2006-08-14 07:34:53
answer #1
answered by Mom to 3 under 10 7
I nursed my twins until my son was 8-1/2 months and my daughter was 9 months. The other kids I nursed 5-6 months & I'm currently nursing my 4-1/2 month old.
2006-08-14 07:31:41
answer #2
answered by IVF Expert 6
My daughter is six months old and I am still nursing her. I am exactly like you - I plan to nurse atleast a year...until a year, they need breastmilk or a substitute for breastmilk, namely formula. Why give the babies a substitute (which isn't as good as the real thing) when you can give your babies the real thing? It doesnt make sense to me, so I am planning on nursing atleast a year, and then we will see from there...I have heard that most babies self-wean between one year and eighteen months, so I am hoping that will be the case with my daughter. If it takes a little longer, I am fine with that...I just dont want to be nursing a five year old! Just not for me...Keep nursing! You are doing the right thing! It is BEST for your babies, and you already know that! You are a great mom! Keep it up!
2006-08-14 11:21:16
answer #3
answered by dixiechic 4
Don't let anyone pressure you into stopping. Breastfeeding is so important. Researchers are always finding new benefits for breastfed babies. I am dietitian and I work for the WIC program, and we really try very hard to get women to breastfeed. Breastmilk has so many things in it that formula does not have. You are building your children's immune system; they are less likely to get SIDS, ear infections, respiratory infections, childhood leukemia, etc. Formula usually causes babies to spit up a lot, it's expensive, and you might have to keep switching until you find one your baby can tolerate. Breastmilk is so much better. Breastfed babies even have higher IQ's.
There are benefits for you too. It helps you lose weight and lowers your risk for breast cancer later in life. Formula is artificial, and unless the mom has AIDS or mom is unable to produce milk, every baby would be much healthier on breastmilk than on formula.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for a MINIMUM of 1 year. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a MINIMUM of 2 years. No, that is not a typo. In fact, the reason the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation is not also 2 years is because Americans would never accept that. Breasts are seen as primarly sexual in this country, and many people think breastfeeding beyond a year is disgusting, or worse, abusive. IT'S NOT!!! Breasts are primarily for feeding babies!!! That is why they are there.
So please, breastfeed your babies as long you want to and don't worry what people say about it. Just know that you are doing the best for your babies. Breastfeeding is one of the best decisions you can make to help your babies be healthy. Maybe you can find some information on the benefits of breastfeeding and show them to people that ask you. Maybe they will be more supportive and maybe they'll even decide to breastfeed their babies. You never know.
2006-08-14 07:55:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
They say a year is best. I stopped at 5 1/2 months. I was thinking about it for about a month and I was having some problems with him eating too much at night. Actually, it was really bad. He kept waking me up just for affection. I was so sleep deprived that my body would just give up and I'd get 103 temp. The third time that happened I just thought I have to start weening for my own sake. It was hard to give him formula at first but it got better. After about a month he got used to the taste and loved the stuff. We gave him Horizon organic formula.
I just read some of the other answers and I can't believe the wide variety of answers. You can see that this is a personal choice and if you are already thinking and asking about it then you'll proboly start weening soon. Good Luck!
2006-08-14 07:31:49
answer #5
answered by ☆miss☆ 3
I nursed for 7 months with my first and I pumped for 6 months with my second. You do what is right for YOU! you will always get opinions from everyone, even if you don't ask for them. Tell them that you will stop when you are ready to! My girlfriend nursed for a year with both of her kids and I saw nothing wrong with I said, you have to do what is right for you and your family.
Best of luck!
2006-08-14 07:37:36
answer #6
answered by Jen 3
Good for you!! This is the single best thing that you can do for your babies, and it's great that you don't consider it "torture"! You can continue nursing for as long as the babies want to - it's not just a source of food but of comfort, and a wonderful way to connect for a few quiet moments during a hectic day. Let them decide when they're ready to quit, it'll happen all too soon as they grow and discover the world! I nursed my son til he was about 19 months old, and loved every minute. You'll notice a huge benefit in their health, too - fewer ear infection, fewer illnesses period - they're getting immunity to everything that you're immune to. Good luck!
2006-08-14 07:34:19
answer #7
answered by woodlands127 5
I had a problem breastfeeding. I had near non-stop migraines from the time my daughter was about 3 days old until I gave up breastfeeding on the advice of my doctor when she was about 3.5 weeks old. They figured out that my headaches were being triggered by the hormones that breastfeeding was causing to be produced.
In your situation though, I would do it for as long as you and your children's doctors feel that you should, do not let others influence your decision -- because their opinions are most likely based on their being uncomfortable with what you are doing. You know what is best for your babies. Good Luck :)
2006-08-14 07:32:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am breastfeeding my 26 month old son. I have a friend who is breastfeeding her twin boys who are just a month younger than my son. She did it exclusively until they were 6 months and continues to bf them now at 25 months.
When people ask you when you are going to stop you can just be honest - tell them at 12 months or that it is none of their business. Or you can get creative with your answers - ask them if they want a turn or tell them you'll stop when they are ready to take over breastfeeding for you.
2006-08-14 15:20:02
answer #9
answered by AlongthePemi 6
I nursed my first child for 8 months and my second for 1 month. I think a year is quite wonderful if you can do it. Personally I wouldn't want to after a year but I know of people who have. I think it's a personal preference.
2006-08-14 07:30:40
answer #10
answered by simply_moon 3