>>>CAN<<< I?
Yes, I CAN. It's possible for me to open my mouth, resonate my vocal chords and manipulate my lips and tongue in such a way that I will produce the words "god doesn't exit".
I can ALSO do the same thing for "god doesn't exist".
2006-08-13 15:24:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I can't say tha God doesn't exist. Why? Look at the Design theory... Why are things or creatures on earth in order? Look, why is our face in order. I mean, our eyes are placed above the face and man can't invent an eye. It's like a camera but it's not a camera... same with the nose, lips, and ears. Isn't it obvious that only the Almighty can do all the stuffs? God exists.
2006-08-13 22:31:19
answer #2
answered by rey 1
exit means to leave. I think you probably meant "exist"
no, I believe very strongly that God exists
2006-08-13 22:24:29
answer #3
answered by Emily B 2
Of course not. It is a logical impossibility to prove the negative of something. For instance, if I ask you if you have been to Disneyland it is pretty easy to PROVE that you HAVE. (Proving the positive) But if I ask you if you have been to Walt Disney World and you say, "No." And I then say, 'All right, prove it!' How can you PROVE that you HAVEN'T done something?
Therefore people who claim to KNOW that God doesn't exist are either ignorant of Logic 101 or they presume their arrogance is such that them merely saying that God doesn't exist somehow causes Him to no longer exist.
I don't take atheists too seriously. Agnostistics are much more intellectually honest, (they at least claim to not know.)
2006-08-13 22:25:46
answer #4
answered by Mr. Curious 6
"Based on the complete absense of evidence, god(s) do not exist"
Yes that was easy, now let's try saying something harder.
Hey Mr. Idiot er... Mr. Curious.
The only evidence that I need of the non-existence of god(s), is the non-existence of evidence to prove the claim by believers that it does exist. The burden of proof is on the claimant. The people who originally made the claim, are the believers. Atheism is the default position. Faith does not equal fact.
Have a nice day!
2006-08-13 22:28:32
answer #5
answered by downdrain 4
You are right, He never exits, He is always here!!
2006-08-13 22:23:15
answer #6
answered by BrotherMichael 6
There is no credible evidence to support God belief.
The literal translation of the word "agnostic" is "ignorant." Agnostics are claiming they do not know what they believe.
2006-08-13 22:27:28
answer #7
answered by Left the building 7
WELL, I don't think he "exist" but as far as "exit" well.....then if he does not "exist" then he cannot "exit" anything
2006-08-13 22:25:03
answer #8
answered by ♥ Haylow ♥ 5
Please read my answer to your very good question, thankyou
Well anyone can say and or believe that God does not exist....
everyone is intitled to their own oppinions but not their own facts...
When presented with the facts you either choose to believe them or not....
many may have their own version of the truth and oppinions... but we all know that versions of the truth, half-truths, and partial truth, are nothing but Fallacies....
So it is the on going battle of the Facts as they are, vs. the truth as one may see it....
And the fact is you cannot proove or disproove someone into believeing in God.... eventually one must choose for themselves either to believe or not....
You cannot say that God does not exist either... in order to proove that He does or not, you would have to search the universe and beyond to find Him... but you would have to search it all at once...
All of this is impossible....
Man chooses his ideology...
there is evidence everywhere from the smallest particle to the vastness universe... which one may use....
with these known facts you can.... argue your ideology...
How did the universe get here? one says God, another says big bang....
No scientist can proove the big bang theory, because it is a theory...., yet many choose to believe it as fact without questioning it whatsoever, because it lines up with their ideology of "no God"
The only other alternative to the Theory of Evolution is Creation... which points to an inteligent creator.... some find this difficult to accept, some would rather believe in anything short of insanity and beyond than to open their minds to the possibilty of God...
Some anthiest and evolution scientist have looked at the evidence and have concluded that their are many unanswered questions and problems with the Theory of Evolution... and at the same time found factual evidence supporting Creation... and have decided to believe in God... others have become Agnostic....
And when these scientist question the theory of Evolution, they are mocked by everyone else... as unscientifical and religious....
Have people become so closed minded as to not question Evolution? Accepting anything in the text books as fact without a doubt?
Since when has theory become law?
Science is based upon proven law... not theory... science deals with the known facts, it does not jump to conclusions and accept theory as fact...
over the years the Theory of Evolution has suffered blows and has come accross unbridgable rivers... holes and gaps are all around... in an attempt to preserve this theory, some die hard athiest have invented versions of man from pigs tooth and an ape scull, others try and proove Evolution with claiming parts of an whale and a snake that have once been legs... yet knowing that anatomy states these bones to be used in reproduction...
And still others putting claims and false evidence and dates in text books, so that all will believe in something that is a work of science fiction....
It is scientifically immposible for DNA to make new information, DNA can only replicate and rearange information....
Yet Evolution states that all living things came from one organism....
It is immpossible for life to form from non-life... and for something to come from nothing... yet this is the backbone of Evolution itself....
The Theory of evolution is in conflict with the facts... yet it is presented as factual science for those that cannot open their minds up enough to believe or assume that their is a God....
If the Theory of Evolution lacks scientific evidence... then their is only one alternative... to believe in God, not a mystical creature... but a intelligent Being....
Some would rather live in what they perceieve as truth, than in the facts as they are...
The fact is God does exist.... people have to make the choice to believe or not....
The question is will you open your mind and your eyes, will you study the evidence for yourself.... you must make a choice....
After doing so myself... I have chosen to believe in God
2006-08-13 23:07:02
answer #9
answered by Mr. Agappae 5
OK did you ask yourself, why iam here? if god doesn't exists Why you ask that question
2006-08-13 22:23:48
answer #10
answered by arvin_ian 4