Ok here goes but mind you its a healthy diet. Its not fast. It works on each person differnt. It will work and you be the most healthy person ever.
The basic goal is to remove the toxins from our body, thats most of the wieght we have anyway.
Here's what you do.
Eat only fresh fruit in the mornings as for breakfast, the fruits is what helps clean our bodies, you can drink juice if you want but only fresh home made juice ( Not from a can or bottle) Around lunch time you'll want to eat above ground veggies like corn, peas and green beans. Those kind of veggies. These are what gives us energy during the day. Please nothing from a can. They won't do u any good at all.
Supper time you'll want to eat those veggies grown below ground like carrots and potatos. Here's the catch The only thing you can cook is the potatos and I would suggest slowly baking those, Everything needs to be eaten raw. The heat in cooking kills the things we need to make us healthy. Nothing processed at all is allowed you'll be defeting the purpose. only clean water to drink ( no tap water , thats some nasty stuff ) no coffee no tea no beer or whiskey no soft drink of any kind.. Abosolutley nothing that is processed and at your best don't cook any of it. at least if you have to cook it cook at extreamly low heat and not for any lenght of time. Oh you can have peanuts almonds ectt... raw no salt sorry no salt or butter to any foods either.
Your trying to remove the toxins and you will lose wieght. when the body rids itself of all the toxins you should gain a little back to where you are suppose to be.
I hope this helps and keep me posted.
2006-08-13 06:38:24
answer #1
answered by herbs411_42719 5
That really doesnt sound like a good idea. The fact that you say yourself that you are a big build means that you are never going to be both slim and healthy. You should try to eat a healthy diet and exercise 4 times a week for a while and hopefully you will be pleased enough with the results to see that you do not need to be stick thin to be beautiful and sexy. Losing a lot of weight fast is really bad for your body, and can result in lasting damage to your organs, putting strain on your heart....is it really worth it just to drop a dress size. Try and feel a litlle better within yourself and the rest will fall into place.
2006-08-13 06:40:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you are very muscular, you shouldn't have too much problem losing weight. Fat uses just 2 calories per pound to maintain. Muscle, on the other hand uses 37.8 calories per pound to maintain.
Calories expended should be more than calories taken in.
If you restrict your calories to 1500 per day (men) 1200 per day (women)
300 calories meals 2 times per day 400 to 500 calories at dinner with 100 calorie snacks in between should make you feel less hungry and your body's metabolism won't slow down.
Drinking lots of very cold water (superhydration) uses calories to warm it and gets rid of extra calories in heat expelled during urination.
Strength train 3 days per week 20 minutes and walk 30 minutes each day after dinner will keep your metabolism revved up.
Most importantly, get plenty of rest. When you sleep 8-9 hours per night, your body recognizes that you are relieving stress and won't 'hold onto' extra fat.
There's no magic bullet for extreme weight loss. Just instituting new habits which takes about 10 days.
Good luck.
2006-08-13 06:57:16
answer #3
answered by toota956 4
four months ago I weighed 16 stone far too much for my height of 5 ft 4 inches tall. I joined weight watchers with my wife to encourage each other to lose our flab .we were interviewed by the leader ,and given points for our relevant sizes and the target that will give us a healthy body .mine was 30 points per day and this is quite alot Ihave kept to my target and even reduced it .My weight now is 13stone 7 lbs and falling.The secret is to look at the calories and the saturated fats and with w.w. calculation chart
work out your points .do not be tempted to say what the heck be positive and win the fight against the flab you can do it I did .A stone and a half to go and i have won
2006-08-13 08:59:40
answer #4
answered by scubber1 1
Well Walk And Swim ..Do A lot of Sports ..
Eat Healty Food Like Vegetables ,Fruits ...
For Example =
For Breakfast : Fresh Low Fat Milk , Fitness Cereal ( if You Like Cereals ) Or Some Fruits Like Apples, Apricot , Grapes ,Banannas , Watermelon ....
For Lunch : Eat Fish or Chicken But Grilled Not Fried ..Or If Your A Vegetarian Eat Healthy Vegetables .: Like Carrots ,Corn ,Tomato , Lettuce , Cabbage ...........
For Dinner : Eat Healthy Foods ...
Look Eat Healthy Foods Always and Never Miss a Meal its Not Good ...
DONT Eat : Fried Foods , French Fries , Junk Food ,
Well You Can Eat Some Bread But not a lot ..
Drink a Lot of Water ....
Good Luck .
Hope You Lose alot of Weight.
2006-08-13 06:50:07
answer #5
answered by Unique !! 3
Well there is the obvious excercise and diet route.
My mum has all these workout tapes she got in America and the pounds are shedding off (Denise Austin is good. So is Crunch)
Drink lots of water.
Eat Slowly (ever noticed skinny people are really slow eaters? Its because it takes your body 20 minutes to realise its being fed so if you polish you plate in 10, you wouldnt know if you had over eaten until another 10, you get me?)
Choose something fun! I like to dance - it tones and loses weight.
Play with kids or something.
Walk your dog?
Sex. Great workout and fun.
Invent your own sport! My aunt used to make relays while hoovering.
Be happy and dont push yourself!
Good Luck =]
2006-08-13 06:40:17
answer #6
answered by schizoidrew 2
I'm doing the ministry of sounds dance work out video at the moment and is is working fantastically!!!! the key is to loose weight fast and sensibly , keep a to a balanced diet, dint eat too much of something ,also do lots of exercise so u burn everything off quicker, instead of travelling by transport try to jog or walk places that u go, drink plenty of water to keep yoUr insides nice and healthy , and u will also start to notice ur skin will be glowing too!!!:D works 4 me
2006-08-13 06:46:28
answer #7
answered by princessglamourgirl 1
This simple plan helped me loose a lot of weight so here goes,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at http://tinyurl.com/m7ckx
Good luck
2006-08-14 22:47:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
By having a gastric band fitted. By starving yourself. By over exercising. By purging. Basically, just be very unhealthy and the weight will drop off. Alternatively increase the amount of exercise you do and decrease the amount of food you eat, both in moderation and you will lose weight at a steady rate and it will stay off. Its about learning new habits that will stay with you for life. Good luck.
2006-08-13 06:44:11
answer #9
answered by Cazza 4
ATKINS! People can dis it all they want but it works. But it only works if you stick to it to the letter and never stray. It's all about blood sugar levels and if you cheat every other day your blood sugar gets out of wack and it's like starting over every time. I lost 14 pounds in the first two weeks and a total of 30 in two and a half months. It works, you don't get hungry, and it's healthier than staying on the junk food.
P.S. This person above me is crazy. Try, try, try. Put every last bit of effort you have into. You can do it!
2006-08-13 06:39:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous