Don't eliminate your favorite foods, or you will end up binging.
Don't get discouraged on days that you overeat. You will always have days when you just can't shake that craving. try to do some extra exercise the next day.
Don't make unreasonable goals. It's good to have a weight loss goal, like "fit into those new jeans in 30 days," But be reasonable about it. Don't expect to lose 50 pounds in 2 months. 1 or 2 pounds a week is recommended.
Be aware of what triggers binging. Some people can't sit and watch tv without raiding the fridge, so in that case you would need to cut down on tv watching and get into some other activities.
Do not rely on any products like pills or diet books to make you lose weight. These are tools that can help you, but you will only get results with determination and patience.
Stay focused on the goal even when it seems hopeless. Nothing is more important than your health.
2006-08-13 06:49:30
answer #1
answered by martin h 6
Eat healthy. Fad diets can cause you to lose nutrients and most people gain the weight back right away. Eat healthy and you can't help but lose weight. Added benefits: you will feel much better and you will be developing good eating habits that will make it easier to keep the weight off. On the Perricone Plan my average weight loss was 5-9lbs per week. Higher than average and I have never felt better. Energy level is up and blood pressure is down.
2006-08-13 06:39:59
answer #2
answered by Emm 6
Join Weight Watchers. They not only teach you new tips for losing weight and eating healthy, but they give you emotional support. They also do spend some time addressing behavorial issues related to overeating.
2006-08-13 06:41:11
answer #3
answered by Kiki 6
skip the bagel and in favor of whole wheat toast
2017-03-09 02:24:16
answer #4
answered by ? 3
soups can be both filling and comforting try making a garden or bean soup with low salt broth and store in portion sized cups for later
2017-03-09 00:19:50
answer #5
answered by ? 3
take every opportunity to move around even in small ways studies show fidgety people tend to be skinnier
2016-07-04 02:02:48
answer #6
answered by ? 5
trade in a cappuccino for a regular a cup of joe
2016-03-24 09:00:55
answer #7
answered by Oscar 3
Hitting the gym is important for weight loss
2016-01-29 22:06:57
answer #8
answered by ? 3
try tips and articles on weight loss and exercise programs on this site
2006-08-13 06:46:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Eat breakfast and smaller meals throughout the day. Also exercise whenever you can even if it is parking at the far end of a parking lot and walk. every little bit counts.
2006-08-13 06:38:43
answer #10
answered by Sherrie 3