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law states that we are not allowed to hit our children?bout what about children hitting their parents?who helps us?

2006-08-13 01:53:40 · 45 answers · asked by dolly dimple 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

45 answers

The first time my children raised their hand to me (around age 2) I send them fliing through the room<----airborn! After that they will think twice about raising their hand to me again. I am a tough mom and I tell them I'll take em' out in an instant if they even think of hitting me! As a mother I will not tolerate the disrespect of my teenager hitting me, especially if it a son! I show NO fear to my kids and they respect that. I'm small 5'2" but I am "full of piss and vinager" as my hubby says it! Good luck and watch your back!

2006-08-13 02:03:13 · answer #1 · answered by colleen3273 3 · 2 0

No its not proper. What the law is saying is that now our children are the parents and the parents are the children. I don't agree with the word beat. But a small tap or light slap is only hurting there ego. It all starts from a early age. My teenagers are all grow up now. Finished school and have good jobs. They knew at the age of one years old not to hit there parents. When i was in school their was the strap and just knowing it was their in the school office made us do better in school. Although i did not believe in the strap. But it worked. My son is taller then me and still takes a step back if i raise my hand. And i never struck my parents because they said our arm would stick up from the grave and that they would not be able to lower it. lol. That worked. You have to be firm now because of this law. Because mine are all grown up i can't give you any info on who helps the parents these days. A parent should let there kids know at an early age that it will not be tolerated under the home that they live in. That if they hit they will be taken away and if a teenager? Throw them out. If they back call the police.

2006-08-13 02:48:21 · answer #2 · answered by X-Woman 5 · 0 0

Simple as this I brought you into this world and I can take you out...if my child felt brave and brazen enought to hit me or my husband they better make it count because let me tell you there would be hell to pay. And this whole it's illegal to hit your children thing is a crock of you know what. They took the power of dicipline away from teachers and kids now rule the schools. Now they want to take it away from the parents and look what is happening we live in a world where kids are allowed to tell an adult to f k off but not allowed to ride a bike without a helmet. Do we forget about what life was like when we were young? Because it is our generation ( newer parents ) who are making up this stupid rules. We live in fear of our children when they should be the ones living in fear of us. Our grandparents must be disgusted with us all.

2006-08-13 02:20:04 · answer #3 · answered by ploobis 3 · 1 0

You should never let children hit you or control your house. That is why they are the children. This obviously is nt something that happened over night and now it up to you to find a way to correct it. First look at yourself and your parenting style and address some things that you need to change.

Next, practice tough love. Don't be a punk and do what you have to do. You can do it. But remember just like are kids become who we develop them to be it may take months or years to "re-train" then to be a better version of themselves.

2006-08-13 02:03:44 · answer #4 · answered by free2praise76 3 · 0 0

come on ...like if parents r not allowed 2 hit their children...do u think children r allowed 2 hit their parents.i think wat the law wants 2 make clear is that individual rights is respected.children hitting their parents is not normal at all.if anyone is experiencing this better get some help.u wanna know why there is not a law protecting the parents?cuz WE ar supposed 2 discipline our child.it is OUR full responsibility.how your child behaves towards parents is the outcome of how you discipline them.if things tend 2 get outta control...seek proffessionel help.your last resort is 2 send your child 2 a special home...its emotionally disturbing 4 both parties...

2006-08-13 02:09:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

all violence is wrong, whether its parent on child or vice versa. teenagers are the first to shout up if someone older hits them but when the shoes on the other foot a parent just accepts it. I think it should be reported if teenagers get away with this from an early age they are more likely to do when the older and cause a lot more damage.

2006-08-13 03:49:57 · answer #6 · answered by Sarah B 2 · 0 0

If whoever came up with this law took a quick glance around the country he/she will note that crime is increasing. Now my personal opinion is that the increased crime rates are to do with lack of discipline in homes. When my grandad and nan were younger if they misbehaved they had the 'slipper" or a clip around the ear hole by their parents or a policeman etc and the threat of a repeat of that was usually enough to put them off doing whatever they were doing wrong. Now i realise that measures have got to be put into place to protect those poor children whose monster parents abuse them with violence, but discipline starts at home and if your teenagers are hitting you, they must have missed out on discipline. Fone the police on them and report them for abuse. They need to know who is in charge.

2006-08-13 02:37:12 · answer #7 · answered by gingajen 3 · 0 0

The cops. I don't care how old they are, they could be 15, 20, 30 or 40. If my child woud have ever picked up their hands to hit me, you would of read about me in the paper. What took it to this extreme? I hope this is just a question you're inquisitive about and that you're not going through this yourself. If you are, this is a very serious matter.

2006-08-15 15:41:38 · answer #8 · answered by lady love 2 · 0 0

Your teenager should never hit you. i would call the police but as some other people where saying they most likely wont do anything. Maybe you could ask the police to pay a wee visit that might be enough to scare them in to stopping. Try phoning your local social work department, they might have contacts of people that could help.

2006-08-15 11:13:52 · answer #9 · answered by Claire B 2 · 0 0

Not sure what to say to this one as I have a teenage daughter and if she was to hit me I would not only be devastated but might even give her a good back hander, and that is something I do not do with my kids, I know hitting back doesn't solve anything but I would not like for her to think that if she hit me she would get away with it. But that is what I say cos I have not had to deal with that, i would not know what I would do for real unless I had to face that situation.
My heart goes out to you babe as I couldn't ever imagine hitting my own mum and would hate it if any of my kids ever hit me.
Can't suggest what to do, but I truly do feel for you.

2006-08-13 08:50:52 · answer #10 · answered by ooooh look @ me, lol 3 · 0 0

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