some people like the taste of different alcoholic beverages; not everyone drinks to look cool.
2006-08-12 18:29:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, its very distinct and there are other reasons to enjoy a drink once in awhile. Just like soda, its not good to drink too much of it. As for the flavor, its flavoring comes from a long process, and can come from all sort of things, from where it's stored in to the fruits they place in it; the ingredients can be endless. Of course, everything in moderation can be good. There are all types of beers out there, so there is plenty to choose from. So, all you have to do is taste and see if you like it, because even our taste buds are not all the same. But, by all means, its okay not to like beer. And if you want more info try Wikipedia. You can find loads of information there.
2006-08-12 18:42:36
answer #2
answered by jpgrst 1
I tend to consume alcohol when I feel the need to be comfortably numb to my surroundings.
I wasn't aware that it made me look "" although that is fantastic news.
It often tastes like **** but the euphoria after a certain amount of alcohol makes it worth it.
Are you really that naive? Have you been brainwashed by the Dare teacher or something?
At any rate, this is something I will definitely have to ponder while sipping my coffee and Bailey's tomorrow morning as I stand alone in the parlor looking as though I pulled myself from a refuse compactor.
2006-08-12 18:37:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Some people drink to numb their senses, if they are upset or depressed about a difficult situation in their lives.
Some people drink a little red wine or sherry to relax if they are very tense or stressed.
Some people drink to relieve physical pain.
I don't really care for the taste of alcohol. And I don't much have time for the effects of it. I do like some sherries, though.
Not to sound like George Thorogood, but when and if I drink, I drink alone... yeah, with nobody else... you know, when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself...
Really. In my own house.
So, that to say, no coolness factor there. ;-)
2006-08-12 18:39:15
answer #4
answered by scruffycat 7
learn how to spell for one and for two people don't drink alcohol to look cool. grow up! yes the taste is very distinct, and it's fun you can have good time. lol your a square!!
2006-08-12 18:33:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It does have a very distinct and acquired taste. It's fun to get kind of tipsy. It loosens people up and makes social situations a whole lot more interesting.
2006-08-12 18:32:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well i like to have a beer every now and then. but it is just the uniqe tast of it. but some people drink it to try to releve stress and get rid of there problems for a wile. but beer is axualy a depressent, so when they do that when they sober up the problems and stuff are still there and can make things worse.and some drink it cuz of the feiling of the buzz too.
2006-08-12 19:37:00
answer #7
answered by Sharon K 2
actual do any of you adult males have piercings, or are you all caught up on the shown fact that (without appropriate scientific care!!) they'll bypass contaminated, optimistic you look humorous yet interior the long-term it facilitates you to be you. So in case you wanna get your face or physique pierced, bypass forward and do it, ive had my nostril pierced for 3 and my larger and decrease lips for 2 a million/2 years and not something happens different than the occasional dropping the ball ends and or having to re-gauge them if i lose them. basically saying. Dont be a dick.
2016-12-17 09:56:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes it does have quite a different taste. Most people drink it to relax or to catch a buzz and feel kinda loopy.
2006-08-12 18:28:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
depends on the type of alcohal, for example wine taste nice, beer is refreshing, and cocktails can be fun
I suggest whne you do decide to try it, remember a glass or 2 is ok,but getting drunk is dumb
2006-08-12 18:34:41
answer #10
answered by elvenlike13 3