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2006-08-12 17:41:13 · 13 answers · asked by Christa P 1 in Family & Relationships Family

The pay is almost double, in nursing.
My husband can't get a full time job where we are right now, and he has a big student loan that seems to be sucking us drier each day.
my family does consist of kids-2 boys that are 9 & 4, and of course my husband.
I am very torn on this, but the company that offered me the job wants me to go into isolation for awhile, and really doesn't want my family there not right now atleast.
When I think of it, leaving them I get sick to my stomach, but, if we continue what we are doing right now, we will be in dept forever-HELP!!!

2006-08-12 18:05:05 · update #1

13 answers

A lot of people are in this situation the career is very important in keeping financial matters in order. Weigh your options. If you have to leave you will be making a great sacrifice for your family. Can the children come and see you every weekend and visa versa? I had a relationship when he left and I would go and be with him on the weekends. It was hard i missed him a lot. I was in that relationship for 3.5 years it finally took its toll. Good luck and talk with your kids.

2006-08-12 18:48:49 · answer #1 · answered by Cheryl M 2 · 0 0

are you saying your family consists of your parents and siblings, or are you saying your family is your husband and children....that makes a big difference.

If the job is good paying (better than now) and is a career move, AND you have relatives or friends in the area where the new job is who will help you get started there and keep in touch with you, then sure, give it a try.

2006-08-13 00:54:07 · answer #2 · answered by sophieb 7 · 0 0

Your sons need you. They won't understand why you left them. Work two jobs if you have to, but be there for your family. Any company that does not embrace a family is a company I would not work for. Stay with you family...period.

2006-08-13 01:28:53 · answer #3 · answered by Lissa 3 · 0 0

You need to tell us more about your "family". No, if your family includes your kids. Otherwise, do what you want. If you are married, don't count on your spouse being around when you get back.

2006-08-13 00:46:47 · answer #4 · answered by Grizzly B 2 · 0 0

I'd advise against it, unless you plan on traveling back and forth.

My parents use to travel all the time. I hated it and they hated it. Eventually they just stopped traveling less and less and those have been the most awesome times ever when they were around.

2006-08-13 00:45:53 · answer #5 · answered by pacific_crush 3 · 0 0

If you TRULY believe that it will help you and your family by doing so, Then don't second guess yourself, Go for it.
If you just want to get away for awhile, DON'T even think about it.

2006-08-13 00:55:02 · answer #6 · answered by chubbiguy40 4 · 0 0

Can you stay straight? Can they stay straight!
Ask yourself this before you go anywhere.Sometimes absence makes the heart look elsewhere if you are not of strong stock.
We live in a wicked world these days!

2006-08-13 00:50:37 · answer #7 · answered by Frogmama 4 · 0 0

Need more information. How old are you? What is the job, and why do you have to leave your family?

2006-08-13 00:57:22 · answer #8 · answered by Tiny Jr. 3 · 0 0

Sure. North always has more money than South since 1776.

2006-08-13 00:46:24 · answer #9 · answered by Mimi 4 · 0 0

it would depend on what the pay is and is it worth it. why not take your family with you. i would ask a lot of questions. and really think about it.

2006-08-13 00:45:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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