I don't know if you've tried this yet, but get any kind of fruits you want. Add them into the blender and put natural guava juice for the liquid. It makes the best fruit smoothies. And if you don't like guava juice then you can replace it with any other natural fruit drink, but I would really suggest the guava juice. This is a very simple way to enjoy a breakfast or a snack.
2006-08-12 13:17:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Tropical fruit smoothie
2 servings
1/2 small papaya
1/2 pear
1/2 nectarine or peach
1/2 banana
1 (6 ounce) container yogurt (I like to use pineapple flavor)
Whirl everything together and enjoy!
If the mixture is thick, you can always add a little milk or juice, or add an orange to the combo to lighten it up a bit.
2006-08-12 13:13:10
answer #2
answered by Auntiem115 6
regrettably it somewhat is risky on your well-being to can or shelter culmination without utilising the marvelous quantity of sugar. Sugar sterilizes and preserves the culmination you're utilising. in case you're frightened in regards to the quantity of sugar no longer being healthful i could advise utilising a sugar replace like Spelnda. in case you locate that preserves, jams or canned fruit is basically too candy for you, you may dilute it with a sprint greater advantageous water after boiling it. additionally, the wonder is likewise desperate by utilising the ripeness of your culmination. in case you have completely ripe fruit there organic sugars would be greater renowned then culmination that at the instant are not. additionally particular culmination have greater sugar than others. Drupes(pitted fruit) ( cherries, plums and peaches) tend to be sweeter than pomes (apples and pears) and fake berries (cranberrries and bananas). solid success!
2016-09-29 05:08:24
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Well...all fruit has sugar...but I like to use 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup milk, one cup frozen fruit, it's cheap, easy, and you can use the yogurt cup to measure the other two. Add banana or pineapple or whatever you want too, it's hard to go wrong, 'cause it's all good ingredients!
2006-08-12 13:46:23
answer #4
answered by Joe S 2
frozen strawberries and blueberries, chopped pineapples in a can with the juice, any flavor sorbet, and kiwi! Just throw as much or as little of everything that you want in the blender. You shouldn't need ice with the frozen fruit and sorbet.
2006-08-12 17:05:40
answer #5
answered by katy.allred 2
buy bags of mixed frozen fruits, or just a bunch of fresh fruits. heres one that i LOVE :
after u put the fruit in, put in about 2 cups of orange juice and some ice and it will be nice and frothy and good :]
2006-08-12 13:13:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
frozen sugar free yogurt
peaches (1 cup)
and a splash of milk.
The juice of the peaches helps to thin the yogurt and the taste is divine.
2006-08-12 13:15:31
answer #7
answered by shiningtreasure 2
1/2 c fresh strawberries
1/2 c vanilla yogurt
1/8 c milk
Blend and drink
2006-08-12 13:22:54
answer #8
answered by cynfrog 2
Strawberries, banana, orange juice, little bit of cream, ice.
2006-08-12 15:59:36
answer #9
answered by Chef Orville 4
I just like mixed frozen berries, banana, and watermelon, Yummy
2006-08-12 13:13:30
answer #10
answered by MC 5