First, be responsible. Spend your money wisely, and pay your bills on time. Keep your appointments and other commitments. Let your word be your bond.
Second, be interesting. Learn as much as you can about everything that you can. Learn to argue effectively, remembering that if you win an argument, it is only an ego trip, but if you lose one, you can learn something.
Third, keep yourself and your home reasonably neat. If it is comfortable for you, it will be comfortable for him. Be able to perform the necessary domestic tasks such as cooking and cleaning. A good man won't saddle you with these all the time, but know how to do them well when it is your turn.
If you do these things, not only will you please your man, you'll please yourself. Go for it!
2006-08-11 11:31:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
* faithful, trustworthy, and loyal
* a good cook in the kitchen and sexy in the bedroom
* keep yourself looking attractive
* don't whine and complain too much, be fun!
* don't spend too much outside of the household budget
* keep the lines of communications open
* learn how to resolve domestic disputes effectively
* be supportive of your man
You'll be a very good wife when you get married!
2006-08-11 18:31:18
answer #2
answered by sunshine25 7
1. Shut Up
2. Get Naked
3. Get on the bed
2006-08-11 18:26:13
answer #3
answered by drsteve362005 6
some men will fall for really stupid things like when you stand in front of him in the nude with a tray of food for him. but my advise is that you show him you love him
the four faced master
2006-08-11 18:35:06
answer #4
answered by the four faced master 3