Religion has been the instigator of most wars that is true.
They do justify it by saying they don't believe the way we do so they have to die. God wants us to kill them.
What they fail to realize is if God wanted them dead he could do it himself. He doesn't need any help.
Genesis 6:6 God regretted making man because the earth was full of violence because of them. So the flood, Noah>
muslim, christian, whatever, violence is morally wrong and is never sanctioned by God. No matter what your religion God doesn't want the death of anyone. Child or otherwise.
2006-08-11 02:55:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think the world needed a war.
You see, humans are being convinced that Evolution is taking place. And it clearly hasn't. Humans are as idiotic, cruel and murderous as they ever have been.
But with the terrorists being allowed to dig in to Lebanon, and fire missles into Israel, steal a couple of Israeli solders, and then not give them back unharmed, they were asking for it.
Lebanon is getting what they deserve.
Another way we can know that the human race has not evolved is because it got dumber. The parts of our human population that got dumber are those that think that war can be fought without any civilian casulties. To even entertain the idea is idiotic.
More evidence that the human race is not evolving is in it's constant call for peace. This is even evidence that the human race is becoming clinically insane. When was the last time there was peace in the Middle East? And since it has been a very, very, long time, what's a terrorist group digging into the borders north of the country they hate going to do?
How could anyone who's not insane think that war wont be the result of that? Hmmm?
MY experience says that it's going to happen for a long time until someone in the Arab world stands up and stops the terrorist organizations from within. So far, nobody has the balls.
2006-08-11 03:15:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First, let us set one thing straight. Christianity does not sponsor wars. If there are or were Christians who have sanctioned war, they are wrong. Now let me qualify that statement; war is wrong, but when there is a country or a group of people who have designs on spreading terror and death throughout the world, it becomes a forced necessity to eliminate it. Would you prefer that thousand or perhaps millions of innocent people are uselessly slaughtered by heartless murderers? It goes on all the time, but nobody seems to want to stop it. You can to talk peace, but, for example a maniac like Saddam Hussain or Osama bin Laden don't want peace, they want a piece of our hide. So what are we to do? A Christian is to live in peace with others, but what happens if the others don't want peace, what would be your suggestion?
2006-08-11 03:01:21
answer #3
answered by tigranvp2001 4
If a guy is evil, committing negative detrimental acts hostile to probability free human beings in a overseas land then runs like a coward and stands in the back of girls and little ones he says he's making an attempt to guard, it truly is he no longer those he committed the acts hostile to that is inflicting the killings. All that had to be carried out to stay away from this negative warfare replaced into to go back the lads that were illegally abducted and leave Israel on my own. That the cowards won't be able to do. yet they could take a seat back and cry at the same time as they lose a level their finger at those they first attacked saying "look international hoe evil Israel is" that's the Islamic terrorist and those that help them that ought to take duty for those deaths....Jim
2016-11-24 20:03:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately, in any war, there are civilian casualties where children are also victims. In this war, more than any other, you have terrorists groups embedding themselves and their weapons, including missile launchers, within residential areas. Destroying those weapons, inevitabely, also destroy residential areas, killing civilians in the process.
In any civilized community (and I know this is true in European and American cities to mention a few global areas), no civilian would be in the right mind to stay in their home if there are rocket launchers by residential buildings. Furthermore, those citizens would immediately revolt agains the group that put those launchers by their homes. I know I would! That is easier said than done in a Muslim country, where what the regime says is golden and cannot be challanged.
Unfortunately in the Arab world, where freedom of speech, spectrum of opinion is absolutely restricted, and in fact, can get you killed if the opinion is contrary to the dominating force in the region, those civilians are conditioned and even forced to remain as human shields. Islamic extremists and terrorist groups put very little, if any, value on human life, whether on their own people, and certainly not on other people.
While Western forces, including the U.S., Allies, or even Israel, warn civilians in advance of an attack, the same is not true when it comes to the Muslim terrorists, who would attack at any opportunity, directly targeting civilians at their mundane, every day life. The intent is to hit as many civilians in order to kill as many, and strike fear in others, and demoralize the community as a whole. We cannot fight terrorism with even an ounce of kindness. You have to tackle terrorism with as much vigor as possible in order to eliminate it. This is a war, and we must take our gloves off to fight it. The other side will never afford us any kindness at any level.
I am sick and tired of hearing Muslims leaders in the U.S. go on TV, claiming that Islam is such a "peaceful" religion(!) Well, thank Allah Islam is a "peaceful" religion. Can you imagine if it weren't??!
It is time for the good Muslims to stand up and unequivocally condemn Islamist terrorism with no uncertain terms, not "and," "if," or "but" comments.
For those who believe that the extremist element in Islam is small, the numbers are staggering. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in this world. Lets take a very liberal view that only a very small percentage of Muslims are exterme, while the rest of the Muslim world is very peaceful. So if only 10% of Muslims have extreme point of views, and may be a threat, and must be dealt with, meaning dealing with 120 million Muslims! How about 1%? Then you must deal with 12 million Muslims. How about 1/10 of a percent? Then you must deal with 1.2 million Muslims. The numbers are staggering! How do you propose dealing with even the "very low" figures of 1.2 million Muslim extremists?
It would be to the benefit of the World to rid of Hezbollah, Hamas, the Syrian and Iranian regime. It must be done to finally have a chance for peace in the region and the world, and avoid killing any more innocent civilians.
2006-08-11 03:03:45
answer #5
answered by EDDie 5
Christianity from the time of New Testament through our time period, does not ask us to kill children in order that we eliminate terrorism. And in no time period of history has God of the Bible asked children to kill anyone, that is just a no-no. But God does require that we protect and pray for our country. He expects us to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. He also expects us to purge evil from us midst. God is all for righteousness triumphing and evil being destroyed. But if you are soldier overseas and you see a child holding a gun and he is a terrorist, what would you do? Would you let a child terrorist shoot you first? These kids are not afraid of American adults. They are serving their belief system and in some respects they have been brain washed. Any belief system that allows children to kill in combat, there is something not right about religion. My personal experience would tell me to preserve myself as much as possible. I need to think about my family and my kids and my homeland. No, I don't want to kill a child but nor do I want the child to kill me. I have the right to protect myself when my life is in danger and I believe the most people agree with that. I don't think the children in the middle east really knows everything that is going on in their world, they are being told what to do. But that does not give them the right to shoot me or anyone else.
2006-08-11 03:00:02
answer #6
answered by wonderwoman 3
Habbo, Christianity asks you to love those that do evil against you. Christianity ask you to have compassion. Christianity does not ask you to seek and destroy any one that does not agree with you. Not one time did Jesus destroy, maim or kill. He healed, had compassion on, raised the dead, and taught love. Where do you see death in this? As a country the government says we must defend our people against the attacks that would kill innocent lives. Just like the thing with the airplanes that was going to carry hundreds of people and the terrorists wanted to make sure they died. Not for a political agenda, but for a hate agenda.
2006-08-11 02:57:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe so. One of the 10 commandment said, thou shall not kill. Aside, war is senseless, take away the reason for terrorism, then maybe, the world will be a better place.
2006-08-11 02:54:14
answer #8
answered by etang 3
No, Christianity does not ask for that. But it does allow for war for defensive purposes, which is what we are facing now.
Don't want to fight anymore? Okay. All terrorists, put down your weapons and go home. Stop hurting people. Got a complaint? Get over it.
We did not ask for this terror, but we will stand against it.
2006-08-11 02:56:24
answer #9
answered by Paul McDonald 6
Well for one thing don't mistake all of the US as being christian. Many are godless atheist or agnostics.
Killing children never has a place. The problem is when terrorists hide behind children using them as shields. Which many muslim terror groups do.
2006-08-11 02:54:00
answer #10
answered by Lupin IV 6