The pictures are false. I know most women wish all men looked like that. They make their ***** look so big and we all know most guys have little *****. Maybe they think if guys buy their underwear their ***** will get that big. LOL
I think men are sexy in boxers but only if you have the body for them. I mean anyone can wear boxers but most women get the hot bod image with men and boxers. Underwear are cute but I think boxers are sexy. Or they could go with nothing. LOL
2006-08-10 17:22:46
answer #1
answered by babegirll23 2
I like the answers princeshou.. and Robert E gave.
I can't tell you what women in general expect but I can tell you what this one does. Absolutely nothing. At that point you aren't focused on what any particular part of his body looks like. Generally, how a body part looks at that stage doesn't register untless there is something odd or extremly revolting about it.
Besides most women know that the pictures used in packaing are art - they are not natural. These pictures are stages they are the result of good well agled lighting, airbrushing and in some cases a little extra help from the provebial sock.
So don't worry about it. When a woman takes you to her room she's not taking you there because she expects you to look like an underwear model, she's took you there because of who you are.
2006-08-10 17:44:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
well, to address the first part first...underware models wear cups. most all in printed ads look the same if you really look. some are molded to look real and some are different than others. very very seldom are posters and ads real as far as that goes.
now as far as size....age old question it is. if she knows her body and you learn it, then size really matters the least. many men have big tools and have no idea how to use them, and some guys with average tools know a lot. so regardless, the two of you need to know your bodies and respectfully learn and experment and you will have no isses. neither party should be selfish.
2006-08-10 17:29:34
answer #3
answered by baron b 2
Tighty whities have been known to cause sterility if worn to tight, boxers are best, let it all hang out
2006-08-10 17:22:48
answer #4
answered by captcruzer 4
That's because they want to sell lots of underwear, so they put pictures of attractive looking guys (or guys that the company thinks you would want to be) on the cover (like alcohol adverts where everyone looks like they're having a lot of fun and getting all the chicks)
2006-08-10 17:42:47
answer #5
answered by drucifer 1
I can honestly say that women are not expecting a well hung man. Most men are simply not that big. Once in a while a big guy is there in her bedroom but most of the time it is average and the only reason you are naked at all is because she likes you and how you express yourself.
2006-08-10 17:22:05
answer #6
answered by Robert E 2
dude go for the jockey shorts. girls love them. you know they are like boxers but tight. unless you have a fat **** and small dick, stick with boxers cos they will flatter you. never ever go fo jocks or y-fronts though
2006-08-10 17:22:09
answer #7
answered by marcvialli 5
men in boxers is a big turn on
2006-08-10 17:26:38
answer #8
answered by wittlewabbit 6
Wet Whities would be more revealing!
2006-08-10 17:21:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wear what you like- a good woman cares more about what's in your head and not what's on your bod.
2006-08-10 17:20:37
answer #10
answered by ?princesshousewife? 3