i went to fair with his bro & sis inlaw & another friend we walked back to my house. the others walked ahead and him and i slowly walked behind the others casually talking when we got to my house we said our goodbyes and they left.Its recently left me thinking about him and how easy it was for me to talk to him (now mind you i am a shy lady and dont find it easy to talk to just anyone).Ive been thinking about him since i want to pursue at Least a Friendship/possiblly realtionship i know he has had some stress lately and dont want to add to that i will prob see him tomm (and oh yeah i have made comments to his sis inlaw today how much i enjoyed the walk home after fair) BUT I need to know how do i casually talk to him about this I was thinking about asking him to take a walk with me (we attend this meeting) BUT im not sure what to say to him also how do guys feel when they are approched by a woman like this? What is BEST way to ask a Man if he's interrested with out looking like a fool
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