Here is a part that I have written for this question in specific. Plz plz,if you really are seeking the truth as you say you are, then read it fully, even if it is a bit long for you:
Many people critique Islam by saying that it does not tolerate other religions when it clearly states in the Qur’an: “[…] and He does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just.” 60:8 Perhaps the qur’anic verse they rely on the most is verse 5:51 which says: “You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies: they are allies only to each other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them – God does not guide such wrongdoers.” However, the Jews and Christians talked about here are clearly just the ones who are against the Muslim camp, as is clear from the following verses up to 5:59 : “You who believe, do not take as allies those who ridicule your religion and make fun of it – whether people who were given the Scripture before you, or disbelievers – and be mindful of God if you are true believers. When you make the call to prayer, they ridicule it and make fun of it: this is because they are people who do not reason. Say [Prophet], ‘People of the Book, do you resent us for any reason other than the fact that we believe in God, in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent before us, while most of you are disobedient?’ ”
Non-Muslims who want to show how Islam is intolerant of others also use the following qur’anic verse: “He that chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted of him and in the world to come, he will be one of the lost.” 3:85 However, as mentioned before, “the word ‘Islam’ in the Arabic of the Qur’an means complete devotion/submission to God, unmixed with worship of any other. All earlier prophets are thus described by the Qur’an as Muslims. Those who read this word ‘Islam’ in the sense of the religion of prophet Muhammad PBUH will illegitimately set up a barrier between Islam and other monotheistic religions.” (Haleem, 2004). Logically, for Islam to be the true religion of God, it has to be attainable by any person, at any time, anywhere. It is this fundamental principle of one surrendering his will to God which makes Islam universal and not constrained to a certain type of people.
Further proof that Islam does not oppose peoples’ different beliefs can be seen in the following qur’anic verses: “The [Muslim] believers, the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabians – all those who believe in God and the Last Day and do good – will have their rewards with their Lord. No fear for them, nor will they grieve”; 2:62 “Some of the People of the Book believe in God, in what has been sent down to you and in what was sent down to them: humbling themselves before God, they would never sell God’s revelation for a small price. These people will have their rewards with their Lord: God is swift in reckoning”; 3:199 “You [Prophet] are sure to find that the most hostile to the believers are the Jews and those who associate other deities with God ; you are sure to find that the closest in affection towards the believers are those who say, ‘We are Christians,’ for there are among them people devoted to learning and ascetics. These people are not given to arrogance, and when they listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger, you will see their eyes overflowing with tears because they recognize the truth [in it]. They say, ‘Our Lord, we believe, so count us amongst the witnesses. Why should we not believe in God and in the truth that has come down to us when we long for our Lord to include us in the company of the righteous?’ For saying this, God has rewarded them with Gardens graced with flowing streams, and there they will stay: that is the reward of those who do good.” 5:82-85
Hence, the verse “He that chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted of him and in the world to come, he will be one of the lost” cannot be interpreted as shunning off any person who is not a Muslim. The Qur’an simply underlines the fact that there are differences between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity which sets them apart – depending on what the followers of each religion believe. “We have assigned a law and a path to each of you. If God had so willed, He would have made you one community, but He wanted to test you through that which He has given you, so race to do good: you will all return to God and He will make clear to you the matters you differed about.” 5:48 As for those who go astray by altering what God has sent down, or by claiming that He has begotten offspring, the Qur’an says: “If they had upheld the Torah and the Gospel and what was sent down to them from their Lord, they would have been given abundance from above and from below: some of them on the right course, but many of them do evil.” 5:66
“The Qur’an clearly defines its relationship with earlier scriptures by saying: ‘He has sent the Scripture down to you [Prophet] with the Truth, confirming what went before: He sent down the Torah and the Gospel earlier as a guide for people.’ 3:3-4 ” In ‘Consultation’, it says, “In matters of faith, He has laid down for you [people] the same commandment that He gave Noah, which We have revealed to you [Muhammad] and which We enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus: ‘Uphold the faith and do not divide into factions within it’ – what you [Prophet] call upon the idolaters to do is hard for them; God chooses whoever He pleases for Himself and guides towards Himself those who turn to Him. They divided, out of rivalry, only after knowledge had come to them […]. Those after them, who inherited the Scripture, are in disquieting doubt about it. So [Prophet] call people to that faith and follow the straight path as you have been commanded. Do not go by what they desire, but say, ‘I believe in whatever Scripture God has sent down. I am commanded to bring justice between you. God is our Lord and your Lord – to us our deeds and to you yours, so let there be no argument between us and you – God will gather us together, and to Him we shall return.’ 42:13-14/15 ” “The Qur’an forbids arguing with the People of the Book except in the best way and urges the Muslims to say, ‘We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you; our God and your God are one [and the same].’ 29:46 And in another verse, it says, ‘Say, “People of the Book, let us arrive at a statement that is common to us all: we worship God alone, we ascribe no partner to Him, and none of us takes others beside God as Lords.” 3:64’ ” (Haleem, 2004).
Peace be with you
2006-08-10 14:31:42
answer #1
answered by MizuBunshin 3
For someone not trying to discriminate, you've succeeded admirably. If you don't know what the Quran says, what makes you so sure they do think that? A better way to phrase the question is to drop the "why" and straight up ask, "Do Muslims think that everyone that isn't Muslim is doomed and should be killed?" Then you're asking because you don't know, and people can answer you honestly. Putting the "Why" in front makes it sound as if you already know they all think this way. It's a big group of people, and unwise to believe you know what all of them think.
2006-08-10 13:17:50
answer #2
answered by Beardog 7
In every religion, you have moderates and extremists. Most religions at some point in their history have a violent past. Most religions believe that a person is doomed if they don't believe in their religion. don't go to heaven if you aren't a Christian. Muslim' don't go to heaven if you aren't a Muslim. Etcetera...etcetera. If it didn't regard going to heaven or hell it would regard vengance from the gods for not worshipping them or not providing tribute to them. This was part of the way the religion grew and part of the way they kept followers. This even led to many many wars over religion. In fact, the Catholic church's pope used to have one of the most powerful armies in all of Europe. This violent mentality still carries over to a certain extent, especially in many of the more traditional religions such as Muslim, even though the majority of that religion's worshippers may not believe that way.
I was surprised to find out a couple of years ago the violent past of Mormons, threatening peoples lives if they didn't join or if they decided to leave the religion. I'm not meaning to upset anyone who believes any of these religions, just trying to share some historical facts. History is what has happened in the past, no matter how much we like or dislike what happened in the past. It is there to be learned from and should not be disregarded as having never happened. It would be a travesty if people eventually disregard something like the Holocaust as never happening.
2006-08-10 15:06:23
answer #3
answered by devilishblueyes 7
Well, Islam is a great religion. Islam has always helped the Muslims through every event good or bad. No offense but Muslims don't use violence to kill innocent civilians. It is the fact that everyday Israel (Palestine), Russia (Chechnya), India-Pakistan (Kashmir), America/UN (Iraq/Afghanistan) always see their troops and planes attacking their homes. Bombing their property and claiming falsely that the places were a Terrorist' place, etc. Think, Muslims fight for God because they have always been bullied around the west and rather the west supporting the Muslims, bomb them, push them, bring fights between Muslims like Sunni and Shiites. FYI Sunnis and Shiites never fought with each other until pretty much the whole world invaded them. If I offended you I am sorry. Its the truth. Muslims feel that they have no friends or allies with like they had in the past and just started believing in God Almighty to help them. The West was always against Arabs and Muslims, hated them and still don't accept them. One perfect example is EU and its refusal of accepting Turkey. The Muslims will change unless the West changes.
2006-08-10 13:39:35
answer #4
answered by Suliman 3
I have often wondered exactly the same thing about Christianity!!!
Michael J: Jews do not think they are the only ones with an afterlife (not heaven/hell)! Jews believe that all the righteous of the nations have a share in the world to come. They have planted forests of trees in Israel commemorating the many righteous souls who assisted Holocaust victims.
Jews work together as one community to bring peace on earth.
2006-08-10 13:56:57
answer #5
answered by Hatikvah 7
My answer is this, If Muslims hate the West why the heck are they living here???
If the Muslims hate us then why don't they stay on their side of the world.? You don't see us trying to change their Muslim ways, so why do they have to invade the US with terror. In my honest opinion I think they have something more sinistar planned that we are all blind to. But that's just my thought-
I have met nice Muslims and me being Christian, I don't step on their beliefs. I rather just pray for them. I don't have desires to blow their airplanes and pizza shops up and so forth but where does it stop? When does Islam put its foot down and take action against these Muslim fanatics that murder?
2006-08-10 13:50:21
answer #6
answered by Utopia 4
Now Not all Muslims feel that way. It is hard enough for them to live with all this prejudice. The only way you are going to understand the Muslim religion is to go to Barnes and nobles or ANY book store and look up the religion. Better off you should ask a Muslim to explain their religion.
2006-08-10 13:30:29
answer #7
answered by trouble comes a knockin 5
Well im no expert on religion or anything like that but, I learned about some of this in school. See the muslims believe in a god but it's not the same god they believe in Allah he's their god and was supposedly a prophet of god. So anyways the shiits that you hear about they do everything because they are doing it for Allah. They also think of us as like the great Satan. Because of all the sin that goes on here and they think that they are living the right way. So I hope this helps answer your question some what.
2006-08-10 13:32:46
answer #8
answered by im_not_psycho_im_cute89 1
The Koran does indeed tell the Muslim how he should live and how he should interact with those round them.
But most of the RADICAL Muslims merely follow what their Imams tell them to do, and to think how they are told to think.
It is the same with many Christians too, it is just that in a society the Christians are much more benign. They just merely irritate when they try to share their faith in Jesus, and won't behead you if you reject them.
It is merely an article of faith with either of them.
In the middle east, it is not seen as radical as it is here, because in America, we have been a Judea-Christian society for most of our existence.
However with the radical anti-Christians demanding that God be removed from all civil life, God has begun to withdraw.
May He help, guide and bestow His Mercy and Grace upon all!
2006-08-10 13:27:53
answer #9
answered by Ironhand 6
it does not say that all non-Muslim should be killed. it says that if you meet non-Muslims in war kill them.and that is how war goes for the two fighting parties. and there is an incident that prophet the time of the prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him) they went into war with some Cristian's and the Muslims went into a city and began destroying a Church and they wanted to destroy a painting on the wall but the prophet Mohammad ran to it and protected it with his body and ordered them to leave this was the painting of the mother of how can you say that Islam is a cruel religion
2006-08-10 13:24:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You asked:
"Why do Muslims think that everyone that isn't Muslim is doomed and they should be killed?"
It is a great Western that Muslims are to go around killing non-Muslims. I asked a question that addressed this alleged Qur'anic instruction, and here are the Qur'anic reference I used:
190 Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.
191 And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
192 But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
193 And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers.
~Qur'an (Pickthall tr), Sura 2 - The Cow
I'd like to hilight some points in each of these verses:
190 <<>>
191 <<>>
192 <<>>
193<<>> <<>>
These are key points in these verses. It is 100% HARAM (forbidden by God) for the Muslims to arbitrarily kill non-Muslims. They can fight and kill ONLY IN SELF-DEFENSE, and they are NEVER to start the fighting. However, God said they can be in war in SELF DEFENSE, and while IN COMBAT, they can kill. Duh, if they don't kill, they will be killed. That's the law of war.
Btw, these instructions were given to the Muslims after 13 yrs of persecution by the Meccans (Christians, Jews, polytheists). For 13 yrs they endured beatings, torture, threats, theft, rape, incarceration, and murders. They lived in fear of attack whenever they stepped outside. Finally, God granted them permission to physically defend themselves. These are His instructions as to how they are to conduct themselves when they need to fight.
NEVER does the Qur'an tell the Muslims to go around killing non-Muslims at whim. This is a myth in the West, a scathingly ugly myth, and I wish more Muslims would share the truth by showing verses like these, so that people get the facts straight about Islam from the very source.
Yes, Islam a peaceful religion.
2006-08-10 14:02:45
answer #11
answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6