I just called my very competent vet, and told him of your predicament.
He said that since your pup is 5 months, and has had 3 shots, he will be safe in your home..You can let him out in the house, but you should keep him away from dog parks for a while longer, as he can carry the virus on his feet..
Concerning getting another dog, he said it would be safe to get an adult healthy dog ( 1 year old or more) that is current on his vaccines..But, that the new dog can carry Parvo on his feet to dog parks, etc..so should be at least kept away from unvaccinated puppies, unless freshly groomed.
2006-08-10 10:19:51
answer #1
answered by Chetco 7
The incubation period for parvo is 10 days. If ur pup had it's vaccinations, and u cloroxed everything, clorox again for safe measures. Your new puppy should be okay as clorox kills the virus, but usually i have bleached 2-3 times before letting another dog on the floor. Take clorox disinfectant spray and spray a generous amount on your furniture. If a dog has had it's shots they are more than likely protected from the virus, so not getting another dog is a little extreme. Parvo can live in the ground and your house up to 9 months to a year, and it is spred by the feces of the dog and not in the air as many believe. when u walk on your floor u are tracking the virus into the room with the other dog but if u cloroxed then it should be a dead virus, even though there is places that was missed just do it all over again a couple times to be sure u got every spot.
2006-08-10 10:49:19
answer #2
answered by badgirl41 6
Parvo is a terriable thing to have. You vet is correct about this virus. I would bleach anything you possibly can. It is one thing that helps but not cures. If you house has it and that sick puppy was outside your ground has it as well. Clean everything with bleach, car, crate everything that the puppy touched. I sure hope your new puppy has built up enough amunity to the parvo with the shots it has had. Parvo can be carried on from your shoes the ties on your car etc and others you have been around can be exposed to it with no contact with the puppy at all. I would be sure you contacted any of your friends who you visited just so they can help to safeguard their animals. In the event the virus would indeed spread. Very best of luck.
2006-08-17 04:51:30
answer #3
answered by Gentle Giant Canines 3
Parvo is one of the most resistant viruses there is, but you can combat it. Getting your current dog vaccinated was absolutely the right thing to do. Puppies generally need three vaccinations to build up enough immunity to the disease to combat it. Bleaching all of the toys, bedding, and surfaces the sick pup came incontact with will kill the virus; direct sunlight and temperautes over 100 degrees (outdoors) will also kill it.
Prevention of Parvo is based around proper vaccinations, and making sure that your dog does not come in contact with the feces of any other dog (even if the other dog "looks" healthy). Parvo lives in the fecal matter, and can be transmitted to your dog if he ingests the fecal matter in any way. Commonly, dog can contract the virus by stepping in the fecal matter of an infected dog, and then licking their paws...
If your remaining pup was infected, it would normally have started showing signs within 7 to 10 days of exposure (diarrhea, listlessness, etc.) If it's been longer than that, and the pup is not symptomatic, it may have developed enough antibodies to effectively stave off the disease. Make sure to get your pup vaccinated regularly, however, because Parvo can be recurrent.
2006-08-18 08:35:51
answer #4
answered by Fetch 11 Humane Society 5
Unfortunately, there is nothing else you can really do. Have you already thrown out everything that couldn't be bleached? Just keep a close eye on the dog, the virus incubates for like two weeks, but can live in the yard for up to a year. When one of our dogs got parvo we had to take our puppies in every two weeks for shots to prevent. I'm sure you know the symptoms for the virus so keep a close eye.
Good Luck
2006-08-10 10:13:42
answer #5
answered by **hope/faith**1744 3
Unfortunately the Parvo Virus is extremely difficult to kill. And your vet is absolutely right, it takes at least a year to be fully rid off the virus.
The only thing you can do is to bleach everything that can possibly be bleached, steam clean everything else..carpets, curtains, couch. Wash everything in hot water that you can, and try to keep your other puppy away from the areas where the sick puppy spent the most time. Unfortunately none of these kill the virus 100% but they do help.
They also sell Parvo killing cleaning supplies at some pet stores. We use some at the vet clinic where I work but I don't know that it's really any better than bleach. If you have a steamer, then I would also steam everything thing in the house.
And Parvo will live in the ground outside for a year also. The only way to totally get rid of it in the ground it to burn your yard. Other than that you can spray it with a bleach/water mix. But this may kill your grass.
Parvo is a nasty, nasty disease to deal with! I'm sorry for the loss of your other puppy!
2006-08-10 10:04:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As long as your pup has had at least 2 parvo shots and you have bleached everything, he should be fine.
I went through this 2 months ago, got a new pup, 5 days died of Parvo. I had 2 litters of pups due and 1 older litter with 2 sets of shots. i was terrified. I also had a pup the same age as the one that died and they played together, she did NOT get it, she had had 2 shots.
Since then I have introduced 3 new puppies into my home, NO PARVO! Not one of them, and none of the puppies that were born, they are 8 weeks now and NO PARVO!
Don't let this scare you into becoming paranoid. That is what happened to me. Make sure any new pup has had at least 2 parvo shots before bringing them home.
There is also a product you can give to any new pups, its called parvaid and I gave it to annie when Mikey died, you give it 4 times a day for 5 days, and I don't care what anyone says, it works!.
I have given it to every pup!!! It is also used to help puppies with parvo, and it does work..
2006-08-17 22:35:35
answer #7
answered by Mommadog 6
All I know is that in cases of parvo you should avoid any contact with feces of the infected animals. It sounds to me like you have done all that you could so far. I would talk to my vet and ask him if there is any thing that you should or shouldn't be doing.
Also ask if it is necessary for you to keep your dog confined to just one room, it may be that you do not.
2006-08-17 12:43:59
answer #8
answered by pllbrn 2
Just hang in there, maybe the shots just got him a little sick. Dogs do get sick after vaccination. If he tested negative, than he doesn't have it. Give your dog a healthy diet and vitamin supplyments to boostt his immune system. Ask your Vet if he can give your dogs some shots for that. Take him to the park for walks, don't have him looked up.
2006-08-17 07:29:03
answer #9
answered by ? 6
OH NO THATS TERRIBLE!!!! *sniff* my dog died of parvo...... what i would do it get sanitizer all over the house. get a air perafier too to clean the air.!!!! DO THIS NOW.... that poor little pup.... or ask the people that u got it from and see if any of there pups died of that.
2006-08-18 08:02:37
answer #10
answered by furrballkatt 2