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Every leaving creature that thinks god exist will justify any ugly act in the bible with reasons that we don’t know but presumably good. Ok I agree God’s internal reasons are so cute and incredibly beautiful that I have tears in my eyes. I agree.
I don’t know a single Christian who will say that GOD command humans to do a bad act.
(Genocide, kill, rape, steal and so on…) So from this it seems that physical act of doing something can’t be classified as bad or good. It’s nether.
It looks like only the”reason” why we do it can be bad or good. It seems that killing, torturing, raping as the act can be perfectly fine as long as reason is good and will be totally terrible if reason is bad. Am I Right?

2006-08-10 09:10:50 · 20 answers · asked by PicassoInActions 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

From this assumption I have a Question. What if I have a reason (bad one) to commit something, but will not physically do it. Does it mean I sin?
(According to Jesus wanting female just by looking is already a sin)
If I sin just by having a bad reason and not performing, how’s that different from having bad reason and performing the act? (Remember act in its self can’t be bad, it’s only the reason that can be bad or good)

2006-08-10 09:11:21 · update #1

20 answers

A few comments:

1. Just because something is described in the Bible doesn't mean it is "good," just as you can't say that something in the newspaper is automatically "good." The Bible explicitly describes history that was full of postive and negative actions, and then shows the ramifications of those actions upon the people involved.

2. I'm not sure how you went from "God doesn't command people to do bad things" to "Any action whatsoever therefore is neutral, rather than good or bad." Even trying to come at it from a purely secular brand of logic, it seems to make no coherent sense. [Clarify?]

3. In general, there's the idea that the motivation -- not specifically the action itself -- is what is good or bad. That's a GENERAL statement of truth that even secular people would agree to -- that "adhering to the letter of the law while avoiding the heart of it" is wrong. We don't want people going through motions, we want people wanting to do the right thing, correct?

When Jesus was discussing the subject matter you're hinting at, he was confronting the Pharisee hypocrisy that said as long as they adhered to the letter of the law, their hearts did not matter. (e.g., as long as they didn't "mess around" with a woman, it didn't matter if they lusted after her secretly). He called them on the carpet and basically said their reasoning was a "cop out" and they were as guilty as if they had committed adultery for real.

4. I'm not aware of a religious context where certain actions (murder, rape, stealing, molestation) -- basically actions that exploit an unwary, unwilling, or helpless victim -- would ever be considered to be "good."

5. In terms of a person's heart and motivation (i.e., their spiritual growth), the moral quality of the heart is the same whether something is just practiced in the heart or done in real life.

However, in terms of ramifications, practicing a sin in the heart is different than practicing it in real life. In real life, there are real victims who are hurt by the sinful act, and the perpetrator has also now begun to "train" themselves to commit that evil act, so it'll be easier next time.

6. While I'm a Christian, I don't particularly find God's reasons "cute" and able to bring tears to my eyes (so I guess you're ahead of me there). Sometimes He's actually pretty hard to understand, and even the stuff I do understand can be painful to work through. I appreciate people being honest and wrestling with hard questions; the search for God is not a bowl of cherries.

I've experienced enough in my life and gotten enough "taste" of how things work that I believe that the style of love that God asks us to pursue is the best way to live, and actually the only thing that makes real sense or has real hope for true life for everyone involved -- despite the fact that not everything is currently clear, nor as pleasant as we'd sometimes hope.

So what do you think? Do you think murder and rape and killing can be fine, as long as you have a "good heart" about it? It's a curious philosophy, I must admit.

2006-08-10 09:35:57 · answer #1 · answered by Jennywocky 6 · 0 0

The whole point is that none of us humans can live without sinning, since sin is a part of our human condition. The Bible, or the OT "Law" was only given so that we would know that er were sinful. The Apostle Paul wrote ". . . I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, " YOU SHALL NOT COVET." ( Romans 7:7)

As to the quandary of sinning by thought as opposed to actually doing it, Paul writes, "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing." Romans 7:19

Reading all of Romans 7 will give you a better understanding. Try the Amplified Bible version at http://www.biblegateway.com

The thing that finally dissuades us from sinning by act is that we eventually learn that sinful acts hurt US! As a believer, we certainly have the Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ to assist us in our choices, But, over time we finally get beat up enough by life and our unwise choices to persuade us to choose to choose the fruit of the Holy Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5) over our impulses. Although we will be always under training (discipline) in this area until we shed our human tent (body).

2006-08-10 09:33:45 · answer #2 · answered by Bruce 3 · 1 0

God does not command humans to do a bad act. However, killing is sometimes permitted and commanded in the Bible. There are specific written commands; if someone sins in some situations, God commanded people in the OT to stone them to death. God commanded the Israelites to conquer and take their own lands by force if necessary. They are also commanded to defend themselves, which may require killing.
So, in some respect, you are right. You cannot lump all "killing" together and say that "killing is universally wrong."

However, God's commandment is "Thou shalt not commit murder." Big difference. Also, we are never commanded to rape. That is always a sin. Stealing, again, is a sin unless there is an overriding situation (example: the Israelites, who had nothing and were slaves in Egypt, were told to steal from their captors as they fled, thereby giving them something of value to trade with and survive with.) However, you CAN say that stealing is universally wrong unless God commands you otherwise. And, (unlike the Koran) torture is never condoned or commanded in the Bible. So, yes, the physical acts of murder, rape, or theft are bad.

2006-08-10 09:33:22 · answer #3 · answered by bwjordan 4 · 0 0

No you are not right. If you think of doing a bad act you are just as guilty as doing the bad act. God has done things through time that were not right and they were bad against other people but that was for the benefit of his people. God doesn't condone doing wrong for any reason. When the Egyptians held Moses people captive for 40yrs he had the 7 plagues strike their land to convince them to let their people go. God has done acts that has helped his people get their freedom or what was rightfully theirs through God. The ten commandments state that you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not covet, (wanting something that belongs to someone else) so if God tells you NOT to do these things then there is no exceptions to doing anything that is wrong whether or not it is an act or a thought.

2006-08-10 09:42:53 · answer #4 · answered by busyliz 3 · 0 0

things like this are not justified by God as good. In the book of Genisis Eve tricked Adam into eating the fruit of knowledge of GOOD and BAD. The reason God did not want them to eat this fruit is because then we would do things that are classified as "bad". So in other words God doesn't want us to do these things but no one is perfect so at one time or another we will be pulled away by Lucifer and decived. God gives us the Bible so that we know what to look for when Lucifer tries to decieve you and what not to do. It says in the ten commandments that we should not murder, so vauge yet so pricise what he means taken by me is that murderis only ok in self defense and as to the other things sucah as rape I don't know anyone who would justify this act. Listen to God and he will show you the way. flip through the bible read a verse and see what it means to you, i have done this and it has explained many things.

2006-08-10 09:25:30 · answer #5 · answered by answeringguy 1 · 0 0

I believe the scriptures were trying to let us know that we weren't perfect, even if we thought something bad it was sinful, showing our need for a savior.

We are tempted daily to do things against the will of God. Being tempted is not a sin. Acting it out would be.

Some people say, well I have lived a good life, I was a good husband and father, surely I will be good enough for the hereafter. Jesus was saying, your righteousness is as filthy rags, you need a savior.

2006-08-10 09:21:17 · answer #6 · answered by tobinmbsc 4 · 0 0

JP, I surely have considered your arguments against loose will. despite the fact that if i substitute into able to information what you assert i could no longer get around the reality that i've got self belief i take advantage of loose will continually. i will not be able to instruct you to think of there's a God. To me, it extremely is a private feeling. I have not got any expectancies of Him. i'm no longer dissatisfied that He does no longer respond. while a prayer has been responded, i think of that it is going to be twist of fate. I got here right here because of the fact I chosen to return right here to benefit something. I in basic terms wish that i'm on the stunning highway. sometimes, those coincidences look to point that i'm going interior the direction i'm meant to circulate. i ask your self whether you're actually not purely offended at God for some reason. Or offended at non secular human beings for some reason. I surely have experienced the two and that i attempted to disclaim Him. I in basic terms might desire to in no way go over that fence. Little issues caught my interest that my suggestions informed me substitute into a demonstration. JP, you have the life adventure. Lord is conscious you have the certainty. So what's retaining you back? purely you already know the respond. I see you as a guy who lacks compassion or any genuine emotions yet i don't comprehend you in any respect. Are you able to compassion? Do you have a coronary heart which you would be able to pay attention to?

2016-11-04 07:34:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hi Picasso,

i would really love to answer your question but i don't think it's very clear. Is there a particular sin or scenario you are referring to.

As a general principle, entertaining the thought is a dangerous place to be. Entertaining thoughts of hurting someone gives you the capacity to murder them (even if you don't actually do it), much the same with lust. You may look at your friend's spouse and say wow what a hottie- and in your mind you've vioalted him/her even though you haven't physically done anything.

A good example of the danger of harboring sinful thoughts inside is when God asked Cain why he was so angry when God was pleased with Abel's offering but not Cain's. He told Cain to not be so angry because sin was at his door and wanted to consume (overtake) him. Off Course Cain chose to ignore God and ended up killing his brother Abel.

Rape is never right by the way! Killing (ie: in a war, self-defense, may be justifiable reasons). If you want to ask more specifically feel free to email me @ nicksterlee@yahoo.com

hope that helps,


2006-08-10 09:27:50 · answer #8 · answered by Nickster 7 · 1 0

God ordained and decreed the unjust murder and torture of his only unique, begotten Son. That was the most evil act that will ever happen on the face of the earth and yet it was God's plan to do so. God ordains that evil be so that good can come from it. in this case the salvation of many souls. romans 8:28 says that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. For a christian, every single thing that happens in their life is going to result in a better eternity spent with God. we can't fathom sometimes how that can be but it is clearly stated throughout his word. for more biblical examples contact me.


2006-08-10 09:24:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is always dealing with issues of the heart.
If you are married and you are looking at women wanting to have sex or you enjoy looking for the pleasure of it, God is saying if you had the chance you would cheat its in your heart.
If you really hate somebody God is dealing with a heart issue because you would cause harm if you could.

If you are looking at something your Friend has and you want it to a point you are thinking about taking it though you never do, you are coveting.
We as people are always a decision away from a scandal sounds funny but its true.

We can always make it look good on the outside but be completely different on the inside.
Man look at the outward appearance God looks at the heart.
If you notice that is why Christ always dealt harshly with the Pharisees. They looked good on the outside but were full of venom on the inside. Jesus called them "white washed tombs full of dead men's bones".
Hope this helped some....... Messenger

2006-08-10 09:28:34 · answer #10 · answered by question man 3 · 0 0

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