I think they would rather have a prettier church, wealthy preacher, and newer pews then a 100% charity donation.
2006-08-10 09:10:10
answer #1
answered by EasterBunny 5
It would create massive structural change in theology. Yes you have some honest small churches that barely scrape by but you also have a lot churches with literally millions in revenue and that are run more like businesses. If the money was diverted almost all the way into charitable organizations (let them have some money for the running of the church, electricity and such) you would see a massive shift downward in its power. In a lot of societies money is power. It would not happen.
2006-08-10 16:12:02
answer #2
answered by genaddt 7
In the typical church, less than 30% of the money given by parishioners goes to a charity. The rest goes to build the million dollar churches that are so common these days. Does anyone else realize how hypocritical this is? To preach Christian doctrine, but not actually devote available resources towards helping people? There are churches that turn down the opportunities to allow homeless people to sleep in the church, then decide to spend thousands on some trivial addition to the church.
2006-08-10 16:13:01
answer #3
answered by reverenceofme 6
By giving to the church, they are doing just that. Under your suggestions, I'm afraid a lot more peole would choose to be "hungry" for the hand outs. There has to be some structure and organization to the money that churches donate.
The government gives away money (Katrina support, welfare, other grants) by the plane loads. Do you know how corrupt that system is? Churches aren't perfect, but they are the best system we have to maintain a standard of delivery. With churches, it is also usually accompanied with "hands-on" mission work too.
2006-08-10 16:12:10
answer #4
answered by James M 2
I feel that Churches should start collecting donation to feed the hungry and provide clothes and shelters. Entire money collected plus donations from church should go to needy and not a single penny should be spent on organizers. This will encourage donation. In my opinion voluntary work is as necessary as money.
2006-08-10 16:24:55
answer #5
answered by snashraf 5
From a practical point of view, who do you suggest they give it to. Walk along the street and hand out dollars. As much as you may dislike it, there is a much greater efficiency in donating to an organization which can assess needs and assist as necessary.
To those poor mouthing the Catholic Church, over 90% of the monies received by Catholic Charities goes directly into aid. This is a much higher percentage than most ,if not all, private charities.
2006-08-10 16:14:57
answer #6
answered by williegod 6
Giving to those in need is truly a helpful thing. The result of indiscriminately giving to those that say they need would lead to a fat, overindulgent, lazy, dependent society. Actually we have that all ready because of all the governmental programs that are not able to decipher need vs want.
A lot of people want cake for free, to be carried to the bathroom and their butt wiped too. While at a local shelter serving food I noted that many of the homeless were talking on cell phones...I have never returned...never will again until there is a legitimate need.
2006-08-10 16:14:18
answer #7
answered by James H 3
Don't know about your church but the one I go to does give to the homeless in our area. We feed those who are hungry as well. I know many of the other churches in the are do the same.
2006-08-10 16:09:38
answer #8
answered by fatboysdaddy 7
I give to the church because my church does things to further the Kingdom of GOD. This includes feeding the hungry, supplying a missions store, giving toys to poor children for Christmas, sending missionaries to spread the Good News, providing clothes to poor families, etc. All of these things are done for the glory of God. That's all I need to know...
2006-08-10 16:13:14
answer #9
answered by SAHM2_1B_1G 3
The Church and believers and people who only have the christian principles from the families do more than any other country or organization in the world for the poor and needy, how about you this year how much have you given.
2006-08-10 16:11:36
answer #10
answered by maybe ok 2
Many homeless people that you see on the streets, in their dirty clothes and belongings, have alcohol and drug addctions. Moreover, personally giving them money only exacerbates the problem -- they won't leave you alone should you run in to them again. It's better if you donate to a local soup kitchen and shelter, where they can get the basic necessities, instead of them wasting your handout on booze and drugs.
2006-08-10 16:10:37
answer #11
answered by daryavaush 5