These are great questions, you'll have to ask God when you see him. That said, I fear that the devil may be having you look at the situation as being bad. What better place to be then in Heaven with our Father? For that reason, I want to encourage you to read Ecclesiastes. There is a time for EVERYTHING under heaven. When you read ask God to send the Holy Spirit to you, and give you peace inside about your questions, and assurance that you will have the answers one day. That said. I beleive that God wants you to be Praising him, for the life you do have, and the work that you can do for his kingdom, and mankind. You were born with heart disease, and God has keep you around for a reason. Pray to him, find that reason. Once you know your purpose here, and you start working toward that purpose, you will find that you stop asking these types of questions, and will have peace because he loves you and made you so speical, he even knows how many hairs are on your head. One thing God does promise us, christians exspeically, that life will not be easy, if you are born with a diease, have a bad childhood, or an adult life that could be better. These challanges are to help make us call on Him more, need Him more, and depend on Him more. He wants us to spend time with Him by reading His Word, and praying to Him. It sounds to me that He has wanted you since birth, to call on Him, and to be close to Him. Now, that just sounds great to me! Be Blessed, and know Jesus loves you!
2006-08-10 09:20:24
answer #1
answered by sweathogwife 1
Ah, yes.....the age-old "Question of Evil" -- a paradox theists have never been able to offer an explanation for whose logic wasn't full of holes. If YOU were God, you could simply wave your hand and eliminate all disease, and heal their helpless little bodies, and give them the time here on earth to get to know you and develop a relationship with you. And yet the biblegod -- a being you're told time and again is INFINITELY compassionate, INFINITELY more wise than you, has come to the conclusion that the best course of action is....nothing.
Does the biblegod hate us? Does he rub his hands with fiendish glee watching children slowly starve to death in Africa? When a tsunami drowns thousands, does he prance up and down the beach, giddy as a schoolgirl as he counts the bodies of the women and children he's murdered? Or is it perhaps that there IS no higher power; that nature is indifferent to our pleas for mercy, that the cancer cell is completely unaware that YOU are somehow supposed to be SPECIAL, and EXEMPT from the trials and tribulations of life?
2006-08-10 09:10:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Genesis 6:5-7 5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them." So great was the sin of mankind that this was the only solution. Who says the children and babies were innocent? Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me. Not that his mother sinned by conceiving, but when he was born he was already a sinner. Guess what: you and me too! Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" Suppose God had "saved the children and babies." Who would take care of them and raise them? Not thier parents, they were dead. How old would you classify as too old to be saved? How old would you allow children to be to be saved? We know that God is a righteous Judge, and that He will do that which is right. Genesis 18:25 "Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly?" There are some things we just can not know. There are mysteries that God has not explained for us. Deuteronomy 29:29 "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law."
2016-03-27 07:03:38
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Because God did not create sin, satan did, and since Genisis, sin affects us all, Satan is the ruler of this world, but we can chose to go with God accepting Jesus as our saviour and realize we have better things waiting for us, we don't have to follow others, because they don't see it yet.
When Jesus returns in the new Kingdom, God will rule, and it will be perfect, but God cannot have any part of this world, because God is perfect, that is why Jesus Christ was sent, so that we would no longer be seperated from God, and can go on to an eternal life in the new Kingdom, after satan and the demons and those that follow have been sent into the firery pit, once and for all.
2006-08-10 09:03:24
answer #4
answered by bryton1001 4
From a Christian perspective, it is because humans allowed the force of sin into the world. Man was given free will to obey God or not, and we chose not. As a result, the world is tainted, sin and death are part of our existance. This also is the reason why there needs to me a final payment for this transgression, and thus the substitutional sacrifice of Christ.
I am not sure what other faith systems believe, however.
2006-08-10 09:38:59
answer #5
answered by Tim 6
Well, first of all, Christians do not believe that children are born innocent. That is the purpose of the baptism. The baptism supposedly erases the sins that the children are born with. This proposes one of the many oxymorons and hypocritical ideas that are held by Christians. If God perceives everything (the trillions of universes and the trillions of galaxies in each) then why would he/she care so much about something as little as a swear word or premarital sex in the first thing. If you believe in the form of control Christians utilize(sin), then ponder this. If Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins, and children are baptized to rid them of the sins that they are born with, then why is it that we still must confess our sins? Isn't that a little overkill. Why would an all loving God care so much about things as petty as the acts Christians believe are sins? If a person who doesn't confess to cursing or any other sins that they acted upon dies and goes to hell, then how is it right that the hundreds of priests that stole the innocence of so many young boys and girls get to go to Heaven? Because they told enough Hail Marys? By the way, "Holy Mary, Mother of God," I thought that God was the father of all, and Jesus was His and Mary's son. If the latter is true, then God and Jesus would be brothers, thus creating a paradox. The many holes that exist in the Christian religion exist solely because the New Testament is just a compilation of thousands of years of religious texts from many civilizations. The Christian religion is just a means of control. Nobody has been able to debate this.
So, in all the main answer is that you shouldn't look so one-mindedly for an answer. Do not fall into the comfort of religion just because it gives such simple answers. That is the point of organized belief. Look for the answers elsewhere. Find out what causes such illnesses and how they can be prevented, instead of just saying God did it. Imagine being a Creator and creating free will, reason, and the ability to learn to your creations, and all they do is blame everything on you. That is a true sin. Any creator of all this beauty and splendor would not look for worship in it's creations, but instead it would look for it's creations to gain prosperity through the knowledge they acquire to solve their own problems.
And for the guy that replied with his Adam and Eve answer:
(according to what knowledge I have acquired, and not the simple answers I've been spoonfed from birth) The original religious texts from the original civilizations(these are unfiltered with just the means of knowledge and not control) state that Adam and Eve's eating from the tree of knowledge was only considered a sin, because Enlil (the God that oversaw earth)wanted to keep the lulus, meaning primitive worker, as just that, while Enki, represented by the serpent (this is when he is known as Ea because of his association with mining the gold from the oceans), wanted to see the lulus prosper into a civilization. These two Gods' disagreement led to Enki explaining to Adama(his original sumerian name) and Eve that eating from the Tree of Knowledge would grant them the ability to reproduce. Therefore, Adama and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge and immediately make loin cloths to cover their sex organs (because they had become aroused). Once they decided to succumb to their desires, they mated and created Cain and Abel. IF IT WERE NOT FOR THIS "SIN," HUMANS WOULD NOT EXIST!!!!!!!
Also, here's another revelation for you:
In the Sumerian religious texts (which are written thousands of years before the New Testament)the God that originally oversaw Earth was Enki. Guess what symbol the Sumerians gave him?
Guess what his symbol was when he became Ea and the birth goddess and himself began performing medical tasks, such as creating Lulus?
The staff with the serpent intertwined, the same symbol we see involved with medical practices today.
Look into the knowledge and the accomplishments of the Sumerians, the first civilization on Earth, and you will be surprised how much religion and knowledge was stolen from them and tweaked. They deserve the credit. You will hopefully question all other religions, and begin a quest for true knowledge, such as I have. I know more about Christianity than most Christians. Always remember that knowledge is more powerful than anything else, and it is what our creator(s) would want us to search for. They would want us to live for today, not for our deaths, as Christianity claims. The more people that quest for knowledge and leave organized belief, the more our beautiful planet Earth will return to the pardise it once was.
2006-08-10 10:27:13
answer #6
answered by dachrizzist 1
GOD Created the EARTH and the Universe.
Everything was Good.
Adam changed GOD's, from a KIND,BLESSING,GIVING GOD-----to a CRUEL,HEARTLESS,HATEFULL Angel and Angel's who were kicked-out of HEAVEN. Satan gained Authourity to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY in the EARTH and Universe because of what Adam did.
Satan has:
1. Messed-up DNA in bout' everything.
2. Brought in Sin, Sickness and Disease--which can be passed down from Generation to Generation (Generational Curse's).
3.Shortened Mankind's Life considerably(we would'a never died befor the HIGH TREASON of ADAM.
4.Comdemned every Human Being to HELL from Birth(our Spirit's get Messed-Up when GOD send's us to EARTH to be Born(because of what Adam did). Adam changed God's (Spiritually Connected) from the CREATOR (LOVE) to Satan (HATE). Satan is an Angel with Power's----satan is not a CREATOR.
But Adam made him the God of this EARTH
That's why we have to get our Spirit's SAVED (Recreated) so we can go back to Heaven.
Baby's and Kid's who die under the Age of Accountabliilty do not go to Hell.
GOD Recreate's their Spirit's and take's them on Home to Heaven.
All aborted baby's are in Heaven.
And that is not an excuse for Abortion either.
Hope this helps.
Oh yeah----when Adam Committed High Treason, he EFFECTIVELY KICKED GOD OUT OF THE EARTH.
GOD gave Mankind through Adam bout' 6000 Year's to Rule and Reign on the EARTH----GOD cannot come back and take over till that Contract with Mankind is up. It is almost over.
Blame the Devil for all of the BAD. Ditto.........
2006-08-10 09:40:11
answer #7
answered by maguyver727 7
That was not God's choice, but mans. Before the fall of man everything was perfect. When Adam and Eve introduced sin, the world started on a downward spiral that will end at Armageddon.
2006-08-10 09:00:58
answer #8
answered by Dood 2
That is a question that many people have, why would a God of love permit suffering. I am going to include a couple of links to some articles that I hope you will read, because they do explain why God has allowed this to go on.
2006-08-10 09:07:31
answer #9
answered by izofblue37 5
As a Christian you should know the story of Job, if not please read the book of Job especially chapters 37 & 38.
I believe it will be helpful.
JOHN 9:1-5
1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.
2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Mt. 5.14 · Joh. 8.12
2006-08-10 09:05:32
answer #10
answered by righton 3