I like this guy, one I who went to the same school as I but he's a few yearts older. My brother also knows him via his friend, who is the brother of the guy I like. I started fancying him about 7 months ago. I have talked to him a few times, but always had problems with saying things because I am very shy. Now he has had his birthay (and -party) a week ago and I finaly decided to do something and send him a mail where I congrajulated (and not to be "stalkery" I kept the mail very loose). I also added him to my msn messenger. But no reply!
I have only slipt once when I asked an other friend of his brother I that friend could ask the brother for the cuties cellphone nr. But no reply. Maybe because he and I where a bit groggy, but not drunk!!!
what do you guys/girls think? did I scare him off? please help me because I really like this guy!
and what should I do to attrackt his attention in a good way, how can I seduce him, knowing that I am very shy and now afraid he thinks I'm geeky
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
It's very much possible that he just doesn't like me, but every time he sees me or I see him, he says hello or waves at me, or I say hellow first...what's the deal with that?
09:04:39 ·
update #1