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I like this guy, one I who went to the same school as I but he's a few yearts older. My brother also knows him via his friend, who is the brother of the guy I like. I started fancying him about 7 months ago. I have talked to him a few times, but always had problems with saying things because I am very shy. Now he has had his birthay (and -party) a week ago and I finaly decided to do something and send him a mail where I congrajulated (and not to be "stalkery" I kept the mail very loose). I also added him to my msn messenger. But no reply!
I have only slipt once when I asked an other friend of his brother I that friend could ask the brother for the cuties cellphone nr. But no reply. Maybe because he and I where a bit groggy, but not drunk!!!
what do you guys/girls think? did I scare him off? please help me because I really like this guy!
and what should I do to attrackt his attention in a good way, how can I seduce him, knowing that I am very shy and now afraid he thinks I'm geeky

2006-08-10 08:55:07 · 6 answers · asked by doornroestje 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

It's very much possible that he just doesn't like me, but every time he sees me or I see him, he says hello or waves at me, or I say hellow first...what's the deal with that?

2006-08-10 09:04:39 · update #1

6 answers

You aren't geeky. Just young and inexperienced. Give him a hint or two or even five- sometimes guys are slow on the uptake and if you have too just come out and tell him you think he is cute. Be prepared if he doesn't answer you right away. Guys don't like to be blindsided like that but sometimes a gal just has to be blunt. He will make his feelings known. And if he doesn't like you in return that is his big problem.

2006-08-10 09:06:05 · answer #1 · answered by madamesophia1969 5 · 0 0

seduce him? nice laugh. Haha. Ok. Done. I've been thru this. You've got friction between you too. One of the hardest things to break. Get to know his friends a bit and don't try to impress him without notice. Act natural, look him in the eye when u talk. And don't jump ahead and ask for stuff like aim's and fone #'s.

2006-08-10 09:03:38 · answer #2 · answered by David U 2 · 0 0

I'm sorry to say but it sounds like he just isn't interested in you. I think that you should prolly just leave him alone before he thinks you are obsessed.

2006-08-10 09:00:39 · answer #3 · answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6 · 0 0

well im kind of the same way, but, i asked my crush for his cell number and his yahoo sn. to add him, and he gave me both of them, but, then again i already no that he likes me, but i suggest to try and hang out with him more, and flirt with him more, and wink at him sometimes, play hard to get!

2006-08-10 09:04:48 · answer #4 · answered by ILUVBOO-BEAR! 2 · 0 0

for some reason he don't like you, sorry find someone else

2006-08-10 09:00:26 · answer #5 · answered by IndyMM 5 · 1 0

you have probably scared him away

2006-08-10 09:00:01 · answer #6 · answered by jennifer_spanky2002 2 · 0 1

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