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Romans 10: 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge; 3 for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

2006-08-10 08:54:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

This is talking about all the "feel good" churches out there. Places who claim to teach the word of God but only appeal to itching ears. People are told what they want to hear. People who want to focus on feeling good and up lifted. Is that bad? Only if you want to feel good about your own sin. Only if you are being taught that sin is relative and doctrine is relative. Wordly Chrisitanity is what this is talking about. People who want God accounding to thier will and perspective and not according to God's will and way.

2006-08-10 09:02:38 · answer #1 · answered by Quinn 2 · 2 0

Romans 10: 2 and 3 is talking about Israel and their unbelief of Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

Israel has zeal for God, their zeal is lacking in knowledge. They seek to be righteous thinking this pleases God, but God has show them that they need to subject themselves to Christ. They need to bow their knee to Christ.

They reject Christ and have made their own religion that lacks true knowledge.

This is also true of many, many, people that have a form of righteousness and religion yet reject Christ as their Savior/Messiah.

2006-08-10 16:14:33 · answer #2 · answered by Red-dog-luke 4 · 0 1

The righteousness of God in Paul is another way of saying "grace". Christ is risen God graces the church. God establishes righteousness.
His main point is the positive new law that Christ has established in the church and some have rejected it. He is making the point that the new order and the new law is so good that it replaces anything that existed in the past.

2006-08-10 16:07:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll quote the translation from "The Message//Remix" which is a contemporary language translation of the Bible.. this is pretty straightforward easy to understand.. I highly recommend picking up a copy of it up.

"I readily admit that the Jews are impressively energetic regarding God -- but they are doing everything exactly backwards. They don't seem to realize that this comprehensive setting-things-right that is salvation is God's business, and a most flourishing business it is. Right across the street they set up their own salvation shops and noisily hawk their wares. After all these years of refusing to really deal with God on his terms, insisting instead on making their own deals, they have nothing to show for it."

So essentially what it is saying is that while they love God, and have faith, they are ignoring the rules. Trying to control everything rather than relinquishing that control (of judgement, salvation, etc) to God, where the control belongs. They are trying to be the route for people to find salvation, rather than through Christ.

2006-08-10 16:08:24 · answer #4 · answered by tcindie 4 · 0 1

Remember when you are looking at a verse in the bible, you need to look at the verses that precede and follow it as well. The preceding verse reads: "bretheran, with all my heart's desire for Israel, I long and pray to God that they may be saved".

Later in the bible, in the book of Galatians, Paul is appealing to people who are once again going back to the practice of the law to try and "earn" their righteousness. These verses have to do with that same problem; that they are not looking to Jesus, the Messiah, but are once again trying to be justified in their own works.

2006-08-10 16:24:07 · answer #5 · answered by christian_lady_2001 5 · 1 0

Some people are people of action who once they have a belief, they act on it and do not pray to get spiritual guidance. Thus, they can have a zeal for God, but it may be misguided.

In this case, we have a very mature man, Paul, judging others. He may be right, but, not all are like him.

I would not give this verse too much weight since it is logically right and unrealistic in reality. Not everyone can be and thank god are not like a Paul.

2006-08-10 16:02:31 · answer #6 · answered by Cogito Sum 4 · 0 2

Traditions of men!

To adhere to a procedure or time or a way.

That this good man has said this, so it must be true, or This one has read this in this light and it is.
Also This word is truly not meant and it is therefor this way so say this great one. And This is not for us to know so do not study of it so say we.
But they are all Burning in the Zeal for God.

2006-08-10 17:57:58 · answer #7 · answered by Grandreal 6 · 0 1

There is no righteousness but the righteousness that God gives us, some people think that they are righteous, but they are truly decieved.

2006-08-10 16:04:11 · answer #8 · answered by papaofgirlmegan 5 · 0 0

If you believe in God, You need the right knowledge to be saved in Jesus name. And when you receive the knowledge, you can and will be saved.

2006-08-10 16:04:13 · answer #9 · answered by Edith A 1 · 0 0

that they wanted God, but they wanted God in what they saw fit, therefore not knowing God or His righteousness

2006-08-10 16:00:38 · answer #10 · answered by justwondering 3 · 2 0

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