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after a hurtful relationship wit my ex, this new guy says he loves me and would do anything for me but i am afraid he would do me the same thing my ex did me like cheat. but he is a nice guy to be around but how would u feel if u wonna do sumtin but afraid to because u might get hurt. WAT SHOULD I DO should i get with him or leave him in the dark like i promised myself i would.

2006-08-09 14:14:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 answers

Quit being a professional victim. It gives others too much credit. Forgive you ex, he can't help that he's a loser, and thank him for teaching you what to avoid in the future. Move on and learn your lesson. Take some responsibility for making excuses for the red flag warnings and doubts you had.....move on with this new wisdom.
Wait, maybe you should not date anyone until you get over your ex. You have unfinished business that is is following you into new relationships (baggage).....better lose it before starting something new. Don't force every new guy to take responsibility for your ex's bad behavior....that's stupid and self-defeating.
If a guys words and his actions match, he is probably honest. If how he feels shows through the way he treats you, he's probably honest.

TRUST YOURSELF to use your newfound wisdom, experience, and good judgment.........
Don't worry about the ex. Stuff like that builds character and experience, and teaches you what to avoid in the future.


2006-08-09 14:34:34 · answer #1 · answered by pandora the cat 5 · 2 0

It sounds to me like you are freaked out by the prospect of love because of being hurt. You need to get back in the game again. I think you are scared because you were deeply hurt by your ex. However if you don't open your heart you will end up alone. I don't think you want that.

2006-08-09 21:22:27 · answer #2 · answered by Medical and Business Information 5 · 0 0

Sign up for a brain transplant.

2006-08-09 21:20:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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