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First of all, I am a 24 year old attractive clean guy; in great shape (I body build almost every day). There is this 43 year old Asian woman at work that I am developing an ever growing crush on. It’s getting so bad I can’t even think about her without becoming really aroused. It all started when I caught her staring at me. At first I shrugged it off as nothing because she is married. I mentioned to a friend at work that I found her attractive. He informed me that he heard that she is getting/going through a divorce (She still wears her ring?!) Any way, it started with her and I accidentally running into each other from behind blind corners at work. Sharing smiles and laughing as we passed by. We started playing eye games in the lunch room. We always seem to sit away from each other with are different groups of friends, but we will position are selves to where we can see one another... and we will share intense gazes that last from 1-5 seconds.. Until one day she stopped, so I took that as a hint and decided it would be best to leave it alone. I came back to work today with full intention of avoiding the eye game. I look up and she is staring at me harder than ever, I find my heart racing and I am becoming aroused. I can’t help but return the lustful gaze. We share these glances back and forth when ever we have the chance and can handle how deeply intense they are.

When I am away from her, I find my self fantasizing about walking up to her; looking in her gorgeous dark mysterious eyes and kissing her soft proudly lips…breathing heavily as we taste each other deeply; wandering trembling hands exploring each others bodies. We continue, groping, kissing and licking with so much passion I get dizzy just thinking about it.

So, as I was leavening the parking lot of work today, are eyes were locked once again. So, I smiled and waved to her…she blinked three times fast, looked at the ground and ignored me??? I don’t understand, what was that all about. Is she being shy? Oh god, could I just have misinterpreted a staring problem…lol I hope I am not creeping her out. I don’t know what to do, I am going to try and ignore these emotions and avoid eye contact again. We haven’t even really talked to each other. I don’t know how to approach, or if she even wants me to? Ahhhhh!!!! Most of all why am I so attracted to this much older woman?

2006-08-09 13:45:32 · 9 answers · asked by MatureAsianFetish 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

9 answers

It seems there's a bit of chemistry brewing between you two :). I think the best thing to do here is make the first move. Some women (including myself) are a bit tentative when it comes to initiating friendships with someone they like. Talk to her in a friendly non-threatening manner and try to build up a relationship. Strike up a conversation and find out her interests. Get to know her and see whether your attraction is greater than what you described. It's very possible that once she begins to feel more comfortable around you, you will have set the foundation for the more 'intense' relationship you seem to desire.

Good luck :).

2006-08-09 15:54:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

That's a long question give me minute to read it all. Well I read it all and it sounds like shes waiting for a move to be made. How long have you two been doing this? She sounds interested but is waiting for you to make the move. Ask her straight out when you run into her again whether she's interested in you if you're sure what your friend told you is true about the divorce.

2006-08-09 13:51:29 · answer #2 · answered by hearts99992000 5 · 0 0

wow dude u definately have a way with words

first age lines blurr when u get older so depending on her age shouldnt be a problem but my advice is CONTROL ur self and u kno make small talk be her friend try to get her to open up to u about the divorce

warning this may take time months years even but if u want her as bad as i think u do ull wait....thats all i got for now

2006-08-09 13:54:41 · answer #3 · answered by Rachel 2 · 0 0

She's too old for you, man. When you get to be 50 she'll be 69! To help you put it in perspective, I was born when my dad was 52. You'll still want to have sex for maybe 20 to 40 more years, but she might be in the early stages of menopause already! Get over it and find a younger woman! Good luck!

2006-08-09 14:00:53 · answer #4 · answered by anonymous 7 · 1 0

I'm impressed, how nicely you write.
Try asking her if she'd like to have lunch with you tomorrow.
Or perhaps you can make an extra large lunch, and try saying something like, I got an extra sandwich here if you'd like.
or, I'll trade you my peanut butter and jelly sandwich for whatever you might be eating over there.

2006-08-09 14:00:17 · answer #5 · answered by It_Wasnt_Me 2 · 0 0

It sounds like she may like you. But maybe with her going through or trying to get a divorce it makes things complicated for you. Try to let it go intil maybe she gets the chance or the courage to talk to you.

2006-08-09 13:52:39 · answer #6 · answered by jessdjnick 4 · 0 0

You creeped her out.

2006-08-09 13:49:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

she's old enough to be your mother

2006-08-09 13:50:49 · answer #8 · answered by Jan 6 · 0 0

she doesent like you

2006-08-09 13:51:19 · answer #9 · answered by The Chief 2 · 0 0

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